Illicit Encounters

Title: Illicit Encounters

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing! The dialogue at the beginning is taken from the actual episode and all credit goes to the show’s writers.

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an extension to the Nathan/Haley bathroom scene in episode 6.23 'Forever And Almost Always' so you should probably watch that before reading this. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: His wickedly talented mouth was working its magic on her neck and she tilted her head to the side to give him greater access to it, gasping when he kissed that little spot behind her ear which he knew always drove her wild.

Author’s Notes: This is the first episode extension I’ve written in a long while so I’m feeling pretty nervous about posting it. It’s dedicated to those of you who’ve been in touch recently to ask me to write something for this episode and I hope you like it!

A massive thank you goes to Ulle for reading over this and beta-ing it for me. Thanks, hon. I owe you!

“Haley, what are you doing?” Nathan asked, chuckling as she bundled him through the bathroom door and, turning to face her, he watched as she quickly closed it behind them before flipping the lock.

“Kiss me!” she demanded. Pressing up against him, she hurriedly began removing his jacket.

“Haley James Scott, this is a women’s bathroom, you’re a teacher and your son is out there,” he said, his tone one of mock outrage.

“The door’s locked, I’m not a teacher anymore and our son’s dancing…” Haley replied, unbuttoning his white dress shirt. She was already out of breath; the anticipation of what was about to happen with her oh-so-sexy husband sending delicious shivers up and down her spine and the knowledge that their friends and family were just on the other side of the door further fueled her passion. “Now kiss me!”

Nathan didn’t need to be told again and lowering his head, he captured her lips in a hot, feverish kiss. He was already hard and his arousal was heightened further by the breathy little moans emanating from his wife as she pushed his shirt off.

“I don’t care if you’re not in the NBA… you are my husband and you are so damn sexy, baby,” Haley told him, her mouth still pressed against his as he shrugged out of his shirt.

As soon as it was off and his arms were free, he pushed her towards the stalls and up against a cubicle, her words making his body thrum. Bracing a hand against its frame, he wrapped his other one around Haley’s back, holding her tightly to him.

Raising her right leg, she hooked it over his hip causing her dress to slide up her thigh while her fingers scrabbled for purchase on his back, pulling him further into her. His wickedly talented mouth was working its magic on her neck and she tilted her head to the side to give him greater access to it, gasping when he kissed that little spot behind her ear which he knew always drove her wild.

Cupping her face between his palms, Nathan directed her mouth to his and kissed her hungrily, his tongue slipping between her lips to tangle wetly with her own. He let his hands trail down her body, caressing her gorgeous curves over her dress until he arrived at her bare thigh and hooking his arm underneath it, he brought it up even higher; smirking when she gasped as the action brought their bodies even closer together.

“Like that?”

“Uh huh,” Haley panted, her fingertips digging into his shoulder blades.

“You sure you wanna do this here?” he asked, his voice thick with lust.

“God, yes…” she half-whispered, half-moaned. Sliding her palms down the sculpted planes of his chest, reveling in the feel of him, she began unbuckling his belt before popping the button on his pants and then lowering the zipper.

“Hales…” Nathan moaned when her slender fingers delved beneath his boxer briefs and wrapped around his hard, throbbing length. He gripped her thigh as she expertly worked him over, already coaxing him towards the brink.

“Unzip me,” she murmured a moment later when they’d broken apart to breathe in some much needed air.

Finding the tab of her zipper, he slowly inched it down and he couldn’t contain his groan of disappointment when she released her gentle grasp on him, although seeing her black lace bra come into view when she slipped her arms out of her sleeves definitely made up for it. He slowly traced his finger over the swell of each of her breasts before dropping a kiss onto them.

“We haven’t got a lot of time,” Haley pointed out.

“You’re such a romantic,” he told her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and grazing along it with his teeth.

“Shut up,” she said, smirking up at him. Before she could utter another word, Nathan picked her up and she automatically wrapped her legs around him, moaning loudly at the feel of his rock hard erection pressing against the damp crotch of her black silk and lace panties.

“You need to be quiet, babe,” he whispered, his own smirk deepening at how hard she was suddenly biting her lip.

“Nathan… please…”

He didn’t need to ask to know what she wanted and pressing into her further, he reached under her dress and pulled her panties aside, running the head of his cock along her slippery wet folds.

“Yesss,” she hissed, her fingers curling into the rounded tops of Nathan’s shoulders, leaving behind little crescent moon indentations. Opening her eyes which had fluttered closed due to the incredible sensations he was creating within her, she watched him as she spoke, her voice nothing more than a husky whisper. “I want to feel you inside me.”

If at all possible, he felt himself grow even harder and looking into her eyes, he thrust deep inside of her; holding still for a moment so they could both savor the feel of being so intimately joined. As he began moving, one of his hands gently squeezed her ass beneath her dress while the fingers of the other threaded through her silky brunette locks. Furiously rocking his hips into hers, Nathan leaned into her and licked around her lips with the tip of his tongue before slipping it inside her mouth, growling when she began sucking on it. Fuck, that felt good!

