Better Than Candy

Title: Better Than Candy

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoiler/Warnings: Set during S4 so everything we’ve seen so far on the show. Contains language and scenes of a sexual nature

Summary: He didn’t think he would ever see anything hotter than when she had dressed up for him before but this…this was on a whole new level altogether…

Author’s Note: I wasn’t intending to write a Halloween fic but this popped into my head earlier this afternoon and who am I to deny my muse when she comes out to play. *lol* Oh, the OTH timeline always baffles me so just suspend belief when reading this.

Seeing the vision standing before him, Nathan’s mouth dropped open as his eyes took in every inch of her. He didn’t think he would ever see anything hotter than when she had dressed up for him before but this…this was on a whole new level altogether.

“Do you like it?” Haley asked, her shy tone a stark contrast to the outfit she was poured into.

His mouth was so dry the words were stuck in his throat so he simply nodded instead as he closed the front door behind him, dropping his sports bag on the floor and then began closing the short distance between them. He seriously couldn’t take his eyes off of her, not that he ever wanted to, of course.

The tight white nurse’s uniform she was wearing moulded to her every curve and, thanks to her pregnancy, those curves were even more…well, curvy; her breasts looked like they were about to spill out of the costume’s deep v-neckline and the fabric was stretched tight across her bump which had only just started showing. His gaze wandered lower and he took in her legs which were encased in what he guessed to be stockings and he unconsciously licked his lips. Letting his eyes roam upwards again, he saw that her hair was a tumble of curls and perched on top of her head was a white nurse’s hat but this one had a red cross in the centre of it which, for some reason, made him smile.

As soon as he was within touching distance, Nathan cupped her face between his palms and covered her lips with his own, kissing her hotly. His tongue delved into her mouth to tangle with hers and, as it did so, one of his hands slipped down and wrapped around her waist, pulling her in closer to his body.

Haley moaned when she felt his erection pressing against her, loving that she could have such an instant effect on him. Her fingers toyed with the hair at the back of his neck as she lost herself in the sensation of his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. When she pulled back from him, she was practically gasping for air.

“It looks like you’re the one in need of medical attention,” Nathan told her teasingly as he took in her breathless state, although he was in pretty much the same condition. “In fact, I think I’d better take a closer look at you.” With that said, he picked her up carefully and carried her over to the kitchen counter.

“Nathan!” Her hands gripped his shoulders before soothing over them as he placed her down onto the cool surface.

He peppered her face with kisses while his hand rubbed over her tummy, covering where their unborn child rested. He still couldn’t believe they were going to be parents and while that initial fear had dissipated, it hadn’t completely disappeared. Still, whatever happened, he knew they would face it together and that gave him more than enough reassurance.

Nibbling on the smooth column of her neck, he asked, “So, why the nurse’s outfit?”

“Mmmm, I figured you’d had enough bad memories of hospitals so I thought I’d give you a good one.”

He laughed at her words which definitely had a double meaning. “Oh, really?”

Lightly swatting him on his back, she bit back her own laugh. “You’re terrible, you know that?”

“So I’m constantly being told.” Cupping the back of her head, he directed her mouth back to his and kissed her passionately, his tongue tickling the roof of her mouth before he once again retreated and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. “You look amazing, Hales.”


“Hell yeah,” Nathan reassured her. His hand slowly slid under the hem of her dress and he fingered the lacy tops of her stockings. Yep, his guess had been right, he thought, smirking to himself. Moving his other hand up to cup one of her breasts, he said, “Is it just me or are these already bigger?”

“Why don’t you find out for yourself…Doctor?” Haley teased.


“Well, you said I was in need of some medical attention and I think you might be right. After all, I am pregnant so maybe you need to give me a check-up.”

“Hmm, good idea.”

Nathan’s fingers immediately went to the buttons of her dress and began undoing them; he licked his lips when he saw the white lace of her bra come into view and he grinned, knowing she had chosen it because she knew it was his favourite on her. As he helped her pull her arms out of the short sleeves, he planted open-mouthed kisses on her shoulders and collarbone before tilting his head back slightly and kissing her throat.

As soon as her arms were clear, Haley grabbed his face and captured his lips, kissing him as hard as she could and showing him just how turned on she was. She hadn’t actually been planning on dressing up for Halloween but all day she had felt…on edge, for want of a better word. She’d had the day off from the café and with Nathan doing extra training in preparation for the Ravens’ next game, she had been at a loss as to how to occupy herself. Homework had kept her attention for all of an hour or so before her mind had started wandering to thoughts of her husband…picturing him all hot and sweaty as he lifted weights and practised his moves on the court.

The idea to dress up had come from the hot and extremely vivid dream she had had during her nap and luckily she had been able to find the outfit she wanted at the local costume shop she had paid a quick visit to. She was more than a little grateful, too that she hadn’t bumped into anyone she knew while she was out. All she needed was to bump into Brooke or, god forbid, Lucas. He wouldn’t have given up until she’d shown him what was in the bag but it would’ve been fun to see his face turn bright red and his eyes go all squinty, she’d thought to herself.

