Physical Therapy

Title: Physical Therapy

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Characters: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: 23 - Reunion

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set after *that* scene in episode 5.13 ‘Patience, Echoes, Silence and Grace’ and contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: He couldn’t believe this was happening; that Haley was lying beneath him, her cheeks flushed pink and a big smile gracing her full, perfect lips.

Author’s Notes: This is dedicated to the lovelies on The Romantics thread at FanForum. A big thank you goes to Dawnie for reading over some of this for me and for helping to put my mind at rest. You rock! *hugs* Thanks also to Susan for coming up with the title. So much better than what I had originally.

This has been written for my fanfic table at 25fluffyfics.

Haley kept her eyes on him as he stripped off his shirt, loving the sight of his muscular body when it came into view. As soon as he was within her reach, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down even further, their lips immediately fusing together once more while her hands cupped and held the back of his head. God, the feel of him pressing her down into the mattress… their kisses becoming more and more heated while his left hand caressed down her side and then back up again, his thumb stroking along her breast…

She moaned into his mouth at the same time as her legs came up to wrap around his hips, her hands roaming all over his strong back and shoulders. “Nathan…”

Nathan kissed his way along her cheek until his mouth rested by her ear and his voice was low and husky as he repeated his earlier words to her, “You’re sexy as hell and you’re all mine…”

Cupping his face between her palms, she directed his face back to hers and nuzzled their noses together. “You’re mine, too,” she told him before teasing, “And you’re looking pretty damn sexy yourself.”

Laughing, he captured her lips, his hands on the move again as he touched her everywhere he could reach before sliding them between their bodies and slowly unbuttoning her shirt. He couldn’t believe this was happening; that Haley was lying beneath him, her cheeks flushed pink and a big smile gracing her full, perfect lips.

“I love you so much,” he whispered a second later, needing more than anything to let her know how he felt. When he thought about how close he’d come to losing her… losing both her and Jamie… A cold shiver ran right through him.

“I love you, too, Nathan.”

His heart felt even lighter than it had done a few minutes ago at hearing her words and he smiled down at her. Speeding things up, he finished undoing her shirt and immediately popped the front clasp on her black and pink bra, pushing the fabric aside so he had an unrestricted view of her firm breasts.

“In a hurry, are we?”

“Hell yeah,” he replied, giving her the smirk he knew she loved even if she pretended otherwise.

Haley laughed and gently pushing him aside, she moved and got into a kneeling position in front of him.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

Instead of answering him, she quickly removed her shirt and bra, throwing them aside before unfastening her jeans. She could feel herself blushing at his intense perusal of her body as she got undressed but, at the same time, it made her feel so hot and desired… Something she hadn’t felt for some time what with everything that had happened in recent months.

Nathan’s eyes eagerly followed her movements and his smirk deepened when her underwear came into view. She was wearing a pair of black and pink boy shorts which definitely proved what he’d told her earlier on… His girl had one serious ass on her!

“I’m feeling a little underdressed here, Nathan.”

He needed no further encouragement and made fast work of stripping off the rest of his clothing before he grabbed her around the waist and tackled her to the bed, enjoying the sounds of her laughter as he did so. Before she could say anything, he sealed his mouth over hers, slipping his tongue between her lips and mimicking the actions of what their lower bodies would soon be doing.

Haley raked her fingernails across Nathan’s scalp and down the back of his neck as the kiss intensified and grew even more passionate. His hands threaded through her hair while his chest was rubbing deliciously against hers causing little electrical currents to shoot from her nipples directly to her core. Her panties were already damp with evidence of her arousal which wasn’t surprising given the sensations he was creating within her. What he could do with his lips, hands… hell, his entire body should be illegal.

When the kiss broke long moments later, they were both panting for air and she trembled when he shifted slightly and began pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses down her neck, shoulders and lower still until he captured one of her nipples between his lips; his teeth grazing along the sensitive little nub which had her grabbing a fistful of his hair.

Nathan kept his gaze locked on her as he licked and sucked her ample flesh, wanting to memorize the way she looked in that very moment. Grinding his hips into hers, he smirked when Haley sunk her teeth into her bottom lip in an attempt to stop herself from moaning. Repeating the action a few times though had her chanting his name and he felt the rise in his body temperature as a result.

When he slipped his whole hand down her panties and cupped her mound, his palm pressing against her clit, her voice got louder and she began undulating her hips, needing more friction to help push her closer to the edge.

“God, Hales… You feel so good… so wet.”

“Please… I need you.”

“You’ve got me,” he told her, moving up her body to brush his lips over hers before tilting his head to the side and deepening the kiss.

Haley cupped the back of his neck, holding him tightly to her as they hungrily kissed and she gasped loudly when he suddenly thrust his middle finger inside of her. “Ohhh… More, N-Nathan… I need more…”

Complying with her request, he added another finger and began slowly sliding them in and out; his mouth latching onto the tender skin of her neck, wanting to mark her.

“Y-you’d better not be giving me a hickey,” she managed to tease before her eyes fluttered shut when Nathan crooked his fingers and touched her most sensitive spot, her body arching and almost lifting right off the bed.

“Like that, huh?”

His breath was hot against her skin and turning her head to the side, she instantly found his lips and kissed him hard, plunging her tongue inside his mouth to duel with his own.

“I want to feel you inside of me,” she whispered against his lips before sucking the bottom one into her mouth and grazing her teeth along it, loving the way he shivered every time she did that to him.

