Forever Yours - Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Nathan’s hands shook as he anxiously waited for Haley’s reply and he could feel his body breaking out into a cold sweat. He couldn’t ever remember feeling this nervous about anything in his life. His eyes remained fixed on hers as he silently willed her to put him out of his misery and fast.

Looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes, Haley could see all the love he felt for her and her heart swelled in response. Her lips curved into a smile and she slowly nodded her head.

“Yes, Nathan, I’ll marry you.”

“Y-You will?”

“Of course I will!”

As soon as she’d confirmed her answer to him, he slid the ring onto her finger and smiled broadly at the way it looked on her. Taking both her hands in his, he saw the promise ring he had given her the morning after they had made love for the very first time on her other hand and he pressed a kiss to both rings in turn.

Moving from his kneeling position, he stood up and pulled her with him into his arms. “I love you, and I promise you I’ll make you happy,” he told her before crushing his mouth against hers and kissing her passionately. The tight knot in his stomach was no longer there; it having disappeared as soon as she had agreed to marry him.

“You already do, baby.” Her fingers brushed his cheek as she stared into his eyes. She just couldn’t stop smiling and felt like her face was going to split in half if her smile got any wider.

His hold around her tightened slightly and lifting her off the ground, he twirled her around before placing her gently back down. “So, I guess that means we’re engaged, huh?” he teased.

“Yeah, I guess it does. You’re stuck with me now, Mister.”

“Good! That’s the only way I want it.”

Haley blushed and pushing herself up onto her tiptoes, she suckled on his bottom lip before slipping her tongue into his mouth to play with his. The kiss quickly became heated and when they broke it to breathe in some fresh air, their breaths were coming in heavy pants.

“Let’s go back to the apartment and celebrate,” she whispered once she’d found her voice.

“I told you before, we’re not going back to the apartment tonight. There’s another part to your surprise.”

“So where exactly are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

“C’mon, Nathan, I don’t think I can take any more surprises tonight.”

“Oh, I think you’ll like this one,” he said giving her a wink which made her face flush slightly. “The sooner we move, the quicker we’ll get there and you can see what I’ve got in store for us.”

“Okay then, fiancé, lead the way.”

Hearing her call him that for the first time had him pulling her to him once again and seizing her lips in a deep kiss which once again left them gasping for air when they eventually broke apart.

“I like you calling me that,” he confessed huskily into her ear. Repeating her words to her he continued, “C’mon then, fiancée, lets get going.” Their arms tightly wrapped around each other, they started walking back to the car so that they could get moving to their final destination of the evening.

* * * * *

“Oh my God!” Haley exclaimed when she saw where he had driven them to. Turning her head back to look at him, she stared at him open-mouthed. “Are you serious?”

“Nah, I just thought I’d drive us all the way here so you could look at it before I drove us back,” he quipped. “Of course I’m serious. I want us to celebrate our engagement in style.”

“You know, if I didn’t love you before, I so do now.”

“Funny, very funny.”

“I try.”

After parking the car and getting their bags out of the trunk, they walked to the building he had brought them to and Haley felt like squealing with excitement.

“I can’t believe you’ve booked us into the Plaza,” she stated as she looked up at the beautifully decorated, expensive hotel they were standing in front of.

“It’s just a hotel, Hales,” he couldn’t help teasing.

“Yeah, I know but I never thought I’d get to stay here, not as a lowly student anyway.”

“Well, this is where your employed fiancé gets to treat you then. C’mon, let’s go inside and check out the room I booked.”

Her hand firmly clasped in his, they walked through the main entrance and made their way to the reception desk to check in.

* * * * *

While Nathan tipped the bellboy who had taken them up to their room, Haley decided to go and explore. Her eyes were riveted on the enormous king size bed that dominated the room. All of the furniture was cream coloured and the décor reminded her a little of the bed and breakfast that Nathan had taken her to when they had first gotten together. Of course, this was much more opulent than that had been.

Walking into the bathroom, she gasped at the large bathtub and leaning over it, she could see it also doubled as a Jacuzzi. Oh, she couldn’t wait to try that out with Nathan. There was also a large shower cubicle that could easily fit two people and all the counter tops were of a beautiful white and grey marble. Thick fluffy towels were hanging from the heated towel rail and she ran her fingers over them, feeling their softness. Her eyes took in the engagement ring she proudly wore on her left hand and she couldn’t stop smiling. She always knew that when she got married it would be to Nathan, but she never in a million years would have guessed that he’d be proposing to her at this point in their lives.

