Feel This

Title: Feel This

Author: Diane

Prompt: 096 - Writer’s Choice: My Heart

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Mature Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a slightly alternative scene to the one we got in episode 5x18 ‘What Comes After The Blues’. Contains language of a sexual nature but it’s nothing explicit.

Summary: He was looking at her with such love and want and before she could say another word, his mouth was upon hers.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

Haley watched her husband and son’s interaction, the smile already on her face widening when they bumped fists in typical guy fashion before Jamie continued on his way, dripping water through the house with his Grandma Deb hot on his heels.

Putting her notepad and pen on the arm of the chair she was seated in, she got up and walked over to where Nathan was now standing. “You know what? You still make my heart race.” She smiled when he released a laugh and continued, “You do… I’m serious. Feel this.” Taking his hand, she placed it flat over her chest and covered the back of it with both of her hands, wanting him to feel for himself just how fast her heart was beating.

She sighed quietly before telling him, “My heart is still full of pride and love and joy right now because of you.” Placing her left hand against his cheek, she felt her heart speed up that little bit more when he took a step towards her, closing the small distance between them. He was looking at her with such love and want and before she could say another word, his mouth was upon hers.

Circling her arms around his neck, Haley pushed herself up onto her tiptoes, kissing him back forcefully, slipping her tongue between his parted lips to tangle with his own while his hands gripped her hips, pulling her in tight so her body was pressed flush against him. She could feel how hard he was and she felt almost giddy at the fact she had such an instant effect on him.

“Mom’s gonna be busy with Jamie for a while so…”

Laughing, she shook her head. “Yeah, somehow I don’t think so now that he knows the two of you are going back to the gym. He’s probably already dried and dressed as we speak and just about to come bounding down those stairs.”

He joined in with her laughter knowing she was probably right. “I could tell him I’ve changed my mind an—”

“Nuh huh,” she immediately interrupted, her fingers trailing over the back of his neck, liking the way he shivered at her touch. “You can’t do that to him, Nathan… Not when he’s so excited.”

“Yeah, I know,” he told her. “I was kidding. Anyway, you know he’ll bring out the pout and I’ll just end up caving anyway.”

“True,” she agreed. Grazing her teeth along his bottom lip, she sucked it into her mouth, keeping her eyes on his cerulean ones the whole time. “I guess we’ll just have to take a raincheck and do this later…”

Slanting his mouth over hers, Nathan kissed her hard; one of his hands cupped the back of her head while the other kneaded her butt. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning when she threaded her fingers through his hair, raking her fingernails across his scalp and down the back of his neck. God, he loved it when she did that.

The sound of little footsteps running down the stairs had Haley reluctantly drawing back from him, although he didn’t let her get too far. He smirked at the rosy blush she now wore, loving the fact he could get her so worked up just by kissing. “Our boy’s got such perfect timing,” he teased, nuzzling his nose against hers.

Just at that moment, her cell phone rang and digging it out of her pocket, she read the caller id. “Yeah, he must get that from his uncle,” she quipped, holding up the phone so Nathan could see who was calling.

Grinning, he nodded his head. “Yeah, he definitely gets that from him.”

“I’m ready, Daddy!” Jamie called out as he ran into the room and came to stand by his parents.

Answering her phone, Haley said, “Hey… Can you give me a second, Luke?” Upon hearing his affirmative, she placed the phone on the coffee table before turning her attention to her son and crouching down in front of him, she gave him a cuddle. “You be good, okay?”

The little boy nodded, giving her a big smile before nuzzling his nose against hers. “I will. Bye, Momma!” he said, before racing towards the front door to wait for his dad so they could get going.

“Bye, baby,” she said laughing at Jamie’s eagerness before she stood up in front of Nathan. “And you be good, too?”

Giving her another smirk, he replied, “I’m always good… I thought you knew that by now.”

“Hmm, maybe you can show me just how good you are later tonight,” she suggested, her voice a husky whisper as she remembered all the times in the past when he’d come home all fired up after a practice session, especially those that had gone really well. While the sex between them was always hot and passionate, there was something even more… explosive after those sessions and she felt her body heat up with just the anticipation of what might happen when he returned home.

“I’ll definitely be showing you,” he whispered into her ear, kissing along her cheek until he’d arrived at her beautiful full lips again.


“I’m coming,” Nathan called out to his son.

“Oh, you’ll definitely be doing that,” she teased, popping a kiss onto the corner of his mouth. “You’d better get going before he comes back in here and I’ve got Lucas waiting so…”

“Okay, I’m going. We won’t be back too late but I’ll make sure to tire Jamie out,” he told her, giving her a wink as he kissed her one last time before heading out.

“Have a good practice,” she said, smiling broadly at him as she went over to pick up her phone and talk to her best friend. If only he could be as happy as she was right now, she mused.

“Thanks, Hales. See you later.”

Haley watched him leave, loving the way his T-shirt clung to his body… her fingers itching with the need to strip it off him and run her hands all over his warm skin...

“Haley… Haley, are you there?”

Giving herself a mental shake, she brought herself out of her thoughts and turned her attention to Lucas. “Yeah, I’m here. What’s up?”


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