All In Good Time

Title: All In Good Time

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Category: AU

Prompt: Single dad Nathan and Nanny Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None as it’s AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “Seeing you all dressed up tonight... you looked so beautiful and it killed me knowing that it wasn’t for me.”

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for Ulle as per her recent request and as a thank you for her helping me out the other day. I hope you like it and that it's the sort of thing you were after.

A massive thank you goes to the lovely Lori for all of her helpful comments, suggestions, confidence building and mad beta-ing skills. You rock, sweets! *hugs*

Taking a long sip of his beer, Nathan’s eyes glanced up at the clock on the mantelpiece across from where he was sitting on the couch. Not even five minutes had passed since the last time he’d looked at it. Sighing, he picked at the label of the beer bottle as he tried hard to keep his emotions under control. It was no easy feat considering all he’d been doing for the majority of the night was think about where she was and what she was doing. The only thing he knew for sure was who she was with and he fought the wave of nausea that threatened to consume him.

What the hell had Haley James done to him?

He’d never felt like this before and he wasn’t sure whether he liked it or hated it.

Okay, he might’ve hated the situation but he knew without a shadow of a doubt how he felt about her and like didn’t even come close to describing it. There was only one other person he loved as much and he knew Haley loved her, too. That in itself should’ve made things easier but it didn’t… if anything, it made it even more complicated.

Releasing another heavy sigh, Nathan ran a hand over his face and through his hair, tipping his head back to look up at the ceiling, ignoring the basketball game that was playing on the TV. His concentration was shot to hell as all he could think about was her.

Was she having a good time? Would she invite him in for a nightcap when he drove her home?

Would she kiss him goodnight?

The nausea he’d felt a moment ago reared its ugly head and he took several deep breaths to quell it, closing his eyes as he did so.

They sprung open a few seconds later when he heard her key in the lock. He wondered whether he should quickly make himself scarce in case she was inviting him inside but he just as quickly dismissed it. It was his house after all so why shouldn’t he be sitting on his couch watching TV and drinking a beer.

Yeah, he had a feeling she wouldn’t be buying that either. She wasn’t stupid and would know that he was waiting up for her.


“Hey,” he mumbled, bringing his beer bottle up to his lips and taking a quick swig from it before asking in what he hoped was a casual manner, “How was your, uh, date?”

“It was fine,” Haley replied as she shrugged out of her raincoat, revealing the black chiffon, halter-necked dress she wore beneath it. “You weren’t waiting up for me, were you?” she asked, raising one perfectly arched eyebrow, a smile tugging at her lips as she took a seat beside him.

“What? No, of course not,” he said, shaking his head. “I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d have a beer and watch some TV.”

“I’m just kidding.”

“So, uh, I wasn’t expecting you to be back yet. I mean, it’s only just gone midnight.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m a lightweight,” she teased. “If you want the truth, I was bored out of my mind. He didn’t stop talking about himself all night and when he suggested we go to a club, I took that as my cue to feign a headache.”

“I take it you won’t be seeing him again, then?” Nathan held his breath as he waited for her confirmation even though he was sure he already knew the answer to his question.

Giving him a pointed stare, she said, “What do you think?”

He laughed as he took another drink of his beer, a surge of relief running through his body at her response. He nearly choked on his breath when she took the bottle from his hands and brought it up to her mouth, draining what was left of its contents.

“Damn, I needed that,” Haley stated a moment later, placing the bottle on the coffee table in front of them.

“The date was so bad you’re resorting to drink, huh?” he quipped.

“Uh huh,” she said, laughing. “Just my luck that the first date I go on in over a year turns out to be a total bust.”

“Hey, it’s better you find out he wasn’t the right guy for you sooner than later, right?”

“True,” she agreed. “Although, maybe I’m being bit hasty in judging him. I mean, he could’ve just been nervous and was trying too hard or som—”

“No!” Nathan exclaimed, cutting her off. The last thing he wanted was for her to give this guy a second chance. Maybe he was being a selfish bastard but he didn’t care. He wanted her for himself.

She frowned in confusion at his sudden outburst. “What?”

