After Dark

Title: After Dark

Author: Diane

Pairing: Michael/Maria

Prompts: Lips, lust, uniform

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during early Season 3. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: The Crashdown's been closed for about fifteen minutes and Maria knows that Liz is probably upstairs already making a start on her homework. God, if she only knew what her best friend was doing right at that very second behind her home and family's business...

Author's Notes: This has been written for the Porn Battle XI Challenge.

She can't believe she's doing this where anyone could pass by and see them even if it is pretty dark outside now.

The Crashdown's been closed for about fifteen minutes and Maria knows that Liz is probably upstairs already making a start on her homework. God, if she only knew what her best friend was doing right at that very second behind her home and family's business...

Thoughts of Liz Parker evaporate into the dusty breeze as Michael thrusts his stiffened tongue deep inside her pussy, his nose adding a delicious pressure against her clit as he does so. “Oh God!” she mumbles breathlessly. The hand that isn't holding the skirt of her Crashdown uniform up around her waist threads through her boyfriend's thick hair, keeping him in place as he practically devours her with his wickedly talented mouth.

When he draws back from her several minutes later and flashes her what she can only refer to as a dirty half-smirk, she bites into her bottom lip in anticipation of his next move. She doesn't have to wait long to find out what it is. He trails his dexterous fingers up the inside of her bare thigh and, without preamble, slips two of them into her molten heat and begins sliding them in and out. He keeps his dark-as-midnight eyes locked on hers as he leans forward and sucks her clit between his lips, grazing the sensitive little nub with his teeth.

“Michael!” she cries out as a thunderous orgasm unexpectedly rips through her entire being. White noise rushes through her ears while fireworks explode behind her eyelids. As she slowly comes down from her high, she can feel his smug smile against her flushed skin and she can't help but laugh. After that performance, he's kind of earned the right to be smug. While Michael always manages to make her come whenever they have sex, tonight's orgasm is definitely one of the strongest he's given her and she wonders whether the element of danger is part of the reason for that. She doesn't particularly care about the reason... All that matters to her is that he doesn't stop doing it.

“You okay?” he asks, getting up from his kneeling position and brushing off the dust from his jeans.

Maria doesn't fail to notice when he adjusts the crotch of his jeans and she licks her lips. “I'm fine...”

“Yeah, you are,” he tells her and he chuckles at the rosy blush that subsequently tints her cheeks.

“Do you want me to...” she trails off, gesturing with her hand to his jeans. Her heart races when she notices the hitch in his breathing at her unfinished question.

Michael nods. “Not here though... let's go to my apartment.”

“Okay,” she readily agrees, happy that her mom is away for the next few days at another convention. Quickly adjusting her underwear which Michael had hurriedly pulled aside, she then pulls down the skirt of her uniform and straightens it out before re-buttoning the top half of it. Slipping her hand into his offered one, she follows him to where his motorcycle is parked but before he climbs astride it, he turns and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against his body.

As he lowers his head, she pushes up onto her tiptoes to meet his kiss and she moans into his mouth when she tastes herself on his lips. It spikes her arousal even more and if it wasn't for the fact that they'll be more comfortable at his apartment and, of course, have all the privacy they could want, she'd fuck him right here in the parking lot.

“Let's go home,” he whispers huskily against her lips and all she can do is nod.

After he climbs onto the bike, she follows suit and pulls on the helmet he hands her. As soon as it's securely fastened and her arms are tightly wrapped around his waist, he peels out of the parking lot like a bat out of a hell and she can't help the loud laugh that escapes; its sound lost in the wind that whips by.


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