Dreaming Of You

Title: Dreaming Of You

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a follow on from the final NH scene in episode 7.06 ‘Deep Ocean, Vast Sea’. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: She’d never doubted him… not really, but knowing the dark place he’d been in when things had gone bad before… those months where he’d pushed both her and Jamie away… she would’ve done… would do anything to make all of this disappear so there was no danger of a return to that time.

Author’s Notes: This is dedicated to Lori as a belated birthday present and to Megan for constantly spraying me with pink fluff whenever spoilers get me down. And a massive thank you goes to Kristen for helping me out with this and for always being willing to bust out her boots when certain people give me a hard time over my fics. You girls rock my socks! *hugs*

This is probably a bit fluffier than it should be but, let's face it, I'm never going to be the queen of angst. ;)

“I didn’t do it,” Haley stated, lifting her shoulders up to her chin, as she entered their bedroom. Taking a seat at the foot of the bed, she added, “I couldn’t.”

Releasing a quiet sigh of relief and giving her a half-smile, Nathan got up from his chair and went to sit next to her. “That’s what sets you apart from her,” he told her. “It’s one of the thousand reasons why I could never under any circumstances cheat on you.” His hand, which he’d rested on her lower back, now cradled the side of her head, her silky hair tickling his skin.

Her heart swelled at his words which she knew to be the truth, even if her actions earlier that day might have indicated otherwise. She’d never doubted him… not really, but knowing the dark place he’d been in when things had gone bad before… those months where he’d pushed both her and Jamie away… she would’ve done… would do anything to make all of this disappear so there was no danger of a return to that time.

Her smile was watery with the threat of tears prickling behind her eyelids, a lump forming in her throat. Swallowing past it, she said, “I don’t want to see you lose your… your dream.”

“Lose her?”

Haley tilted her head to the side and she gave a half-sigh, half-laugh.

“She’s right here. And I’m never letting go of her.” Closing the short gap between them, Nathan pressed his lips against hers, his hand gently holding the side of her head as she placed hers on his face; both of them falling backwards to softly land amongst the cushions and pillows on their bed. As his fingers moved to skim over her arm, her own digits cupped the back of his neck before moving them up to thread through his hair.

“I love you,” she whispered breathlessly when they’d broken the kiss long minutes later.

“I love you, too, Hales. So much.”

Slipping her hands beneath his T-shirt, she let them roam all over his back, bunching the fabric up as they moved higher. The feel of his muscles sliding around beneath his skin was making her feel warm all over as was the sensation of his lips kissing that sensitive spot behind her ear. Parting her legs, she wrapped them around his hips, pulling him in further to the cradle of her body and feeling the evidence of his arousal pressing against her. “Nathan…”

“It’s okay, baby… We don’t have t—”

“I want to,” she quickly interrupted, her fingers caressing the nape of his neck as she raised her head to capture his mouth in a sinfully hot kiss. “I really want to.”

Resting his forehead against hers, he became lost in the rich, chocolate brown of Haley’s eyes as he searched for and immediately found the reassurance he needed. After the nightmare of the past few weeks, he needed to know that she wanted and needed this as much as he did. “I do, too,” he murmured before kissing her again, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips until she parted them for him.

Haley couldn’t contain her moans as he kissed her senseless, his wickedly talented hands wandering everywhere they could reach. Desperate to feel more of his warm, bare flesh, she tugged on the hem of his T-shirt and she watched with rapt attention when, after a few moments had passed, he broke the kiss, pushing himself up so he was straddling her and could easily strip off the brown fabric. Letting her gaze wander all over his firm, toned chest and arms, she remembered watching him swimming laps that afternoon. If she hadn’t been so consumed with that… that gold-digger’s attempts to do further damage, she would’ve taken advantage of the fact they had the house all to themselves and joined him in the pool for some much needed alone time.

Still, they could make up for it now.

Nathan had just resumed his previous position and their lips were mere millimetres apart when she suddenly remembered something. “Wait… stop!”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Quinn’s home.”


A bubble of laughter escaped and she socked him in the shoulder. “And our bedroom door is open. I don’t know about you but I’d rather not have my big sister listening to us having sex.”

“You might want to remember that when you’re screaming my name, then,” he teased, wrapping his hand around both of her wrists before she could hit him again.


Blowing a raspberry against her neck, he laughed at the shocked expression on her face as he got up from the bed and went to close and lock the door. “Happy now?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, nodding her head before placing her tongue firmly in her cheek and saying, “I’ll be even happier when you lose the pants.”

“You first,” he quipped. Although he knew their problems were still there, he couldn’t help but feel that the earlier tension between them had considerably lessened. He couldn’t blame her for having doubts about him what with that vindictive bitch still spreading her poison but it had stung nonetheless. Still, he wasn’t going to think about that now, not when he had the opportunity of spending some precious alone time with his gorgeous wife. Giving himself a mental shake, he walked back towards her and scooping up the cushions on the bed, he tossed them onto the floor. His eyes were glued to her fingers as she popped open the top button on her dark blue jeans and slowly lowered the zipper.

Haley’s eyes met his and she bit back the giggle she could feel about to escape. Abandoning the removal of her pants, she got up on her knees and keeping her focus fixed on his handsome face, she began unbuttoning the red, black and white plaid shirt she wore until it was hanging open, exposing the lacy, white bra she wore beneath it. The way he was watching her was making her blood sizzle in her veins and she couldn’t get enough. Just one look from him could have her wet and wanting in seconds and tonight was a prime example of that.