Haley’s nails dug even deeper into his skin while her inner thighs squeezed him hard. She seized his mouth in a dirty, visceral kiss in an attempt to muffle her screams when the base of his cock began grinding against her clit, sending her careening towards her orgasm which she knew was almost within reach. “Harder,” she commanded, cooing happily when he instantly complied; his hips picking up the pace and jack-hammering into her.

Hoisting her up slightly in his embrace, Nathan sucked her nipple through her bra as he continued pounding her against the cubicle door. The sharp pleasure/pain sting of her nails digging into him were spurring him on and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “I-I’m so close…”

“Me, too… Oh… right there… Don’t stop… please don’t stop…”

If all of his efforts weren’t concentrating on not coming before Haley, he would’ve snorted at her words. Yeah, stopping definitely wasn’t on his agenda. Not yet at least. Changing the angle of his hips, he exerted more pressure onto her clit and mere seconds later she cried out his name as her sheath tightened and then fluttered around him; his eyes almost crossing as her feminine muscles rhythmically clenched and released around his shaft.

A few more thrusts and he followed suit, white noise filling his ears as his own orgasm rushed through him and he spilt his warm seed deep inside her. Burying his face in the nook between her neck and shoulder, he breathed in her familiar scent, letting it slowly calm him down. One of Haley’s hands wandered up and down his back while the other slowly stroked the back of his neck.

“That feels good,” he told her, smiling against her skin.

“Mmm, you feel good,” she mumbled, clenching her pelvic muscles around him again, giggling as she did so.

“If you wanna get out of here anytime soon, you’d better stop that.” Raising his head so he could look into her rich chocolate brown pools, he saw them twinkle with amusement.

Raking her fingers through his hair, Haley smiled back at him. “I love you,” she said, nuzzling her nose against his before kissing the corner of his mouth, laughing when he turned his head slightly so she was kissing him properly.

“I love you, too,” he whispered, hugging her to him before slowly slipping out of her and setting her back down on the floor. “I hate to say this but we should probably get back out there.”

“Yeah, we probably should. To be honest, I’m surprised we weren’t interrupted.”

Laughing, he nodded his agreement. “I know. I was sure Luke would find a way to cock-block us again but I guess he’s got his hands full today,” he retorted.

Haley couldn’t help laugh along with him, knowing only too well that her best friend and brother-in-law sometimes had the worst timing ever. “So, are you feeling better now?” she asked as they redressed and tried to make themselves look presentable after their bathroom escapade.

“A little,” he teased which earned him a slap on his arm. “Hey!”

“I’m the one who should be offended, buddy,” she told him, a smile playing on her lips to take the sting out of her words.

Walking over to where she was standing in front of the mirrors, Nathan wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on top of her head, his eyes taking in their reflection. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“Just tonight?” she quipped.

“You always look beautiful, Hales,” he told her, adding, “but you look especially gorgeous today. And you did an amazing job officiating the wedding.”

Haley blushed as she leaned back against him, her fingers playing with his which were resting on her stomach. “Thank you.”

They stood there for a couple of minutes, smiling at each other and enjoying the silence before she broke it.

“We’d better get back out there,” she said, repeating his earlier words.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “There’s probably a line forming around the block to come in here.”

“Don’t say that,” she said, paling slightly at the thought of an audience watching them while they attempted to sneak out, knowing just what they’d been up to in there.

“I’m just kidding,” he said, chuckling. “I’m sure we’d have heard pounding on the door if anyone was waiting.”

“Well, with all of your moaning, I’m not sure we’d have heard them.”

“My moaning, huh?”

Haley laughed, her skin flushing as she remembered just how vocal she’d been a few minutes ago. Looking into Nathan’s face, she could see that some of his earlier tension had disappeared and she was grateful for that, although she knew the NBA situation was still weighing heavily on him. “C’mon, let’s get going,” she said, slipping her hand into his and lacing their fingers together.

Bringing their joined hands up to his mouth, he pressed a kiss onto the back of hers. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Everything,” he whispered, lowering his head and kissing her lips soft and slow.

“You’re welcome,” she stated simply, smiling warmly at him before she unlocked the door and opened it, popping her head around the corner to see if anyone was in close proximity.

“Is the coast clear?”

“Yeah,” she replied, quickly leading him away from the bathroom before anyone could see them exit it together.

“You think Jamie’s about ready to leave yet?” Nathan asked, wrapping his arm around Haley’s shoulders.

“Oh, I’m sure he is if Skills is trying to put the leash back on him,” she joked.

“Yeah, I’ll bet. How ‘bout I go and find the boy and we can all say goodnight to Luke and Peyton?”

“Sounds good.” Pushing up onto her toes, she pecked his lips, her hand cupping the side of his face.

“See you in a few,” he said, smiling at her before leaving to go and find out where Jamie had disappeared to.

Watching him walk away, Haley smiled to herself, admiring his lean form and how good it looked dressed in a tux. Still, nothing compared to how amazing he looked out of it, she thought to herself, a rosy tint coloring her cheeks. Giving herself a little mental shake, she turned on her heel to go and find her best friend and his new bride.


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