Relaxation Techniques

Title: Relaxation Techniques

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoiler/Warnings: This is set post-Season 4 so everything up to and including the last season to be on the safe side. Please note this story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: "Now I ache all over!"

Author’s Note: I wanted to write something for Pat as a birthday gift and since I know she’s a fan of the naughtier side of Nathan and Haley's relationship, my dirty little mind came up with this. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and I hope you like this. *hugs*

“God, I ache all over!”

Upon hearing her husband’s voice as he came out of their en suite bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, Haley glanced up from the book she was reading and took in the weary expression on his face. “Whitey pushing you hard at practice?”

“Whitey? He’s a pussycat compared to the way Luke’s pushing us,” he joked.

An idea suddenly popped into her head and patting the empty space beside her in their bed, she said, “C’mon, hop in and I’ll give you a massage. It might help relieve those achy muscles of yours.”

“You don’t have to do that, Hales. I’m sure I’ll be fast asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow anyway.”

“I want to,” she told him before adding in a saucy whisper, “I promise I won’t take advantage of you if you do fall asleep on me.”

“Oh, you can take advantage all you like, babe. Just make sure you tell me all about it in the morning.”

“I promise.” Marking her place with her bookmark, she closed the book and placed it on her nightstand before opening its drawer and removing a bottle of cocoa butter body lotion.

“Towel on or off?” Nathan asked as he watched her push back the covers and get up onto her knees. She was wearing a plain white tank top and a pair of his blue and white plaid boxer shorts and fuck! She looked hot as hell.

“You’d better keep it on for now,” she teased. “I mean, if you’re completely naked from the get go, I don’t know if I could control myself to finish the massage before the need to have my wicked way with you took over. Plus, there’s always the chance a certain little person might decide to interrupt us.”

“Ah, there is that,” Nathan acknowledged. “Did Jamie settle down okay tonight?”

“Yeah, I think the basketball game you and Luke had with him after dinner did the trick and pretty much knocked him out. Hopefully he’ll sleep right through tonight.”

“I guess you’d better keep the noise down when taking advantage of me, then.”

Haley shook her head. “You’re terrible, you know that? Now, get your ass on this bed so I can get started.”

“My ass? So you want to start with my front, huh? You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

“You know what I mean. C’mon, Nathan, lie on your front and keep your mouth zipped. I’m supposed to be helping you relax so you’ll feel all nice and refreshed in the morning.”

“Yeah, so Luke can ride me and the rest of the guys even harder.” Holding the front of the towel to make sure it stayed on, Nathan climbed onto the bed and laid down on his front, turning his head to the side and resting it on his folded arms.

“Is he really that bad?” Haley asked as she straddled his butt and flipped open the cap of the bottle of lotion, squirting some into the palm of her hand.

“Nah, I guess I’m exaggerating a bit,” he said, moaning at the feel of her warm hands spreading the cool lotion across his back and shoulders.

“Does it feel good?”

He felt himself harden at the husky tone her voice had suddenly taken on and he shifted his position slightly to make himself a bit more comfortable. “Feels great,” he affirmed. The way she was kneading his tense and knotted muscles…he could feel himself instantly loosening under her gentle yet firm ministrations.

Several long minutes later, Nathan felt her swivel around and she began working her magic along his legs and calves. By the time she’d finished, he was practically asleep and it was only when she patted his towel-covered ass that he realised she was done.

“Turn over and I’ll do your front.”

“Will you now?” He suddenly felt enervated and he eagerly rolled over onto his back, his towel coming undone as he did so and giving Haley a completely unobstructed view of his thick, hard cock.

Haley’s eyes roamed all over his firm, toned body, taking in the sculpted muscles of his chest, biceps and abs. Letting her gaze lower slightly, she licked her lips at his full, tumescent erection which was curved up against his belly. She blindly reached for the bottle of lotion and after squirting some more into her hands and rubbing them together to warm the cream slightly, she began massaging his legs and thighs, her eyes locked on his as she worked her way up.

Nathan’s eyes flitted from watching her face to watching her hands as she moved them over his skin and he held his breath when he saw her hand come close to where he wanted to feel it the most right now. Her lotion-slick fingers wrapped around the base of his cock and began sliding up and down at a maddeningly slow pace and he couldn’t help bucking his hips up to urge her to move faster. When she ducked her head and licked up the precum that appeared at the tip, he moaned her name aloud.

