The Art of Unpacking

Title: The Art of Unpacking

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Summary: What might have happened when Nathan and Haley attempt to unpack their belongings. This is set a short while after episode 319, 'I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me'.

Author’s Note: This is dedicated to Caroline who suggested I write a tag to this episode, and to Nicole, who requested something fluffy. Hope you all like it. :)

“Nathan!” Haley admonished when she felt her husband’s arms wrap around her waist, pulling her back towards him so his body was pressed up against hers.

“What?” he asked, a smirk creeping onto his lips at her tone of voice.

“Don’t ‘what’ me. We’re supposed to be unpacking everything and--”

“I’m helping you unpack, aren’t I?”

“Having you in here with me is not unpacking. You’re supposed to be dealing with the living room boxes while I sort out these ones in here.” Her hands gestured to the boxes strewn around their bedroom.

“I’d rather unpack—sorry, undress you,” Nathan teased as his fingers began undoing the tie of her halter-top from where it rested at the base of her neck.

“You think you’re so cute,” Haley said, sighing when his lips kissed that spot just behind her ear which always seemed to make her legs shake whenever he would kiss or caress it. Her eyes looked around the room taking in the disarray but right now, not caring about it in the slightest. What he was doing felt far too good to stop him just for the sake of unpacking the things he had brought back with him as well as those they had retrieved from storage.

“I am cute,” he said and she could feel him smiling against her skin.

“Yes, very,” she told him before turning quickly to face him. Cupping the back of his neck, she moved his head so his face was directly in front of hers whereupon she sealed her mouth over his and kissed him hard.

Nathan’s hands busied themselves with peeling her halter-top away from her body, letting it pool around her waist before cupping and kneading her bare breasts as his mouth continued to move with hers, his tongue slipping between her lips so that he could taste her unique flavour.

The only sound in the bedroom was that of harsh breathing as the couple’s kisses became even more passionate and heated. Clothes were removed and flung into various corners, neither of them caring where they landed, too intent were they on feeling each other’s naked skin against their own.

“Ouch!” he suddenly cried out.

“Wh-What is it?” she asked breathlessly, her hands continuing to stroke along his muscular shoulders.

“I stubbed my toe on one of those damn boxes.” Seeing her mouth open to say something, he quickly interjected, “Don’t say it.”

“Say what?”

“That we should stop this and finish unpacking.”

Bringing one of her legs up to wrap around his hip, Haley silently told him what she wanted and he was only too happy to comply, picking her up so she could wrap the other leg around him. “You really think I want to stop this just so we can finish unpacking?”

Having her nude body wrapped around and rubbing against him was sending his blood pressure soaring through the roof, not to mention making his mouth so dry he could hardly speak. “No,” he whispered before seizing her lips in an electric kiss.

Slipping a hand between them, she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length and stroked them up and down, her eyes watching his face the whole time to gauge his reaction. His mouth had dropped open and she took the opportunity of flicking her tongue over his bottom lip before gently biting down on it.

“God… Hales…”

“You feel so good, Nathan… So hard…” she whispered into his ear before grazing her teeth against the lobe.

He loved the sound of her voice when she was aroused and gripping her waist a little tighter, he closed the short distance to their bed in just a few strides, gently laying her down upon the silky comforter before carefully climbing on top of her.

Haley twined her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that his entire weight rested upon her and she sighed with blissful pleasure. This was a feeling she would never tire of and hooking her legs around him, she tilted her hips back slightly so that a certain appendage of his slid back and forth along a particular part of her body.

Stroking back and forth a few times, Nathan watched the chasing emotions upon her face as they both savoured the feel of each other. He lowered his head and kissed her mouth softly, teasing her with his lips and tongue and he chuckled when she grew impatient and pushed up to capture his mouth completely. A deep moan escaped from him when she thrust her tongue into his mouth, curling it around his and then sucking on it.

God, he loved kissing her. The way she poured every little piece of herself into it whether it was a chaste kiss or a deeply passionate one made his heart soar in his chest and he knew it was something he would forever love about her.

When the need for air became too much, he moved down her body, his lips kissing a path from her face all the way down to her breasts, his tongue licking a hot stripe down the valley between them. He felt her body trembling beneath his and it turned him on even more knowing that he was the cause of it.

When his hot and very talented mouth latched onto her nipple, Haley cried out his name as every nerve ending in her body sprang to life. Her fingers gripped his hair as she held him tightly to her, not wanting him to stop for even a second. Their lower bodies ground together and the wetness seeping from her combined with the precum from him made the sensations they were creating together feel even more amazing

Nathan could sense she was already close to the edge and switching his mouth to her other breast, he slipped a hand between them and slowly eased two fingers inside of her. His eyes stayed fixed on hers and he felt something completely primal surge within him at the picture she made; the back of her head burying further into the pillow it was resting on and the way her lips formed a perfect ‘o’ shape. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body which in the dim light of the room seemed to make it look as though she was glowing.

“Please, Nathan…” she half whispered/half moaned, her fingernails digging into his biceps as she fought to achieve her climax.

Removing his fingers from her, he shifted so that his erection was at her entrance and he pushed inside, stilling for a moment once he was fully seated so they could both enjoy being joined once again. Feeling her begin to writhe beneath him, he began moving in and out of her at a leisurely pace, wanting to draw it out for as long as they could take it.

“Is that okay?” he asked, looking down into her face as he braced his weight on his forearms which were either side of her shoulders.

“Uh huh… But go a little faster…” she replied.

Securing her legs more tightly around his waist, Haley pressed the heels of her feet into his buttocks in time with his movements as she urged him to speed up. She released a loud moan when he shifted slightly which caused him to apply direct pressure onto her clitoris and the feeling was indescribable. Her inner thighs gripped him hard and she wondered who would have the darker bruises tomorrow.

One of her hands was splayed in the middle of his back while the other held firmly to the back of his neck, her fingernails occasionally scraping along the sensitive skin there which she knew was an erogenous zone for him. When his lips parted, she pushed up again to take his mouth in a drugging kiss which seemed to go on forever, only ending when the lack of oxygen became too much to ignore.

“H-Harder…” she commanded before her entire body shuddered and convulsed a few seconds later when her orgasm hit her head-on. She felt completely and utterly sensitized and that feeling seemed to only escalate as Nathan fought to achieve his own climax. Wanting to help him get there, she licked and nibbled on his lips, bit the edge of his jaw and earlobe before whispering hot, spicy words into his ear, telling him in no uncertain terms how he made her feel each and every time they were intimately joined this way.

Everything her lips, tongue, teeth and words were doing, not to mention the way she was squeezing her internal muscles around him sent him spiralling over the edge in no time at all, leaving him a boneless heap collapsed on top of her. The way her fingers were massaging his back and shoulders though told him she didn’t mind in the slightest so he made little attempt to move, except to shift slightly to the side so that he wasn’t crushing her.

“You okay?” he managed to ask several long moments later when his body had calmed down and he felt rather than saw the nod she gave him in response.

“Uh huh… That was…” Her words trailed off.

“Yeah…” As he curled his body around hers before the pull of sleep got to them both, he managed to add, “This is so much better than moving in…”

Haley giggled. “Hmm, I vaguely remember hearing those words not too long ago.”

Nathan joined in with her laughter, his fingers intertwining with hers as he said, “And I was right then too, wasn’t I?” Getting no response, he glanced down and saw that she had already fallen asleep. Oh well, he’d just have to remind her of it the next time she suggested unpacking those boxes.

He couldn’t wait.


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