School was still taking up the vast majority of her time and she still had some time to go before she graduated. The advertising agency that Nathan worked for kept him very busy, and it was a wonder that they managed to meet up as often as they did. Obviously, there had been times when each of them had had no choice but to cancel, but thankfully those occasions had been few and far between.

Haley didn’t know what would happen now though. The thought of being engaged and still living apart from him didn’t sit right with her but she didn’t know how to start that conversation. The original plan had been for Nathan to move to Boston, where she was studying, after he had graduated, but the company that he had interned with while at college in California had offered him a permanent position and it had been too good an offer to turn down.

He had been prepared to do just that though but she’d been the one to talk him into taking the job; telling him that their relationship could survive anything, even temporary separation.

Things were very different now though and she wished she knew what to do.

“Hales?” Nathan called out to her before he entered the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Wow! Look at the size of that tub!”

She laughed. “I know, that was my first thought too. It’s also a Jacuzzi so double wow, huh?”

“Definitely,” he said giving her waist a gentle squeeze. “So, what do you feel like doing now?” He raised an eyebrow in question.

“Hmm, I’m not sure. I’m feeling pretty tired so maybe we should take a nap.”

“Don’t even joke about that. How about I run you a nice hot bath and we can take it from there?”

“Sounds good, but you’re joining me in there.”

“Just try and stop me.”

She giggled as he lowered his head and blew raspberries on her neck. “Nathannn!”

Turning her around in his arms so she was facing him, he put his hands on her hips and picked her up, carrying her over to the counter and placing her gently down on it. His mouth pressed against hers and he kissed her thoroughly, only breaking it when the need for air became an issue.

“Thank you for saying yes.”

“Aww, honey, you haven’t got to thank me for that,” she told him cupping his cheeks in her palms and stroking her thumbs back and forth over his cheekbones. “Whenever I’ve pictured myself getting married it’s always been to you,” she confessed. “I’ve lost count of the daydreams I’ve had of our wedding.”

“Oh really? Well, I hope the real thing matches up to the fantasy.”

“It always does,” she replied with a saucy wink, the double entendre in what she’d said obvious to his ears. A laugh escaped her throat when she saw his face flush a light pink. “Oh my, I think I made you blush.”

“It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve done that,” he said pouting slightly.

“C’mere,” she said pulling him forward and kissing the pout away.

With a final kiss, Nathan stepped away from her and began running their bath. He poured in a generous amount of the bath oil he found and was pleased to find it wasn’t an overly ‘girly’ smell. While he waited for the tub to fill, he walked back over to her and taking her foot into his hands, he pulled off her shoe and dropped it onto the floor before repeating the action on her other foot. His hands ran up and down her legs, savouring the silky soft feel of her skin. Helping her down from the counter, his hands went to the zipper at the back of her dress and he slowly lowered it.

For her part, Haley’s hands came up to start unbuttoning Nathan’s shirt and as soon as she’d completed her task, she pushed the garment off his shoulders and helped him pull his arms out of the sleeves. Her hands rubbed over the warm skin of his chest and she smiled again when she saw the sparkle of the diamond in her new ring.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked, moving in close so he could nuzzle her neck and breathe in her unique scent mixed in with the light fragrance of the perfume she wore.

“My engagement ring,” she told him, adding, “It’s so beautiful… you have excellent taste. I love it and my locket.”

“I’m glad, Hales. I spent months searching for the perfect ring and as soon as I saw that one, I knew it was the one. I’ll bet you thought I’d pick out some flashy monstrosity when I eventually proposed.”

She shook her head. “Nope. My promise ring and charm bracelet are amazing and I knew anything else you chose for me would be perfect and I was right.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she asked, “So, did you tell anyone you were going to be proposing to me?”

Biting his lip, he nodded at her question. “I, uh, I told your parents. Well, I say told. I mean, I asked them for their blessing.”

Haley’s mouth dropped open. “You… you spoke to my parents?”

“Uh huh. I wanted to do this right and I respect them a lot so I had to do it.”

“How long have they known?”

