Quid Pro Quo

Title: Quid Pro Quo

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Prompt: Honeymoon

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: It's kind of AU so no spoilers to worry about. Story contains a little sexual innuendo but nothing too strong, in my opinion.

Summary: “Uh huh, it is our honeymoon after all and since you came with me to the Tate Modern,” Haley said, referring to the famous London art gallery she had talked him into visiting with her the day before, “I figured we should do something you wanted to do today.”

Author's Notes: This was written for Zara_Lusty in response to the above prompt.

Opening one eye, Nathan groaned when he saw that his wife was already wide awake. She was lying on her side facing him, her arm bent at the elbow with her cheek resting in her palm.

“Good morning,” Haley chirped.

He grunted in response. “Please tell me we don't have to get up yet?”

“Do you want me to lie to you?” she asked, biting her lip to try and stop herself from giggling.

Burying his face in his pillow, Nathan couldn't help wishing that his wife wasn't such an early bird. It was a rare occurrence for him to be awake before her but he'd hoped after last night's sexcapades, which had lasted long into the the early hours, that he would've tired her out enough that they could have a nice, leisurely lie in. The sensation of her fingertips tracing swirls along his bare back and shoulders brought him back to the present and, a second later, he felt her warm breath puffing against his ear. He turned his head towards her again but kept his eyes shut, savouring her familiar touch.

“I was thinking... we could stay in bed all day.”

“Yeah?” Even as his imagination went into overdrive, he tried not to let his hopes get too high.

“Uh huh, it is our honeymoon after all and since you came with me to the Tate Modern,” Haley said, referring to the famous London art gallery she had talked him into visiting with her the day before, “I figured we should do something you wanted to do today.”

Nathan laughed. When he opened his eyes, he saw her face just millimetres away from his own and he wasted no time in closing the tiny gap between them. The kiss started off slow and tender but soon gathered pace and, within moments, he had rolled Haley over onto her back and was pressing her down into the soft mattress.

“You're not messin' with me, are you?”

The sexy smirk he flashed her made her tummy flip. “Does it feel like I'm messing with you?” she teased, trailing her toes along his calf while one of her hands slipped between their bodies.

A low moan tore from his throat, his fingers tightly gripping the pillow either side of Haley's head as she slowly worked him over.

Her free hand cupped the back of his head and she pressed down slightly so that her mouth was right by his ear again. “I hope you know what you're letting yourself in for, baby,” she said, her voice a sultry whisper.

The sharp nip she gave his earlobe caused little crackles of electricity to run through his entire being and, in retaliation, he rocked his hips into hers; smirking when he saw her eyes fluttering closed and her lips forming a perfect 'o'. Ducking down, it was his turn to whisper into her ear, “Bring it on, Hales... bring it on.”


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