The urge to kiss her was strong… stronger than it had ever been and he twisted his hands in his lap in a lame attempt not to reach out and pull her to him. “Sorry,” he mumbled, pushing himself up from the couch and heading towards the kitchen, anxious to get out of there before he said or did something that would jeopardise matters. He needed another drink and maybe something stronger than beer this time.

Haley watched him leave, her heart racing wildly in her chest. Did his reaction mean what she thought it did? God, she hoped so.

Ever since she’d met Nathan Scott ten months ago, she’d had a serious crush on him… a crush that had turned into so much more than that.

He’d been looking for a live-in nanny for his four-year-old daughter, Emma, and she had been one of the applicants the agency had sent to him. The interview had been a little different from the previous ones she’d attended in that Emma had been present and had actually asked some of the questions which Haley had found pretty cute, and it was obvious that father and daughter had an amazing bond judging by the way they interacted with each other.

A few hours after the interview, she’d found out she’d gotten the job and within three weeks, she had moved to Tree Hill from her home in Charleston. She’d found it a little strange at first since this was the first live-in job she’d had but any awkwardness soon passed and she quickly found herself feeling like she belonged with Nathan and Emma.

She couldn’t help admire him and by that she didn’t just mean his good looks. He had a strong work ethic but it was crystal clear that his daughter came first with him. She’d found out early on that when his father had passed away, Nathan had inherited his successful car dealership and while that kept him busy, he always made sure to be home in time to have dinner with Emma and to bath and put her to bed each evening.

Haley had been curious to know where Emma’s mother was and Nathan had quickly filled her in, wanting her to hear the details from him and not the town’s local busybodies.

He’d met April through a friend of a friend and they’d dated for a short while, the relationship fizzling out before it had really gotten started. The first thing he knew about having a daughter was when he’d opened his front door one morning to leave for work and saw a white and pink carrier situated on his doorstep with a sleeping baby inside of it, a sheaf of papers tucked into her blanket. The papers included her birth certificate, which stated Nathan’s name as her father, together with a set of forms revoking April’s parental rights and handing over sole responsibility for the infant to him.

He knew April’s family were well aware of where she was residing but they refused to tell him, stating categorically that she didn’t want any involvement in Emma’s life and that they had to respect her wishes even if they didn’t agree with her actions.

Coming out of her reverie, Haley took a deep breath as she got up from the couch, smoothing down the fabric of her dress before following the direction Nathan had taken. Pushing open the door, she saw him down the clear liquid in his glass in one go. He was dressed in a pair of dark blue sweats and a grey T-shirt, his hair was mussed which she guessed was from him running his hands through it.

“Hey,” she whispered, slowly approaching him. Taking the half-filled bottle of vodka from him, she uncapped it and instead of pouring it into a glass, she kept her eyes trained on his cerulean ones as she brought it up to her mouth, taking a quick swig of the liquid which burned a path on its way down her throat.

The tiny shudder that shook her petite frame made Nathan laugh and he couldn’t help smirking when she mock-glared at him. “Sorry,” he said for the second time that night.

“Are you okay?” Haley couldn’t help asking.

“Sure,” he answered. “It’s, uh, getting late so I’d better get to bed. I told my mom I’d pick Emma up at noon so…”

“Okay.” There was something about him tonight that tugged at her heartstrings but she couldn’t put her finger on just what it was. He seemed vulnerable and all she wanted to do was hug him but she couldn’t. At the end of the day he was her boss and the last thing she wanted was to complicate matters by becoming romantically involved with him. It wasn’t exactly professional.

But damn if the temptation to do just that wasn’t getting stronger by the day. What she wouldn’t give to feel his lips on hers… to have his hands roaming all over her flesh… his hard, muscular body pressing into her.

Realising that she needed to get out of there before she did something stupid, she placed her hand on his forearm, whispering “Goodnight” before she made to leave.

That simple touch was all it took to ignite the spark between them and Nathan couldn’t take it anymore. Wrapping his fingers around her wrist, he pulled her to him, instantly lowering his head and capturing her lips in a hot, frenzied kiss.

Haley moaned at the first feel of his mouth against hers, her arms automatically sliding up his chest to twine around his neck. Pushing herself up onto her toes, she kissed him back, parting her lips to allow his tongue immediate access. All those previous thoughts of not complicating matters flew out of the window as she felt herself completely surrender to his wickedly talented lips and tongue.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he murmured against the tender skin of her throat as he kissed his way downwards.

