Trick or Treat

Title: Trick or Treat

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Strong Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during Season 3 so everything up to and including it. Contains scenes and language of a strong sexual nature.

Summary: "Listen, you little..." The words died on his lips, his mouth falling open as he regarded the vision standing in front of him.

Author's Notes: Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it. As this sort of includes a costume, I’m entering it as my second submission over at nhlovenest. Hope you all like it!

Knowing Haley had her key with her, Nathan ignored the sudden knock at the front door, so engrossed was he in the video game he was playing. It was probably a Trick or Treater anyway and since Halloween wasn't something he'd ever really enjoyed, he wasn't going to pause his game just to answer the door to a bunch of little brats wanting him to give them a crap-load of candy.

He swore under his breath when whoever was at the front door knocked again and he tried hard to ignore them once more but, apparently, tonight wasn't his night. The knocking became more insistent and so, with another mumbled curse word, he paused the game and tossed the controller on the couch before getting up and making his way to the door, throwing it wide open.

"Listen, you little..." The words died on his lips, his mouth falling open as he regarded the vision standing in front of him. Fuck!

"Trick or treat?" Haley asked in her most seductive voice. Despite the cool night air, she felt warm all over thanks to the way Nathan's eyes were roaming all over her.

"T-treat...definitely treat," he managed to choke out as he continued to stare at his wife. If he'd have known she'd had this in mind when they had their little conversation in bed the other night...well, he'd probably have self-combusted.

Her white, button-up shirt was like a second skin on her, stretching tightly over her generous bust, a loosely knotted blue-and-gray striped tie drawing his eyes to her cleavage while the gray, pleated skirt she wore was shorter than anything he'd ever seen her wearing before, with the exception of in the bedroom, of course; white knee socks and shiny black patent, Mary Jane shoes completed her outfit. Her long, honey-blonde hair had been pulled up into pigtails, giving her that schoolgirl look he'd told her he'd once fantasized over after seeing a certain pop music video. When his gaze arrived again at her lips, he took in how glossy they were and he wondered what flavour she'd chosen this time.

"Can I come in?"

Haley's voice broke into his thoughts and he realised she was still standing on the doorstep and so, taking her hand in his, he pulled her into the apartment, making sure to lock the door after he'd closed it. He sure as fuck didn't want any of their friends to invite themselves in as they sometimes tended to do. "Sorry 'bout that," he told her, his thumb running back and forth along the back of her hand.

Laughing, she said, "I guess that means you like the outfit, huh?"

"Oh yeah." Pulling her in close to him, he ducked his head and caught her lips, which tasted like cherry, in a hot, hungry kiss; telling her without words just how much he liked it. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked several moments later when they'd broken apart to breathe in much needed air.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. I know Halloween isn't something you particularly like what with the whole dressing up thing so I wanted to make it a bit more fun for you."

"You’ve definitely done that," he said, smirking at her before adding, "I think Halloween is my new favourite holiday."

"Really? That's great. I guess you won't mind dressing up in the outfit I got for you and coming Trick or Treating with me, then."

"Woah! What?"

She couldn't help bursting out into laughter at the look of horror on his face. "Got ya!"

"You think you're so funny, don't you?"

Wrapping her arms around him, Haley pushed herself up onto her toes and rubbed her nose against his. "Uh huh." Her tongue licked at his lips before she sealed her mouth over his and kissed him softly. She threaded her fingers through his thick hair, one hand moving to cup the back of his head, effectively keeping him in place.

Nathan felt like pinching himself to make sure this was actually happening and wasn't jusst part of some intensely vivid dream. His fingers slipped beneath the hem of her shirt and he caressed her warm, bare skin. Moving his hand higher, he palmed her left breast over her shirt, kneading the soft mound gently and feeling her hard, aroused nipple pressing into his palm. As the kiss became more and more heated, his fingers inched over slightly and he slowly began unbuttoning her shirt. While he was eager to see what she was wearing beneath it, he wanted to draw it out and make the whole experience even more pleasurable.

Haley obviously didn’t share that philosophy though since she was tugging hard at his T-shirt and he broke the kiss for just the length of time it took him to pull the offending garment off and toss it to the floor. As soon as it had cleared his head, his mouth was back on hers and he growled into her mouth when her blunt fingernails curled into the tops of his shoulders. The spark of pleasure/pain shot straight to his cock, making him even harder than he’d been since he opened the door to her.

