Not One For Surprises

Title: Not One For Surprises

Author: Diane

Prompt: 098 – Writer’s Choice: Surprise

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post Season 5 so everything up to and including it. It’s a sequel to ‘Chocolate Heaven’ so it’d probably help if you’ve read that one first and it’s also a part of my ‘Baby Talk’ series. Contains a little bit of sexual innuendo but nothing major.

Summary: Jamie shook his head. “I hate surprises... Just like Momma,” he told her.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

“Are we really gonna find out today if Nugget’s a boy or a girl?” Jamie asked excitedly as he sat with his parents in the waiting room of the doctor’s office; his legs swinging back and forth.

“Uh huh,” Haley replied, smiling at her son. “Actually, it depends on if Nugget is lying in the right position. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to tell and we might have to wait a little longer.”

He looked between his parents as he asked his next question. “Do we get a picture today and can I take it to school and show everyone?”

Nathan laughed. “I’m pretty sure we’ll get a picture today and maybe we can ask if they’ll print one especially for you.”

“Really? I get my own picture?”

Brushing her hand over his sandy blonde hair, Haley said, “We’ll see what the doctor says, okay. Maybe if you ask her nicely.”

“Okay,” he agreed.

Looking over at Nathan, they shared a smile at the way Jamie was practically bouncing in his seat as they waited for their turn to see Doctor Robertson. They’d let him bring his electronic basketball game with him to keep him occupied but so far the toy hadn’t even been switched on which was definitely a first for him.

A few minutes later when her name was called, the family made their way into Doctor Robertson’s office and after greeting the woman, Haley got up onto the examination table, pushing up her loose fitting shirt to expose her bump, while Nathan took a seat in an adjacent chair and pulled Jamie onto his lap.

“How’ve you been feeling lately?” The doctor asked as she read Haley’s notes and then prepared the sonogram machine.

“Fat,” she replied, running a hand over her bump which seemed to be growing by the day.

Before Nathan had a chance to say anything, Jamie jumped in. “You’re not fat, Momma… You’re havin’ a baby,” he said, repeating what he’d heard his daddy say just the other day.

“That’s my boy,” Nathan said proudly, pressing a kiss to the top of his son’s head.

“Thank you, baby,” Haley said, smiling at Jamie who was lapping up all the praise.

As the doctor squirted some gel onto her patient’s rounded stomach, she smiled at the way the little boy was intently watching her every move. “So, Jamie, are you excited to find out whether you’re going to have a baby brother or sister?”

“Uh huh… Do we really get to find out today?”

She nodded. “Yep. Wouldn’t you like it to be a surprise though?”

Jamie shook his head. “I hate surprises… Just like Momma,” he told her.

Haley laughed. “Yeah, we’re not too keen on those, are we, buddy?”

Rubbing the sonogram’s transducer over and around Haley’s tummy, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the swirling black and white images that suddenly filled the ultrasound screen.

“Is it a boy or a girl?” Jamie asked, bouncing up and down on his father’s lap and leaning forward to try and get a closer view.

Turning to look at Haley and Nathan, Doctor Robertson asked, “Are you sure you want me to tell you or wou—”

“Yes!” Jamie interrupted which had all three adults laughing.

“I don’t think our lives would be worth living if we said no,” Nathan replied, rubbing his hand over his son’s head.

“Okay, then,” the doctor said as she turned to look back at the screen to confirm what she’d already seen. “You’re having a girl,” she told them a moment later.

Jamie’s shoulders slumped at the news. “A girl? Are you sure?”

“Jamie,” Haley admonished.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“You were wanting a brother, huh?” Doctor Robertson asked.

The little boy nodded. “It’s really a girl?”


Shifting on Nathan’s lap so he could see his father’s face, he said, “Is she gonna be all bossy like Lily?”

Nathan bit his lip to try and stop himself from laughing. Leaning in so his mouth was by Jamie’s ear, he replied, “Well, if she’s anything like your Mom…”

“Be careful what the next words out of your mouth are,” Haley teased, sharing a smile with the doctor who was shaking her head at the young couple’s antics.

“If your little sister’s anything like your Mom, I think she’ll be pretty great,” Nathan said, his eyes locked on his wife’s which had suddenly filled with tears. Reaching out his hand, he covered hers with it and gave her fingers a gentle squeeze.