“Me too,” she told him, tilting her head to the side to give him greater access. Her hands were kneading his back and shoulders over his T-shirt and she desperately wanted to rid him of it so she could feel his warm, bare skin.

Drawing back from her long minutes later, Nathan rubbed his thumb along her plump bottom lip, growling when she sucked the digit into her mouth and grazed her teeth along it. “I want you so much, Hales but… if you don’t want this you’ve got to tell me now ‘cause I—”

“I don’t want to stop,” she interrupted. Desperate to feel his lips on hers again, she cupped the back of his head and pulled him forward. She let out a squeal of surprise when Nathan suddenly picked her up but she quickly recovered, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her out of the kitchen and made his way towards the stairs. “No… too far,” she said in between kisses.

He smirked at that and detoured to the couch instead. As soon as he’d lowered her to the ground, Haley grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and stripped it off him, dropping it unceremoniously onto the floor. A rosy blush infused her cheeks as her fingers went to the waistband of his sweats.

“It’s, uh, been a while… a long while,” she told him.

“Good,” Nathan simply stated. Tangling his fingers into her long, brunette waves, he held her steady as he kissed her soundly. His free hand caressed her delectable curves over the delicate fabric of her dress which looked amazing on her.

“I love the way you touch me,” she whispered against his ear when she’d broken the kiss to breathe in some much needed air. Reaching behind her neck, she released the clasp of her dress, letting the soft chiffon slip down her front revealing the black strapless bra she wore beneath it.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his voice nothing more than a husky whisper as he gazed at her. He trailed a fingertip over the swell of each breast, his arousal intensifying at the shiver that ran through her. He watched with hungry eyes as she popped the front clasp of her bra and he wasted no time in peeling it away from her body, tossing it onto the floor to join his already discarded shirt. Her breasts were full and firm, her coral coloured nipples already diamond hard. Cupping her right breast in his palm, he tugged on the sensitive little nub and smirked at the way her eyes suddenly fluttered shut, a strangled moan escaping from her throat.


Taking a step forward, Nathan crushed his mouth against hers, kissing her hard and deep, helping her shimmy out of her dress which was still covering her from the waist down. As soon as it was off and she’d kicked it aside, he picked her up again and laid her down on the soft leather couch. Before joining her, he removed his sweats and boxers, his blood sizzling in his veins at the heated look Haley was giving him as her eyes drank him in. If possible, he felt himself grow even harder.

“C’mere,” Haley whispered, licking her lips in anticipation. God, he was even more gorgeous than she’d dreamed. While she’d been living in his home for some time now and there’d been more than a few occasions when she’d seen him shirtless, this was the first time she’d seen him in all his naked glory and it was leaving her breathless.

Climbing on top of her, he immediately sought and found her lips, kissing her long and slow while their hands kneaded and caressed each other’s bodies. Slipping one hand between them, he stroked her through her black satin panties before growing impatient and pulling the fabric aside to tease her wet heat.

“Yessss,” she hissed, gyrating her hips against him. Her passion cranked up a notch when she felt his lips surround one of her nipples, sucking the little nub hard while he slipped a long finger into her molten pussy, his thumb swiping over her clit. “Fuck!”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse before,” he teased against her collarbone before ducking his head and sucking her other nipple into his mouth, lavishing it with the same attention as its twin.

“What can I say?” Haley retorted. “You bring out the bad girl in me.” When she felt him kiss his way past her breasts, she held her breath, having a pretty good idea of what he was about to do to her. A giggle bubbled up and escaped when he tongued her belly button and tugged on the delicate silver jewellery that dangled from it. Getting her belly button pierced had been the only impulsive thing she’d ever done… until now, that is.

“This looks so sexy,” he told her, raising his eyes to meet hers before he resumed kissing his way south.

She cried out at the first touch of his tongue on her clit and her fingers buried themselves into his thick, dark hair as she raised her hips, rocking them against his face and urging him to repeat the motion. Nathan was only too happy to oblige. Using his thumbs to part her lips, he kissed, sucked and nibbled on her most sensitive parts. He licked her up and down, making sure to leave no part of her untouched. From his position between her legs, he watched as she cupped and kneaded her breasts, her heavy-lidded eyes fixed on him as he practically devoured her whole.