Wanting to be as comfortable as possible when things really got underway, he began walking them backwards towards their bedroom and somehow managed to avoid bumping them into any of furniture.

"Have I told you how sexy you look?" Nathan whispered into her ear before his lips began kissing a path down the slender column of her neck.

"Noooo," she moaned, her fingers tightening their hold on him when he ground his hips into hers.

"You look fucking sexy," he told her, his voice thick with lust as his hands pushed at her now unbuttoned shirt, trying to get it off as quickly as he could. “And so beautiful.”

She shivered at his husky tone, her skin infusing with colour at her body's response to him, and, helping him out, she pulled her arms out of the sleeves, letting the shirt fall to the carpeted floor as her arms wound around her his neck again. Pressing kisses to his throat and working her way upwards, Haley found his lips once more and, if possible, this kiss was even hotter than all the previous ones they'd shared that night. They were practically devouring each other, their tongues tangling wetly as their hands explored each other's bodies. Slipping her fingers beneath the elastic of both his basketball shorts and his boxers, she wrapped them around his erection, stroking his thick, hard length ever-so-softly. His resultant moans were like music to her ears and she smiled against his shoulder at the power her touch wielded over him.


"What do you want?" she whispered into his ear, nipping the lobe with her teeth.

"You! I want you!"

"You have me," she told him, her hand delving lower to cup his balls in her palm.

"Fuck!" Nathan's grip on Haley's hip tightened and cupping the back of her neck, he drew her in for another kiss, seizing control as soon as their lips met. The feel of her soft, plump lips moving in time with his while her fingers worked their magic on his cock... He was seriously lost for words! He knew he needed to slow things down if he didn't want this to be over before it'd had a chance to really begin. Covering her hand with his own, he stilled her movements before removing her hand completely from inside his shorts. Before she had a chance to say a word, he pushed his shorts down and off, leaving him completely naked and feeling somewhat underdressed in her presence.

Pressing his lips to hers in a relatively chaste kiss, he scooped her up into his arms causing her to yelp with surprise and he rewarded her with the smirk he knew she loved. He gently laid her down upon their bed and then took a moment to admire the picture she made; the universal male fantasy of the naughty schoolgirl but mixed in with Haley's wide-eyed innocence which was one of the many things he loved about her. One by one, he removed her shoes followed by the knee socks and he ran his hands up and down her bare legs, enjoying the silkiness of her skin under his touch.

A thought suddenly popped into his head and his fingers immediately stilled. “How did you get here from… Wait, where did you come from?”

“Why?” she teased, running her toes along the back of his calf.

“C’mon, Hales… You know why.” The thought of anyone else, especially another guy, seeing her dressed like this… He could feel his jealousy rising, threatening to overwhelm him.

“Don’t worry, baby. I got ready at Peyton’s and then she dropped me off on her way to see Luke. But just in case anyone happened to see me, I had my long raincoat on as well so all they’d have seen was my head and my shoes. I took my coat off just before I knocked on the door and it was dark anyway so—”

Haley’s words were cut off by Nathan’s lips pressing urgently against hers. The relief he felt at knowing nobody but himself—and Peyton, of course, but she didn’t count—had seen her like this was just as strong as the jealousy he’d felt building up inside of him. He played with one of her pigtails, wrapping the fine strands of her hair around his fingers as he covered her body with his own.

“I’m feeling kinda underdressed here, babe,” he whispered into her ear which had her giggling.

“Well, why don’t you do something about it,” she countered. “I am your Halloween treat, after all.”

Nathan didn’t need any more encouragement than that. Popping the front clasp on her white lacy bra, he made fast work of removing the small scrap of fabric, his hands immediately cupping and kneading her full breasts; using the web of skin between his thumb and forefinger to tug on her sensitive nipples. The tiny mewls and gasps she was making were turning him on even more and so he repeated the motion while at the same time rocking his hips into hers.

“More…” Haley pleaded, rotating her hips in time with his movements as her fingers hurriedly unfastened the tie around her neck. As soon as she’d pulled it out from under her neck, her hands stroked all over Nathan’s chest and stomach before delving lower and wrapping around his erection. Her thumb swiped over the head, gathering the precum that was leaking from the tip and smoothing it down over his shaft, using it as a lubricant to aid her ministrations. The way he was biting his lip, trying to stop himself from exploding too soon was making her insides melt. She loved seeing him looking so intense. His eyes were boring into hers; their usual bright blue colour several shades darker now, a sure sign of his arousal.