As the kiss grew in its intensity, Haley began tugging on his T-shirt and she smiled against his lips when Nathan instantly raised his arms and let her remove it from him. Breaking the kiss for a moment, she buried her face in the nook between his neck and shoulder and breathed in the clean scent of him. A part of her couldn’t help being disappointed that he hadn’t come home all hot and sweaty… That vision alone had been fuelling her fantasies all afternoon.

“God, I love you,” Nathan whispered huskily into her ear, his hand sliding even higher up her thigh and finding the edge of her panties which, going by touch, matched the bra she was wearing.

“I love you, too…so much,” she whispered back.

“Lay back,” he requested a moment later and he saw a rosy blush colour her cheeks.


“I need to be able to conduct my examination so lie back on the table, Mrs Scott.”

“It’s our kitchen counter,” she giggled. “We eat our meals on it.”

“C’mon, Hales, go with me on this. And anyway, you’ve never objected before,” he said, reminding her of their earlier escapades in that very spot.

Nodding in acquiescence, Haley lay back, propping herself up on her elbows so she could see him.

“Uh huh, lie flat, please.”

“Fine,” she mock-huffed before doing as he had asked.

Nathan looked at his wife, spread out on their kitchen counter and he lost his breath at how gorgeous she looked. After several minutes had passed, he reached out and took her foot in his hand and removed the high heeled shoe she was wearing before doing the same with her other foot. He then ran his hands up and down her legs, moving higher each time he did so and he watched her squirming beneath his touch; a sure sign of just how aroused she already was. Pushing her dress up, he whistled appreciatively at the way the lacy stocking tops were moulded to her upper thighs and he trailed his forefinger around the edge of one of them.


“Please what?” His lips curved up into a smirk as he watched the chasing emotions flickering on her face.

“You know what.”

Ever so slowly, he carefully removed each stocking in turn before smoothing his palms over her bare legs and thighs, loving the silky soft feel of her skin.

“Dammit, Nathan! Hurry up!” Haley commanded.

“Patience, sweetie, patience.”

“If I’m any more patient, this little one here will be making their appearance,” she quipped and he laughed in response.

At her request, Nathan sped up her movements and the rest of her clothes were soon in a heap on the floor accompanied by his own a couple of minutes later. Climbing on top of her, he braced his weight on his forearms which were resting either side of her shoulders, mindful of her bump. “Is this okay?”

“It’s more than okay,” she told him, nuzzling her nose against his. Hooking her legs around his waist, she used the heels of her feet to press into his buttocks and force him to lower himself more. She moaned loudly at the feel of his hardened length sliding along her wet folds and she dug her blunt fingernails into his shoulders. Sliding a hand between them, she placed him at her entrance and they both sighed in relief when they were finally joined.

As their bodies moved in a familiar rhythm, their mouths found each other’s and they shared hot, hungry kisses, their tongues duelling frantically and their breathing coming in harsh pants each time they broke apart to breathe in some air.

One of his hands kneaded her breasts in turn and he took particular note of the fact that they did indeed already feel a bit bigger. He couldn’t help smiling as he wondered just how much bigger they’d be by the end of the pregnancy.

Haley could feel the faint beginnings of her orgasm in the pit of her belly and she began rocking her hips at a slightly faster pace, meeting every one of Nathan’s thrusts. She sighed in blissful pleasure when she felt him deliberately shift his position so that he bumped her clit on every down-stroke and it didn’t take long before her mouth fell open in a silent scream and she exploded around him.

Nathan followed shortly afterwards and he bit down with blunt teeth onto the base of her throat as his body continued to pump into her, albeit at a slower pace now. The aftershocks were still travelling through his entire body and from the way Haley was moving beneath him, he had a strong feeling she was experiencing the same sensation.

They lay there for a few moments and as soon as he had gained enough strength and energy to move, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips before carefully climbing off of her. Pulling her up into a seated position, he once again rubbed his hand over her rounded stomach and meeting her eyes, he smiled warmly at her. He couldn’t help wondering whether their first child would be a little girl who looked exactly like her mommy. If it was, he knew for a fact that she’d have him wrapped around her little finger, much the same way as his wife did.

“What are you smiling at?” Haley asked, her fingers coming up to trace over his jaw.

He shook his head, and said, “I’ll tell you later.” Something suddenly caught his eye and he started laughing.


“I forgot to take something off you when I undressed you.”

Glancing down at herself, she frowned. “I can’t see anything.”

When he pointed to her head, Haley patted her hair and chuckled when her hand came into contact with the little white hat that completed her outfit. “Oops!”

Nathan laughed along with her while his hands began touching her once more.

“So, Doctor, what’s your diagnosis?”

“Hmm, I think I need to conduct a few more tests,” he told her, failing in his attempt to keep a straight face. Before she could say a word in response, his hands were around her waist and he had picked her up off the counter. “It never hurts to be thorough.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, she held on tightly to him as he carried her towards their bedroom. Her voice was full of humour as she replied, “You know what, I couldn’t agree more.”


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