A Belated Happy New Year!

Post date: Jan 30, 2013 10:57:42 PM

We're almost at the end of the month and here I am wishing you a Happy New Year. Oh well, better late than never, right?

So, I'm fairly certain that this blog section of my website remains largely unread by those of you who pop over here but I thought I'd post a new entry anyway.

This year hasn't been all that great for me so far. For some reason, I've just been feeling really low and isolated and, as a result, I've kind of withdrawn into myself. I've lurked a little online, checking Twitter and my usual haunts but, if anything, I've found it's made me feel even worse and, more often than not, after checking emails, etc, I've logged off and closed down my laptop. The knowledge that I'm doing that when I've got several emails, tweets and DM's to reply then makes me feel super guilty.

I even started up a new blog at the beginning of the year in the hope that would get me out of my funk but, so far, that hasn't particularly helped.

It says something when the Porn Battle fic challenge comes around and I can't get motivated for it. It's one of the writing challenges I get most excited about and I was gutted when it's founder announced last year that it would now be run annually instead of bi-annually. Anyway, the Fiery Fourteen started last week and it was looking more and more likely that this would be the first year (out of the past six that I've been contributing to it) that I wouldn't be submitting anything. I kept staring at the prompts for my favourite couples and nothing was happening. Suddenly though, an idea popped into my head and I ran with it and I managed to finish it this afternoon and submit it before this evening's deadline.

It feels good to have written something again and, I'm hoping, I can get back into it. Last December was my tenth anniversary of writing but, due to being ill, it unfortunately passed me by which is a shame as I'd wanted to mark the occasion in some way.

Writing all of this down has felt somewhat cathartic and even if no one reads this, I'm glad I posted this entry. If anyone is reading this, thank you.