Reaching under her short skirt and sliding his thumbs into the waistband, Nathan slowly pulled down her matching white panties, throwing them over his shoulder and he let his eyes wander all over her body which was naked save for the pleated gray skirt she still wore. He smiled at the rosy blush that decorated her skin and leaning over her, he covered her mouth with his own while his fingertips caressed her wet heat. A tiny hiss escaped when she tightened her grip on his cock and, in retaliation, he thrust two fingers deep inside of her, causing her to moan loudly.

Breaking the kiss and pushing himself up onto his knees, he used his free hand to push her skirt up and out of the way so he could see what he was doing to her. He watched with hungry eyes as she released her hold on him and began gripping the comforter in her fist while her hips moved faster in time with the movement of his hand, urging him to speed up. His lips curved up into a smirk as he deliberately slowed down and watched her eyes, which had fluttered shut, suddenly fly open.

“Nathan…please… I-I need more!”

He watched as she cupped her own breasts in her hands, pinching her diamond hard nipples the way he knew she liked, her eyes completely trained on his. His control pretty much flew at the window and slowly sliding his fingers out of her, he commanded, “Turn over!”

Licking her lips at the knowledge of what was to come, so to speak, Haley scrambled onto her hands and knees, impatiently waiting to feel Nathan’s hands on her. “Do you want me to take my skirt off?” she asked, turning her head and looking at him over her shoulder. Her body trembled at what she saw; Nathan’s hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing the base in an apparent attempt to not climax too soon. God, he looked so hot!

He shook his head. “No, leave it on.” Flipping the hem of the skirt up, he caressed the firm globes of her ass before taking himself back in hand and placing himself at her entrance. He teased her with just the head for a moment, sliding it along her slippery wet folds and then bumping her clit with it.

“Nathan… God, please!” Haley’s breathing was ragged, her fingers clenching and unclenching the comforter beneath her as she rocked back and forth, trying to gain more friction and push her closer to the orgasm she could feel slowly edging towards her.

“What do you want, baby?” he asked, his voice as thick as molasses.

“I-I want you…inside me…”

Without saying a word, he lined himself up and pushed inside in one deep thrust, his teeth biting so hard into his lip that he could taste blood. She was so tight, her inner muscles clenching around him like a vice. Finding his rhythm, he slid in and out of her at a leisurely pace before picking up speed and pumping into her wildly. He ran his hands all over her baby soft skin, touching her everywhere that he could reach. Wrapping an arm around her stomach, he pulled her up so that her back was pressed to his chest and tugging on one of her pigtails, he turned her head so she was facing him and he seized her lips in a deeply passionate kiss; their tongues tangling furiously together as each sought for dominance.

His free hand palmed her breasts in turn, squeezing them gently before he slid his hand lower and rubbed her clit in a circular motion. Haley’s fingernails dug into Nathan’s forearm as she felt the first orgasm of the night strike, her body convulsing with the sensory overload she was experiencing, his name repeatedly falling from her lips. He was surrounding her so completely and still she couldn’t get enough.

Falling forward, Haley gripped her pillow tightly as she gyrated her hips against him as he pounded into her, his own orgasm so close she could practically feel it about to hit any second now. She squeezed her feminine muscles around him, repeating the motion a few times until she finally felt him empty himself inside of her, her own name whispered into her ear as he collapsed on top of her followed by a series of love words that had her smiling into her pillow.

Several minutes later, Nathan felt her shiver underneath him and so, slowly withdrawing from her, he got up from the bed and together, they pulled back the covers. His eyes focused on her fingers as she unzipped her skirt and removed it before climbing into bed on her side and he quickly followed, wrapping himself around her.

“That was some treat,” he whispered huskily against the nape of her neck, his lips curved up into a smile.

Haley smiled, too as she played with his fingers which were resting on her stomach. “I’m glad you liked it.”

Rolling her onto her back, Nathan shifted over so that he was lying on top of her and lowering his head, he licked a path around her lips before kissing them softly. “So, trick or treat?”

Feeling him already hard against her thigh, she smirked and repeated the words he’d said to her earlier, “Oh, treat…definitely treat!”


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