The Four Of Us

Title: The Four Of Us

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an episode extension which follows on from 8.18 'Quiet Little Voices' so you might want to watch it first.

Summary: Getting up out of his seat, Nathan closed the short distance between him and Jamie and ruffled the boy's sandy-blonde hair. "C'mon, hand her over. You've been hogging her for long enough," he joked. As carefully as he could, he picked up the precious bundle and rocked her gently before lowering his head and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead; his fingers then adjusting the little knitted cap she wore.

Author's Notes: As much as I loved last night's episode, I couldn't help being disappointed that we didn't get a NHLy or NHJLy scene so I decided to write this. Hope you like it!

Propped up in her hospital bed, Haley smiled at the image of her son holding his baby sister. Nathan was sitting beside her and shooting him a glance, she saw he was also smiling as he watched the pair.

"You like her, then?" she teased.

Jamie looked up at his parents and grinned. "Uh huh... she's awesome. I love it when she grips my finger."

"She's got a strong grip," Nathan stated, remembering the feel of his newborn daughter tightly holding his thumb in her tiny fist as he'd cradled her in his arms for the first time.

"She's a Scott so I'd expect nothing less," Haley said. Reaching over, she took his hand in hers and gave his fingers a gentle squeeze.

Jamie giggled when he looked back down and saw Lydia yawning.

"What's so funny, Jimmy Jam?" Haley asked, using his childhood nickname which, sadly, he seemed to be outgrowing every day.

"I think we're boring her," he quipped, tilting his arms slightly to show his parents what the baby was doing.

"You did that a lot when you were born," Nathan told him. "When you weren't yawning you were sleeping."

"And when you weren't sleeping," Haley continued, "you were eating."

Getting up out of his seat, Nathan closed the short distance between him and Jamie and ruffled the boy's sandy-blonde hair. "C'mon, hand her over. You've been hogging her for long enough," he joked. As carefully as he could, he picked up the precious bundle and rocked her gently before lowering his head and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead; his fingers then adjusting the little knitted cap she wore.

Haley's heart melted as she watched the tender scene in front of her and she felt her eyes fill with tears.

"Momma, are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, honey, I'm fine. These are happy tears, I promise." As she said the words, she was immediately reminded of saying something very similar to Nathan when she'd first told him she was pregnant and she smiled at the memory. When his gaze locked with hers and she saw his own lips curved upwards she knew he was remembering the exact same thing.

Climbing onto the bed beside his mother, Jamie leaned into her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Aunt Quinn was telling me the story about your middle name, Momma. How come you gave the same one to Lyddie?"

"Lyddie?" Nathan asked, a half-smirk gracing his lips.

"It's okay if I call her that, isn't it?"

"Of course it is, buddy," he instantly replied. "Right, Hales?"

"Right. It's cute plus I really like the idea of her having a nickname."

"So, how come her middle name's Bob, too?"

"Well, I... uh, I guess I wanted Lyddie to have another part of your grandparents. I mean, she's named after my mom but... Bob was something my dad came up with as well so it's kind of like a joint thing. It's weird, I know," she said, laughing softly.

"It's not weird," Nathan quickly reassured her, already knowing the wacky story behind his wife's name. "I think Jimmy and Lydia would've loved you for carrying it on. And besides, if our daughter is anything like her feisty mom, then I think her middle name is more than fitting."

Haley blushed. "Thank you," she whispered. The sight of him holding their much longed for baby girl coupled with his words was making her heart race and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

"Are you guys gonna get all mushy now?" Jamie queried, scrunching his nose up.

Nathan laughed quietly. "Maybe." Even as he said it, he knew there was no maybe about it.

Crossing the room, he carefully passed the baby over to Haley but before he moved away, he pressed his lips against his wife's and kissed her soundly. He leaned into her touch when she caressed his cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," she whispered back, nuzzling her nose against his briefly before he retreated.

"I love you, too, Momma," Jamie mumbled sleepily as he rested against her side, the events and excitement of the day finally catching up with him.

"I love you, too, baby boy." Turning her head, she kissed his temple.

"I think someone needs his bed," Nathan observed.

"Is Quinn still here?"

"Yeah. She and Clay said they'll take Jamie back home and get him settled while we wait for you and Lyddie to be discharged." Walking around the bed and over to Jamie, who was fast falling asleep, he said, "C'mon, buddy, let's get you home."

"Nooo, I wanna stay with you, Momma and Lyddie."

"Are you sure? It might be a few more hours."

"I wanna stay!" he repeated, placing an arm across Haley's waist.

"Okay, okay," she soothed, running her hand through his hair. "You're just as stubborn as your dad."

"Hey!" Nathan said, trying not to laugh.


"I'm just gonna go and tell Clay and Quinn that Jamie's staying with us and that they can go home, okay."


Nathan was gone for probably less than five minutes, not wanting to be away from his newly expanded family for any longer than was necessary and upon his return, he found himself glued to the doorway of Haley's room as he saw the love of his life safely cradling their daughter in the crook of her elbow, her eyes fixed on the tiny bundle, while her other arm was wrapped around their sleeping son. His heart swelled with so much love for the three of them that it felt like it was about ready to burst right out of his chest.

As he fully entered the room and took a seat beside them, pulling the chair as close to the bed as he could, he said a silent prayer of thanks to his much missed parents-in-law. He could never thank Jimmy and Lydia enough for saying yes all those years ago and trusting him with their daughter's heart and happiness. He could only hope they were proud of him and the family he and Haley had created together.


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