“I guess having a little sister might be cool…” Jamie mused a minute later and looking over at his mother who was wiping her eyes, he added, “Can I teach her how to play basketball?”

“Sure you can. I mean, she wouldn’t be a Scott if she didn’t have an interest in the game, right?” she told him.

Jamie nodded his agreement before turning his attention to the doctor who was at that moment printing off a sonogram picture for them. “Can I have a picture of the baby to show my friends?”

“What do you say, buddy?” Nathan prompted.


“Of course you can,” Doctor Robertson told him and as soon as the picture had finished printing, she handed it over, pointing out the unborn baby’s limbs and different organs so he could repeat them later when showing it around. Reaching into a cupboard, she removed a glass jar and held it out for him. “And since you’ve been such a good boy today, how about a lollipop?”

Jamie looked between his parents who smiled and nodded at him. Not giving them a chance to change their minds, his hand delved inside the jar and he removed a red lollipop. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, returning his smile. Grabbing some tissues, she gently wiped off the gel from Haley’s stomach. “Everything looks to be progressing very nicely. And don’t worry about your weight, Haley. You’re twenty weeks pregnant and I’m happy with the weight you’ve gained so far. As long as you’re eating well and getting enough nutrients, that’s the main thing.”

Nathan smiled and gently sliding Jamie off of his lap, he got up from his seat and helped Haley sit up as she pulled down her shirt. “See, what did I tell you, Hales?”

“Okay, Mr Know-It-All,” she quipped.

“Is it okay for us to have a sonogram picture, too, Doc, ‘cause I think we might have some trouble getting that one away from him?” he said, gesturing to Jamie who was standing beside them, sucking his lollipop and staring at the picture he was holding.

“I’ve actually gone one better for you both,” Doctor Robertson informed them. “I’ve actually made you a videotape of the sonogram.”

“Thank you.” Haley smiled warmly at the other woman, taking the offered videocassette from her.

“Yeah, that’s great. Thanks.”

“You’re both welcome. So, if you stop at reception on your way out, you can schedule your next appointment.”

Helping Haley get down from the table, Nathan wrapped an arm around her as they both nodded in acknowledgement. “C’mon, Jamie, say goodbye to Doctor Robertson.”

“Bye, Doctor,” the little boy called out, popping his lollipop straight back into his mouth as soon as he was done talking.

“Bye, Jamie,” Doctor Robertson replied, smiling down at him. “I’ll see you all back here in about four weeks time, then.”

After the adults had exchanged goodbyes, Haley briefly stopped at the reception desk to make her next appointment and once they were outside the medical centre, having remembered at the last minute to pick up Jamie’s game which he’d left in the waiting room, they began the drive home.

“You realise you owe me fifty bucks, Hales?” he said, remembering the bet they’d made a short while ago regarding the sex of their unborn child.

“Hah, I wondered how long it was going to take you to bring that up,” she answered, swatting him lightly on the arm.

“Do you want me to stop off at the cash point or—”

“Very funny.” Quickly glancing into the backseat to make sure Jamie’s attention was still focused on his basketball game, she lowered her voice and said, “I was thinking I could pay you in some other way…”

Looking over at her for a second, Nathan smirked at her before returning his eyes to the road ahead. “Oh really?”

“Uh huh. What do you say?”

“I say let’s talk about it when I’m able to give you my full attention.”

“Hmm, good answer,” she whispered, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. She couldn’t wait for that conversation to get started as soon as Jamie was tucked up in bed and fast asleep. Her eyes wandered over to Nathan and judging by the full blown grin that was etched upon his face, she knew he was thinking the exact same thoughts as her and the next words out of his mouth pretty much confirmed that.

“Hey, buddy, you want to shoot some hoops with me when we get home?” Nathan asked, his eyes meeting his son’s in the rear view mirror.

“Yay! Can I stay up a little later, too?”

Knowing just how tired he got when playing, especially since he’d also been at school earlier today, he nodded. “Okay, but not too late.”


“Yeah… sweet,” he said, sharing a quick look with his wife and smirking at the light blush that tinted her cheeks.

“How about mac and cheese for dinner?” Haley suggested a moment later.

“This is the best day ever!” Jamie exclaimed.

Without taking his eyes off of the road, Nathan took Haley’s hand in his and interlaced their fingers, resting their joined hands on his thigh. Giving her a quick glance, he said, “Yeah, I completely agree.”

Next : Late Night Chatter

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