“Shhh,” Haley whispered against his aroused flesh, reminding him of the need to be quiet.

The sensation of her lips sucking the head of his cock while her hand continued to stroke him up and down was driving him crazy. He buried the fingers of one hand into her thick, honey-blonde hair and drew it away from where it was obscuring his view of her face so he could see her better. There was just something about watching her go down on him that he couldn’t get enough of. Maybe it had something to do with her looking so fucking sexy as she was doing it while still managing to look so innocent at the same time.

Haley could sense him nearing the edge and not wanting him to go over just yet, she reluctantly withdrew from him and pushing herself back up onto her knees, she stripped off her tank top and shorts before straddling his hips. His glistening cock was pressing against her wet, heated flesh and she rocked herself against it while rubbing her hands all over his chest and stomach.

Placing himself at her entrance, he watched with a rapt expression on his face as she lowered herself onto his cock, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as he stretched her. Rubbing his thumb back and forth over her clit, he cupped and kneaded her breasts in turn with his other hand, tugging on her tight, rosy nipples.

“Ohhhh…Nathan! Faster…please!”

Complying with her request, Nathan thrust his hips upwards as hard and as fast as he could and he watched as she shattered around him, her breasts bouncing enticingly in front of him. With a burst of energy, he pushed himself up into a sitting position and wrapping one arm around her back to hold her steady, he captured her mouth in a sizzling hot kiss before lowering his head to her left breast and sucking hard on her nipple, grazing the sensitive little nub with his teeth. He felt her sheath contract around him as she succumbed to another orgasm and that seemed to push him over the proverbial edge and he exploded deep inside of her.

The strength of his orgasm seemed to zap him of what little energy he had left and he collapsed backwards bringing Haley with him. She lay sprawled across his body, completely spent. Tiny, nonsensical words were falling from her lips as her fingers slowly slid over his sweat-slicked skin. His own fingers were tracing idle circles and shapes over her lower back, instinctively feeling for the ‘23’ she’d had indelibly inked onto her skin in the early days of their relationship. Why he’d freaked out over that, he’d never know. He loved it…loved that she’d felt so strongly about him that she wanted a permanent reminder regardless of what might happen to them in the future. God, he loved her!

“Now I ache all over,” Haley complained as she kissed the side of Nathan’s neck, her voice bringing him out of his reverie.

“Hey! You’re the one who took advantage of me so you’ve only yourself to blame,” he teased, adding, “Want me to massage you?”

“I’ll take a rain-check if that’s okay. I think I’d be too exhausted to enjoy it and, believe me, I really want to enjoy it.” Lifting her head up, she leaned forward and kissed his lips, her tongue slipping into his mouth to tangle wetly with his.

When the kiss eventually ended a few moments later, Nathan asked, “Want me to grab your bedclothes for you?”

She shook her head. “Can you just grab me one of your T-shirts? I’m too tired to put anything else on.”

Laughing softly, Nathan slid out from underneath her and going over to his dresser, he grabbed his grey T-shirt and tossed it to her while he picked out a pair of flannel pyjama pants for himself and pulled those on. “I’ll just go and check on Jamie, okay?”

Haley nodded as she smoothed down the T-shirt and snuggled under the covers. “Okay. Try not to—”

“Wake him up. Yeah, I know. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Opening the door to their bedroom, Nathan walked the short distance to their four-year-old son’s room and entered it. He stood beside his bed, looking down at the dark haired little boy who was sleeping soundly on his front, his cuddly giraffe toy tucked in beside him. Leaning over him, he pressed a kiss to the top of his head and whispered goodnight. As quietly as he’d entered, he exited the room and after another quick check of the apartment to make sure it was locked and secure, he went back to his and Haley’s room.

He smiled when he saw she was fast asleep, lying on her front in a similar pose to that of their son. Turning off the lamp on his side of the bed, he climbed in and curled his body around hers, his arm wrapping around her and resting on her tummy. Pressing a kiss to the side of her head, he felt completely relaxed as he succumbed to the pull of sleep.


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