“We’d better get rid of these, then,” he said, fingering the edge of her panties with his free hand and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively which had her laughing.

“Uh huh,” she agreed, lifting her hips up when he began pulling them down and laughing even harder when he threw the offending garment halfway across the room.

Her laughter died away when he began sliding his hard, thick length along her wet folds and she again bit her lip as she felt the faint stirrings of her orgasm low in her belly. “Nathan… Please!” she begged. Tilting her hips back slightly, she felt him pressing against her entrance and digging her heels into his firm buttocks, she urged him to do what she knew they were both desperately craving.

A split second later, Nathan pressed forward and buried himself inside of her, holding still to savour that first moment of being joined with her after what felt like an eternity. His forearms framed Haley’s face and lowering his head, he kissed her over and over again, liking the sounds she was making which were getting increasingly louder as he began moving in and out of her.

“You’re so tight, baby,” he told her, his moist breath puffing against her chin. The feel of her clenching rhythmically around his cock was driving him insane and he could already feel that telltale tingle at the base of his spine.

Haley’s thighs tightened their grip on him, the heels of her feet pressing into his ass in time with each of his thrusts. She could feel her orgasm just within her reach and slipping a hand between them, she feverishly rubbed her clit.

Nathan’s eyes wandered from her face down to her hand and he felt his cock leap at the sight of what she was doing. The fact she was keeping her eyes open and focused on his while she did it… Fuck! It just made the whole thing even hotter. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head a moment later when she moved her hand and began stroking his cock as he pounded into her.

Knowing he was almost at the end, he hooked her thighs over his forearms, pushing them further back so they were practically by her shoulders which resulted in him sliding even deeper inside of her.

“Touch yourself again,” he commanded and he watched as her fingers immediately found her clit and she began both rubbing and pinching it. When her head fell back, he latched onto her throat, grazing his teeth over her skin before soothing it with the flat of his tongue.

Haley’s other hand was kneading his shoulder, her fingernails digging into his flesh as the pleasure escalated and mere seconds later, she shouted his name as she suddenly climaxed. The movement of her fingers slowed but didn’t stop entirely as she wanted to savour the delicious sensations coursing through her body for as long as possible.

Smoothing her hand over his shoulder and moving it higher, she threaded her fingers through his thick hair and directed his mouth back to hers. The kiss they shared was sending her blood pressure through the roof and combined with the way his hips were jack-hammering into hers, it was a wonder she hadn’t passed out with sensory overload. All she could feel, smell, taste was Nathan and she still couldn’t seem to get enough.

It was his turn to moan when her slim fingers wrapped around his throbbing length and began pumping him as he continued thrusting in and out of her. His hands were fisting the pillows beside her head as he felt himself grow ever closer to the edge.

“H-Hales…” Nathan choked out, his control fast slipping away. He could literally feel his orgasm rushing its way up from the very tips of his toes and he held his breath as he waited to feel the explosion.

“C’mon, Nathan… Let go,” Haley whispered into his ear. “You feel so good, baby… I want to feel you come inside of me. I know you want to.”

Her words coupled with the sexy tone she was using was his undoing and burying his face into the nook between her neck and shoulder, her name fell from his lips in a mantra as he emptied himself inside of her.

His arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her, his breathing ragged as he fought to get it back to some semblance of normal. Not wanting to crush her, he started to move over to the side but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Don’t go.”

“I’m too heavy and—” he started to say before she interrupted him.

“No, you’re not. I like having you pressed against me,” Haley admitted.

Nathan smirked. “Oh, I love that, too.” Lowering his head, he kissed her soft and slow and without her realising it, he rolled them over so that she was now on top of him. “There, that’s better. Now I can have you pressed against me.” Grabbing a handful of her butt, he asked, “Have I told you lately that you’ve got a serious ass, Haley James?”

She couldn’t help blushing but she laughed all the same. “Yeah, I vaguely remember you mentioning that,” she teased. “Oh, and it’s Scott by the way. Haley James Scott.”

His smirk turned into a genuine smile and he nodded his head. “Yeah, it definitely is and that’s the way it’s going to stay.” Tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, he cupped her face in his palm and brought it closer to his so he could nuzzle his nose against hers in a soft Eskimo kiss.

Their lips met again and again in a series of light, fleeting kisses before becoming more frenzied.

Moving her so she was now straddling his waist, Nathan’s hands wandered everywhere they could reach and in a low, gravelly voice, he asked, “So, you up for round two?”

“Hmm, I don’t know… I was just about to suggest we have an early night,” she joked, yelping loudly when he pinched her ass and flipped them over. “Hey!”

“I’ll show you an early night,” he teased as he began kissing his way down her body, his tongue dipping into her belly button which made her giggle. The giggle soon turned into a long drawn out moan when his mouth moved lower still and began working its magic on her.

When he lifted his head and looked at her, his eyebrows raised in question, that damn smirk of his tugging at his lips, she couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Okay, you win… We’ll save the early night for another time. Maybe tomorrow since I’ll be completely exhausted from tonight’s activities.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “You can be the one to tell Jamie though just why we’re so tired.”

Haley swatted his arm. “You know, I think now’s the perfect time for a nap, don’t you, honey?”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” he told her, taking her mouth in another sinfully hot kiss that had their toes curling.

“Hmm, I think you need to convince me some more,” she whispered seductively, her fingers caressing over the back of his neck.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.”

And convince her he did!


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