Haley could feel her orgasm fast approaching and the second he slid two fingers inside of her and crooked them forward she screamed his name as she went careening over the edge. Her hips continued to undulate against him until they finally slowed and then stopped.

Crawling up her body, Nathan covered her mouth with his and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his lips. His cock was rock hard and he slid it back and forth along her dripping pussy. He hadn’t been intimate with anyone for a long time, even before Haley had entered the picture, and he knew things were going to be over before they’d really had a chance to begin. He could already feel his orgasm rushing towards him and wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock, he squeezed it in an attempt to try and hold off for a little bit longer.

“It’s been a while for you, too, huh?” Haley asked, lightly stroking the back of his neck.


“Good,” she said, throwing what he’d said earlier back at him. “We’ve got all night so don’t worry… just try and relax.”

“Are you sure you want this?” he couldn’t help asking.

“Yes,” she stated, her eyes never leaving his. “Are you?”

“God, yes.”

Smiling at him, she asked, “Do you have something?”

Nathan’s face fell. Just when things were going so well. Crap! Pushing himself up so he was sitting astride her, he said, “I’ll get dressed and make a run to the drugstore.”

“There’s no need,” she said, flashing him a smirk. “I’m on the pill… for my cycle,” she informed him.

“But shouldn’t we—”

“I trust you,” she interjected. “Unless there’s something you want to tell me?”


“Good… now come back here,” she said, opening her arms to him.

“In a second.” Keeping his eyes trained on hers, he slipped her high heels off of each foot, laughing at the blush that tinted her cheeks.

“I forgot to take them off,” she mumbled.

“I’m not complaining… Going down on you while you’re wearing nothing but high heels and skimpy underwear… that’s hot.” Smirking down at her, he then slipped his thumbs into the sides of her panties and dragged them down her toned thighs and legs before moving forward and covering her body with his own; a mutual sigh of pleasure escaping them both as their naked skin came into contact once more.

Taking himself in hand, Nathan rubbed the head of his cock along her wet folds, making sure to bump her clit. When he saw she was about to lose the last vestiges of her control, he drove into her, her screams ricocheting around the room at the suddenness of the action. He held still, bracing his weight on his forearms as he let her become accustomed to the sensation of them being so intimately joined. “Are you okay?”

“Uh huh,” she just about managed to say. He was breathing just as heavily as she was and when he rested his forehead against hers, she gave him a shy smile, nodding her head and signalling that she wanted him to continue.

The pace of their coupling started off slow and steady but it soon gathered momentum. Haley’s fingers scrabbled for purchase and she was almost clawing at Nathan’s back as he repeatedly moved in and out of her; his hips perfectly angled so that his pubic bone rubbed deliciously against her clit on every down-stroke. So this is what heaven felt like, she thought to herself. Raising her legs a little bit higher, she locked her ankles around the small of his back as she met him thrust for thrust.

Kissing her lips, he squeezed her breasts in turn, wanting to overwhelm her with total and absolute pleasure since he knew the end was almost in sight for him. “I-I’m so close…”

“Me too,” she murmured as she began clenching and releasing her pelvic muscles around his cock. She giggled at the expletives that fell from his lips.

“You’re a little witch,” he whispered into her ear before sucking on her lobe.

“I told you, you bring out the bad girl in me,” she replied in a low sultry tone, repeating the action several times and bringing him even closer to his climax.

Gripping onto the arm of the couch behind Haley’s head, Nathan’s entire body seized up as his orgasm rushed through him. So powerful was it that his arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her, his face buried in the nook between her neck and shoulder.

Haley ran her hands all over his shoulders and back as he slowly calmed down. He was still semi-hard and she gasped when she felt him harden inside of her. She wasn’t expecting him to catch his second wind quite so soon, she thought to herself, biting her lip to keep from giggling.

“I can feel your shoulders shaking,” Nathan informed her, nipping the base of her neck. “What’s so funny?”