Before he answered her question, he went over to the bathtub and seeing that there was enough water in it, he turned off the taps. Turning back to face her, he replied, “About a month.”

“A month? That long?”

“Yeah. When I found out I was going to be in the area on business, I made a slight detour and went to visit them. I informed them that I wanted to propose to you on your birthday and I think it came as a bit of surprise to them.”

“Ya think?”

“Hey, don’t be cheeky!” he said, giving her cheek a light squeeze. “They had reservations about you still being pretty young but I told them just ‘cause I was proposing didn’t mean we were going to get married straightaway if you said yes.”

“Honey,” Haley interrupted. “Just so you know, there was no ‘if’. It was always going to be a yes.”

He gave her a great beam of a smile in response to her words before seizing her lips and kissing her hard. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and let it tangle with his playfully.

“How about we get you out of that dress and into your bath before the water getd cold?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Nathan undressed her slowly and he felt his arousal press even harder against the fly of his pants as her creamy skin was revealed to his gaze. Her dress dropped to the floor and he helped her step out of it and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as she stood before him in a pretty white, strapless bra and matching panties. Sliding his hands around her back, he undid the clasp on her bra and eased it away from her body and let it fall to the floor. Her high, firm breasts filled his hands, and he both kneaded and caressed them; eliciting moans of pleasure from her.

Haley’s fingers traced patterns over his chest and back before once again slipping between them and making quick work of unfastening his belt and then his pants. One hand slid inside his boxers and she smiled against his mouth when he released a guttural moan. Her fingers circled his thick, hard length before beginning a slow pumping motion.

“Ohhh, Hales… you—you gotta stop, baby…”

“Why?” she asked before licking a path around his lips with her tongue.

“You know why,” he panted harshly.

Kissing him again, she withdrew her hand from his underwear and when she saw his eyes had reopened and he was watching her, she blatantly licked the fingers of the hand she had been stroking him with.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he managed to tease.

Wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing their upper bodies together, she nibbled on his bottom lip. “Now why would I want to do that? C’mon, let’s get in the bath before the water starts getting cold.”

Quickly stripping off their remaining clothes, Haley climbed into the large bathtub first closely followed by Nathan who chose to sit behind her so she could rest her back against his chest. They both sighed at the feel of the hot scented water surrounding them and they savoured the feel of their wet bodies touching and sliding together thanks to the bath oil.

Slipping his arms around her, Nathan’s large hands cupped and kneaded her breasts before one hand slid lower and his fingers brushed through the sparse patch of hair that covered her womanhood. Delving lower still, he traced one long finger along the seam of her lower lips while his thumb lazily circled her clit. He heard the slight hitch in her breathing and leaning forward, he brushed his lips against her ear.

“Do you like that?” His voice was thick and husky with lust and he felt her shiver in his arms.

“Uh huh.”

“Do you want more?” The finger he was touching her with moved to her entrance and he circled it slowly while he waited for her reply.

“Yesss,” she hissed and held her breath as she waited to see what his next move was going to be. A gasp tore from her throat when he slid that finger deep inside of her followed by another and began thrusting them in and out at a leisurely pace. Bringing her arm up out of the water, she hooked it around his neck and turning her face to the side, she captured his lips and kissed him hungrily, her tongue mimicking what his fingers were at that very moment doing to the lower portion of her body.

Nathan’s free hand gently squeezed and massaged her breast before his fingers lightly pinched and tugged on her nipple which earned him a deep moan. His tongue licked at her lips once the kiss had broken and their eyes locked on each other as they slowly drew back and caught their breaths.

“Turn around,” he instructed her in that same deep and husky tone.

Moving to the other end of the tub, Haley switched positions and then moved back towards him and straddled his legs. Her hand stroked his throbbing erection up and down, enjoying the feel of the velvet soft skin over the hard steel of him and keeping her eyes trained on his, her other hand slid up from out of the water and traced over his sculpted abs.

Nathan forced himself to keep his eyes open and on her, wanting to see how much she was enjoying touching him. Without thinking, his hand reached out and his thumb traced around and around her nipple, making sure not to touch the sensitive little bud. He watched as Haley’s head fell back and her lips formed a perfect ‘o’ shape as she lost herself to the maddeningly slow sensation.

“N-Nathan… please…”

“Please what, baby?”

