Fun In The Sun

Title: Fun In The Sun

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Mature Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Summary: Nathan and Haley spend a day together having fun during a sudden heatwave

Author’s Note: This is written for Whitney as per her request in the latest NH Fic Exchange, the requirements of which are as follows:

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Rating: PG-13 or above (however high you want to take it is fine)

Season/Time frame: Nothing involving season 2 music storyline. It can be AU if you like or season 1. Or if you'd like to jump into the future that is fine as well.

Reference to episode: Something to do with AYT when they first met.

Must include the phrase: "I never knew you we're so flexible" ;)

Additional requirements: There shall be no mention of Chris, Taylor, the assinine music tour. No references to Nathan/Peyton, Nathan/Brooke, Lucas/Haley, any gag inducing pairing. Please include Tim and Mouth in some way. And pretty much just some all around fluffy, sexy, comedy fic with NH.

Chapter One | Chapter Two