She was just about to answer when he began rocking his hips against hers and any thought of laughing vanished into thin air as she released a loud moan. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded, squeezing her thighs around him and pressing her heels into his butt to keep him in place.

“I’ve no intention of stopping,” he told her, pressing a series of kisses all the way up her neck and across her cheek until he was hovering above her lips.

Pushing herself up onto her elbows, Haley seized his mouth in a dirty, visceral kiss, her tongue tangling wetly with his own, mimicking what their lower bodies were currently engaged in.

Losing herself in the feel, smell and taste of him, her one wish was that this was the beginning of something amazing and not a mistake of monumental proportions.

* * * * *

The bright sunshine streaming in through the window was the first thing Haley saw when she opened her eyes and she quickly squeezed them shut, turning over onto her side. Slowly opening them again, she was greeted by the sight of a bare-chested Nathan who was lying beside her, his arm bent at the elbow with his head resting in his palm.

“Hey,” he said, smiling down at her.

“Hey,” she replied, a smile tugging at her own lips. “Last night wasn’t a dream, then?”

“Did it feel like a dream?”

She blushed as she remembered everything that had happened and all the things they’d done to each other. “No, not even close.”

Leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss onto her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip before reluctantly retreating. “Do you regret it?” he couldn’t help asking a moment later when she averted her gaze.

She shook her head. “No. Why, do you?”

“No, of course not. I’ve been wanting that to happen between us since we practically first met.”

“Really? I sometimes thought that maybe you liked me but… you never said or did anything.”

“I know. I wanted to so many times but you were always so professional and Emma loves you so much… I was just scared of ruining things.”

“Yeah, same here.” Reaching out her hand, Haley cupped his cheek in her palm, liking the way his stubble tickled her skin. “I was scared, too, so I never said anything either.”

“So you like me, then?”

“I do,” she simply stated. Trailing her fingers around the back of his head, she pulled him down for another kiss.

Nathan wasted no time in pushing away the pale blue sheet that covered them before rolling on top of her naked form. “So, uh, why’d you go out with that guy tonight?” He wasn’t sure that bringing the matter up now was the best idea but he had to know.

“I… I wanted you to notice me.”

“Believe me, Hales, I noticed you,” he said, brushing his lips over hers as his hips began to slowly rock against hers. “Seeing you all dressed up tonight... you looked so beautiful and it killed me knowing that it wasn’t for me.”

Running her fingers through his hair, she smiled shyly up at him. “It was for you,” she revealed. “I wanted you to see me wearing a pretty dress instead of the jeans I practically live in. I thought maybe…”

“You thought what?” he prompted when she didn’t continue.

“I thought that it would maybe make you see me as someone other than just your daughter’s nanny.”

“You’ve never just been my daughter’s nanny,” Nathan told her. “From the moment you came into our lives, it’s felt like you’re a part of our family. I see the way you interact with Emma… the bond the two of you have… how much she loves you and, at the risk of sounding like a Lifetime movie, it warms my heart. I knew as soon as you walked in for your interview that you were the right person and Emma knew it as well. Apart from my mom helping to take care of her, you’re the only mother she’s ever known.”

Haley’s eyes filled with tears at the words she was hearing and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to keep herself from crying.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, noticing her tears.

“You haven’t… they’re happy tears, I promise.”

“Good.” Slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her slowly, languidly, moaning into her mouth when she began kneading his shoulders, her legs wrapping around his hips and bringing their lower bodies into even closer contact if that were at all possible given how tightly they were already pressed together.

“What happens now?” Haley asked.

“I thought that was kind of obvious,” he teased, ducking his head and sucking her nipple between his lips.

“Smartass,” she quipped, swatting him on his bicep. “I mean with us… and Emma. Are we, uh… dating or is it just sex?” She could feel herself blushing again and she looked away from him.

“Does this feel like just sex?”

“No,” she whispered, “it doesn’t.”

“It doesn’t feel like that to me either.” Kissing her lips once more, he continued. “I know we’ve kind of done this ass backwards but… I want us to be together in a proper relationship.”

Haley’s heart felt lighter in her chest at hearing that. “I want that, too.”

“I know we’ve got a lot to talk about but let’s just take it one step at a time. The most important thing is that we know we feel the same way about each other and that we’re together.”

