Time - Chapter Three

Chapter Three

The next day was a Saturday and neither of them were working, both of them having worked late the previous weekend. Haley was the first to wake up and resting her head in her hand, she watched her fast asleep husband and couldn’t help smiling at the picture he made. His thick dark hair was all mussed up and he looked so peaceful and she found herself wondering what, if anything, he was dreaming about. Being careful so she didn’t wake him up, she peeled back the covers and watched as his hard body came into view. Seeing the piercing he wore through his left nipple, she leaned forward and swiped her tongue over and around it.

Nathan moaned as he desperately tried not to wake up from the awesome dream he was having. He and Haley were on a beautiful deserted beach, the sun blazing down on them as he rubbed sun tan lotion into her baby soft skin. Hearing the little noises she was making as his hands firmly massaged her was turning him on even more and he said her name breathlessly.

Hearing her name pass his lips had her pausing in her ministrations and she checked to see whether he was awake or not. Seeing that he was still fast asleep, Haley continued and began dropping light kisses all over his chest and slowly inching further down, she did the same to his abs which were very nicely defined. Her tongue slid over the pronounced muscles there and she smiled in satisfaction as she felt him shiver under her.

Confidence in the bedroom wasn’t something Haley felt yet but the more time they spent being intimate, the more her confidence was growing and having Nathan respond the way he did with her, it made her feel all the more comfortable and reassured that she was doing the right things. In a weird sort of way having him fast asleep while she experimented helped matters.

By the time she reached his erection, it was hard and throbbing and leaking precum. She stared at it for a few moments before plucking up her courage to try something she hadn’t yet done. Leaning forward, she kissed the tip before licking her lips and tasting him on her lips. The taste wasn’t as bad as she had expected it to be and she found it to be sort of salty. Opening her mouth a little wider, she wrapped her lips around just the tip and suckled lightly before swirling her tongue around it. When his erection jerked from her attention to it, she found herself giggling and she quickly placed her hand over her mouth to stop from waking Nathan up. She wanted to take full advantage of his current sleeping status so that she could practice.

Removing her hand from her mouth, she wrapped it around the base of his cock and slowly started stroking it up and down. Moving forward again, she licked the shaft from base to tip a few times before taking him deeper into her mouth and sucking. Her hand kept up the stroking as her mouth worked him and gaining confidence, her movements picked up the pace. On her upstroke, she let her teeth graze his flesh and she enjoyed the incoherent noises he was making. Haley knew it probably wouldn’t be long before he was wide awake and wondering what was going on.

Nathan was still lost within his dream but subconsciously one of his hands reached out and gripped the sheet beneath him while his other hand stroked over Haley’s silky hair. He tangled his fingers in the thick tresses as he felt her...felt her mouth on him? Wait, what was going on? Slowly, he forced himself to wake up and open his eyes. When he did, he looked down and the sight that greeted him made him lose his breath.

“Oh...oh god! H-Haley...what are you doing?” He panted as he felt himself become lightheaded as all the blood from his body rushed to his cock. The feeling of her hot mouth on him was indescribable.

Realising he was now awake, Haley stopped what she was doing and she could feel herself blushing. All the earlier confidence she had felt had suddenly vanished.

Without thinking, Nathan’s fingers tightened in her hair as he moaned, “No. Don’t stop...please...”

Raising her eyes to meet his, she saw all the love he felt for her and she relaxed. Even though she felt embarrassed now that she knew he was awake, she lowered her mouth back to his cock and continued with her ministrations, her eyes trained on his. A combination of precum and saliva made his cock that extra bit slippery which aided the movements of her hand and remembering an article she had read in an old issue of Cosmo that Brooke had lent to her, she carefully and gently twisted her hand from side to side instead of using just up and down motions, while the fingernails of her other hand ran up and down his thigh.

Gasping at the different sensations she was creating, Nathan mumbled and moaned her name over and over as he felt his orgasm building within him. He knew he had to warn her that he was about to cum, especially as he knew this was her first time at doing this.

“Uh...Haley, honey...you have to stop...I...I’m almost there.”

Haley had already made up her mind as to what she was going to do and even though she was feeling anxious, she knew she wanted to share this with him and make it something even more memorable. So instead of releasing him from her mouth like she knew he would be expecting, she started sucking him harder and faster. Grazing her teeth along his length had him jerking in response and when she did it again, it was his undoing. He erupted into her mouth and she quickly drank him down before slowly licking him clean. The taste was maybe a little stronger than the precum she had tasted earlier but it wasn’t unpleasant.

Nathan’s eyes were tightly closed as his overheated body calmed down. He didn’t think he’d ever forget the sight or feel of Haley swallowing his cum. Hand on heart, he could say that that was the best blowjob he’d ever had.

Placing a soft kiss on his stomach, Haley turned her head and rested it there, feeling the fluttering of his muscles beneath her cheek. “Was that, uh, okay?” She asked nervously. It was no secret that he’d been with several girls and knowing they were more experienced than her made her feel more self-conscious.

“Are you kidding me? Come here,” he told her opening his arms so she could cuddle up against him.

Moving up his body, she snuggled into his embrace and buried her face against his neck, breathing him in. He held her tightly before maneuvering them so that he could look into her eyes. “That was way more than okay, it was unbelievable. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.” She raised an eyebrow at hearing his words.

“What?” He asked.

“You mean to tell me you’ve never been given a...”

“I, er, didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that it’s never felt like that before. If marriage is the reason for it feeling that great, then I’m definitely glad we got married.”

Haley blushed. “So it was good then?”

“Honey, believe me, ‘okay’ and ‘good’ don’t even begin to describe what that felt like. Try mind-blowing or amazing or fantastic or...”

Laughing, she said, “I get it. I’m glad you liked it.”

He joined in her laughter. “Now ‘liked’ doesn’t even describe it either. Try...”

“Shut up!” Moving forward, she captured his lips with hers, knowing that that was the best way to shut him up, well one of them at least.

“So, Mrs Scott, what would you like to do today?” He asked her after they’d broken apart and were lying on their sides facing each other.

“Mmm, I don’t care as long as I get to spend it with you.”

“Well how ‘bout we spend it here, just watching TV, making love...”

“Oh! Did you just put watching TV before...”

He stopped her with another deep kiss. “I figured if I put it at the top of that list you’d be complaining so it looks like either way I can’t win,” he teased.

She giggled before sucking his pouting bottom lip into her mouth. “I think spending the day together here on our own sounds perfect.”

“Yeah, it does,” he agreed before adding, “You know what else is perfect?”

Haley shook her head. “No, what?”

Nathan cradled her cheek with his palm, his thumb running back and forth across her cheekbone. “You,” he told her seriously and smiled when he saw her cheeks flush with colour.

“Thank you,” she replied. “You are too, you know. We’re perfect together.”

He nodded and then coughed to clear his throat. He didn’t have to speak to know it would sound thick with the love and lust he felt for his wife. “Seeing as you treated me so well this morning, I guess I should return the favour but first things first, I think we need to eat and gain our strength so what would madam like for breakfast?” He asked as he started to move to get up.

Haley didn’t hesitate. “You,” she told him before pulling him back into bed.


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