Nathan couldn’t take it anymore and as soon as he was within touching distance of her, he was ridding her of her shirt before unfastening the front clasp of her bra and discarding that, too. “You were taking too long,” he told her, seizing her lips and kissing her hard. Gently pushing her backwards so she was lying flat, he kissed a path down her throat and neck, sucking on the base of it and grazing the tender skin with blunt teeth before working his way south and capturing one of her nipples between his lips. His low growls mingled with her gasps when she began kneading her fingertips into the corded muscles of his back, her nails digging in when he nibbled on her sensitive flesh.

“More…” she urged, cooing happily when he repeated his ministrations while his hand massaged her other breast.

Slipping her hands between their bodies, Haley pushed at the waistband of her jeans, shimmying and twisting her hips to aid their removal. Before she knew what was happening, Nathan had pulled them off himself and thrown them over the side of the bed before pouncing on top of her again.

Laughing, she rolled him over onto his back and straddled his hips. “You’re so impatient, baby.”

“Like you didn’t already know that,” he retorted. Flipping them back over so he was back on top, he buried his face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent before pushing himself up and bracing his weight on his forearms. “I want you so much.”

His words made Haley’s stomach flip and lacing her fingers behind his head, she brought his face down to hers, capturing his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging on it. “I want you, too.”

The heat seemed to sizzle around them as they stared into each other’s eyes. Using her hands and feet, she worked on pushing down his pants and boxers and she blushed at the smirk he flashed her as he helped her out. As soon as they were off, he aided her in removing her matching white lace panties, throwing them over his shoulder which made her laugh. The laughter died away the instant their naked bodies touched and both of them released long drawn out sighs at the initial contact.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, Haley locked her ankles at the small of his back, her heels pressing into his firm ass. His erection was right where she wanted it and her eyes fluttered shut as he rocked his hips into hers, sliding the underside of his cock along her slippery wet folds.

Nathan couldn’t tear his gaze away from her as she undulated her hips against him, her teeth biting into her plump bottom lip as she did so. Soothing over the area with his tongue, he wrapped his fingers around his hard length and placed it at her entrance. “Are you sure?” He said it teasingly but a part of him needed to again know for certain that she was comfortable doing this with him when things were still up in the air, so to speak.

“Yes,” she told him, lightly stroking his cheek with the back of her hand. “I love you, Nathan, and nothing is ever going to change that.”

His throat suddenly felt dry and he couldn’t respond verbally just then. Nodding his head in acknowledgement of what she’d said, he laced their fingers together and rested their linked hands on the pillow beside her head. Capturing her lips in an achingly tender kiss, he thrust inside of her, holding still once he was fully seated within the tight clutch of her body so they could both savour the feeling of being so intimately joined.

When Haley began flexing her feminine muscles around his shaft, something that practically had his eyes rolling into the back of his head, he took it as a sign she wanted him to start moving and he was more than happy to oblige. Withdrawing almost completely, he plunged back inside, loving the mewls and moans that she was unable to contain. God, he loved the sounds she made in the throes of passion. They were such a turn on!

“I-I’m so close,” she whispered, one hand splayed in the centre of his back whilst the fingers of the other one gripped his shoulder. She knew that any second now the tight coil in her belly would snap and she would come undone. Wanting him to come with her, she clenched her pussy around him on every upstroke, almost as if she was trying to keep him firmly embedded inside her. If she wasn’t focusing all of her energy on not climaxing just yet, she’d laugh at the look of total concentration he also happened to be wearing.

When Nathan shifted the angle of his hips ever so slightly which caused his pubic bone to rub against her clit, she moaned loudly, his name dropping from her lips as she tightened her hold on his shoulders. The moment he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into the heated cavern of his mouth, she felt herself get even closer to the edge but it was when he suddenly sped up the pace of their coupling that she violently climaxed, her body arching up off the bed with the force of it.

Her feminine muscles fluttering seductively around his shaft as she rode out her orgasm triggered his own and a few strokes later he filled her with his warm seed. His bones felt liquefied as he collapsed on top of her.

The gentle motion of Haley’s fingers drawing idle shapes and patterns on his back was lulling Nathan to sleep. Knowing he needed to move, he started to shift over but she tightened her hold on him. “Hales, I should mov—”

“Don’t go… please. Let’s just stay like this for a little while.”

“Okay,” he relented, brushing a lock of stray hair away from her face before inching closer and kissing her lips. “We should get under the covers though.”

“Mmm, too tired to move,” she mumbled as she also felt the pull of sleep beckoning to her.

“Okay, but don’t blame me when you wake up cold.”

“Well, I’ve got you as my blanket so you’ll be the one who gets cold,” she told him, giggling when he tickled her stomach. “Stop that!”

“Make me,” he responded. Wrapping his arms around her, he flipped them over so she was draped all over him, leaving her backside exposed while the front of her body was keeping him warm.

“Fine, we’ll get under the covers,” she huffed, although he could see a little smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

A few minutes later, they were underneath the comforter, wrapped in each other’s arms; Nathan’s fingers slowly running up and down her bare back, mimicking what she’d previously been doing to him. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he closed his eyes and felt himself slowly drift away.

While their problems hadn’t gone away, the day had ended a hell of a lot better than it had begun and he knew that as long as he had Haley by his side, fighting for him and with him, he could do anything. He could only hope that this would be all over soon and the life they’d built together would resume with them being stronger, both as a couple and as a family, than ever before.

After all, she was his dream and he was never letting her go.


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