“What about Emma? What do we tell her about us?”

“I think we should tell her we’re dating,” Nathan answered. “I know this has just happened but I don’t want to hide something this big from her.”

She nodded. “I agree. I just hope she’s okay with it.”

Pressing a kiss against her throat, he smiled. “Considering the way she feels about you, I really don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

“Yeah, but that’s as a nanny. She might feel differently about me when she finds out I’m your girlf…” Realising what she’d been about to say, she quickly cut herself off.

“Girlfriend? Is that what you are?” he asked, his smile turning into a full blown smirk.

“You tell me,” she retorted, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“How ‘bout I show you instead?” he said, sliding his erection along her slippery wet folds.

“Mmm, sounds good,” she murmured, her eyes fluttering closed at the blissful sensations he was already creating.

* * * * *

“Haley, Haley!” Emma Scott called out as soon as Nathan had opened the front door for her, having just picked her up from his mother’s house.

“I’m in the kitchen,” she called out. A couple of seconds later, the tiny brunette had entered the kitchen and was hugging Haley’s legs. “Hey there, munchkin. Did you have a good time at Nanny Deb’s?”

“Uh huh! We had dessert for dinner and she let me stay up late watching my Finding Nemo DVD.”

“Dessert for dinner, huh?” Meeting Nathan’s eyes where he stood smiling against the doorframe, she crouched down in front of the almost five-year-old. “I guess that means you shouldn’t have the brownies I’ve been baking this morning.”

“What? No! I love brownies!” Turning to her father, she said, “I can have some brownies, can’t I, Daddy?”

“I don’t know, baby,” he replied, gently tugging on one of her unruly curls. “What’s it gonna be worth?”

The little girl thought about it for a moment before she came back with, “I’ll eat all my veggies at dinner.”

“What do you say, Hales? That a good enough reason?”

Tickling Emma’s stomach, Haley laughed as the child squirmed beneath her touch. “Hmm, okay. That sounds fair.”

“Yay! Can I have one now?”

“They’ve just come out of the oven, sweetie, so we need to wait a little while. How about we go upstairs and unpack your bag first, have some lunch and then have them for dessert?”

“Okay.” Slipping her hand into Haley’s, they made their way out of the kitchen.

Before they’d exited the room, Nathan spoke up. “Actually, Em, I need to talk to you about something first. Well, Haley and I need to talk to you.”

Haley suddenly felt the butterflies in her stomach take flight.

“What about?” Emma asked, turning to face her daddy. “Did I do something wrong?”

Picking his daughter up, he sat her down on the kitchen counter as Haley came to stand beside him. “No, baby, you haven’t done anything wrong. What I… we want to tell you is something we think you’ll like.”

“What is it? Ooh, am I getting the puppy I wanted?”

“No. I told you we’d talk about that when you’re a little older.”

Emma sighed and shrugged her shoulders. It was worth a try.

“Uh, well, the thing is… Haley and I have decided to start dating and—”

“Really?” the little girl asked, a big grin stretching from ear to ear as she swung her legs back and forth, the heels of her sneakers bumping against one of the cupboards. “I told Uncle Luke you liked each other!”

“What?” Haley said, her forehead creasing as she frowned. “You knew?”

“Uh huh. You look at each other funny like the mommies and daddies on TV… and Daddy stares at your butt all the time. Nanny Deb says that means he likes you. I told Uncle Luke but he said I was wrong and that I was ‘magining it. Ha! He owes me a dollar!”

Nathan shook his head in disbelief as he looked over at Haley. “So, are you okay with us going out together?”

Emma nodded. “Sure. I love you and I love Haley and I don’t mind if you love each other, too,” she stated simply.

The young couple each breathed a quiet sigh of relief which soon disappeared when the young girl spoke up again.

“Does this mean you’re gonna get married? Can I be the flower girl or a bridesmaid? Ooh, am I gonna have a baby brother or sister now?”

Wrapping his arms around his daughter, he picked her up off of the counter and swung her around. Bringing his mouth to her ear, he looked across at his newly acquired girlfriend as he whispered loud enough so that Haley could hear him as well, “All in good time, baby. All in good time.”


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