“I need... I need to feel you… inside…”

Placing his hands either side of her hips, he gently pulled her forward so she was directly above a certain part of his anatomy. Her hands automatically went to grip his shoulders and she gasped loudly when she felt him slide against her sensitive tissue. She moved herself back and forth along his cock a few times, loving the strong, hard feel of him and when she felt his tip at her entrance, she slowly lowered herself down on him, hissing at the feel of him stretching her. God, each time with him always felt like the first.

“You okay?” he asked when he was fully seated within her.

“Okay is an understatement,” she bit out as her entire being concentrated on the delicious feeling of being completely joined with him. Her fingers ran through his hair and down along the back of his neck. Leaning forward, her lips attached to his neck and she sucked a patch of moist skin into her mouth, grazing over it with her teeth before sucking on it hard, determined to leave her mark on him.

Nathan gripped her hips tightly and began sliding her up and down his cock while he tilted his head further to the side to give her greater access. He groaned loudly when he felt her internal muscles clench around him and slipping a hand between their bodies, he gave her nipple another pinch.

As they worked each other over, he caught a glimpse of something on one side of the bath and moving his hand over to it, he pressed the button which caused the Jacuzzi function to come into effect. He groaned again when he felt the underwater jets come to life, massaging the muscles of his back and combined with the exquisite feeling of his fiancée bouncing on top of him, he thought he’d just about died and gone to heaven.

His eyes were riveted on her face, taking in all the different emotions he could see she was experiencing in that moment and leaning forward, his tongue snaked out and he licked around her nipple with his tongue which he knew she loved before closing his lips around it and sucking on it hard.

Haley kept one hand on his shoulder, her fingernails leaving crescent-shaped moons on his skin while her other hand held his head tightly to her chest. The swirling water and bubbles added a delicious sensation which heightened what she was already feeling, and she soon felt herself spinning out of control. Her orgasm was just within reach and she began moving on him at an even faster pace, not caring at all if the water was spilling out over the sides of the tub as a result. Damn, he was a bad influence on her, she thought with a smirk tugging on her lips.

Needing to feel his mouth on her, she gripped his head and tipped it backwards, her nipple released from his mouth with a popping sound. Her mouth was on his instantly, her tongue plunging into his mouth to explore every hidden crevice and savour his unique taste. She screamed into his mouth when she felt him thrust his hips up harder, causing his cock to hit a particularly sensitive spot. Fingers flexed and gripped his biceps tightly as she fought to achieve that ever nearing orgasm. It was so close she could almost touch it.

“C’mon, baby… come for me…” Nathan’s husky voice whispered into her ear as he pounded up into her even harder. “Let go… I’ve got you…”

His words spurred her on and her hips jack-hammered down on his and with only a couple more deep thrusts her climax hit her full force and holding him tightly to her, her head fell back and she cried out his name.

The fluttering of her feminine muscles around his shaft combined with the way she was muttering his name breathlessly pushed him over the edge and he came very soon afterwards, his face buried in the hollow of her neck with his breath hot against her moist skin.

They rested there together, their limbs tangled together while the water swirled around and around them in the tub, relaxing their taught muscles.

Cupping his face in her hands, she tilted it back so she could look into his eyes and she gave him a dreamy smile before her mouth covered his. The kiss was long and languid and as it continued, becoming more and more heated as it went on, Nathan’s fingers threaded through her damp hair.

Finally breaking the kiss, their foreheads came to rest together as they caught their breaths.

“I love you, Mr Scott,” Haley told him, her face radiating the happiness she was feeling.

“And I love you, too, future Mrs Scott,” he said back, his smirk firmly in place.

She couldn’t help giggling at what he’d just said. The fact that she was really and truly engaged to the man of her dreams still felt like something of a dream and a part of her felt like asking him to pinch her to make her believe it was for real. Raising her left hand from where it rested on his shoulder, she looked at her engagement ring again and smiled.

“You really like it, then?”

“Oh, Nathan, I love it. I still can’t believe we’re engaged and not only that, but you really went to see my parents.”

“Well, you better believe it because you’re stuck with me,” he said before planting a soft kiss onto her lips. He sucked in a breath before continuing. “Always and forever, Hales.”

“Always and forever,” she repeated before her lips found his once more.

Chapter Four

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