Wicked Ways

Title: Wicked Ways

Author: Diane

Pairing: Danny/Lindsay

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a sequel to my recent fic ‘The Start Of Something More’ which takes place a few days before the events of episode 3.24 ‘Snow Day’. The story contains scenes and language of a mild sexual nature.

Summary: She felt her heart race wildly in her chest at hearing him say that and she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the only guy in the world for her.

Author’s Notes: I hadn’t intended to write a sequel but the idea for this popped into my head today and I figured why not go with it. If things go as I hope they will, I plan on writing a final instalment which would basically cover what happened in ‘Snow Day’ so wish me luck. :)

Between Danny’s intense, drugging kisses and the feel of his muscular frame pressed up tightly against her, Lindsay was feeling a mixture of breathless, dizzy and lightheaded. Her fingers dug into the supple leather of his worn jacket, holding him to her, as she kissed him back. When long moments later, he broke away from her and buried his face into the crook of her neck, she tilted her head to give him greater access; shivering at the feel of his stubble tickling her skin.

“You feel so good, Montana,” he whispered into her ear.

A slow smile crept onto her face as she whispered back, “You do, too.” Sliding her hand between them, she slipped her fingers under the hem of his pale blue Polo shirt, grazing her blunt nails across his abdomen and feeling the muscles flutter beneath her touch.

“You’re evil,” he stated. Drawing back so he could look at her face, he chuckled as he dipped his head to capture her lips again.

“Mm,” Lindsay mumbled as she gave herself over to the delicious sensations he was creating within her just from kissing alone. Lord only knew what would happen when they eventually slept together. The way things were progressing between them, she was pretty sure that was going to be happening in the very near future, maybe even tonight given how they’d spent practically the whole night making out.

Danny had suggested they catch a movie after work which she’d instantly agreed to. Ever since her return from Montana, they’d been spending a lot of time together and she was loving it. The heavy weight she’d been carrying in her heart and on her shoulders for so long had finally lifted and she was now free to start enjoying her life and Danny Messer was helping her do just that.

She’d let him pick the movie and was surprised when he’d picked the oldest release on offer instead of one of the more recent ones. He’d ignored her questioning of his choice and simply smirked at her, taking her hand and leading her past the concession stand and into the screening room showing their movie. “Cheapskate,” she’d mumbled under her breath which he’d obviously heard judging from the snort that came from his direction.

When he’d led her into the furthest corner of the room, the light-bulb in her head suddenly switched on and she realized exactly why he’d picked a movie that most people would’ve already seen by now. She’d almost bit through her lip to stop herself from giggling at his deviousness. As soon as the lights had dimmed and they were plunged into darkness, his lips were fused with hers and he was kissing the life out of her. They’d stayed that way for pretty much the next hour-and-a-half.

Coming back to the present, she asked, “Do you wanna come in?” As she waited for him to respond, she raked her nails along his scalp and down the back of his neck.


Lindsay smiled at his look of confusion before she saw the look of realization creep onto his face:

They’d been furiously making out against the front door of her apartment where any of her neighbours could see them.

“I, uh, guess we got carried away, huh?” Danny said sheepishly as he rested his forehead against hers.

“We sure did,” she agreed, laughing. “So, do you want to take this inside?”

“I, uh, can’t believe I’m going to do this but I’m going to say no.”


Cupping her cheek in his palm, he nuzzled his nose against hers reassuringly in a soft Eskimo kiss before finding her lips once more. “I want us to do this right, Lindsay, and I think we both know that if I come in there with you, I’m not gonna be leavin’ anytime soon.”

Playing with the collar of his jacket, she held his gaze, feeling herself blush as she replied, “I haven’t got a problem with that.”

“That’s good to know,” he said, his lips briefly curving up into a half-smirk before his tone turned serious. “It’s just... I want us to be sure... I need you to be sure before we take the next step.”

She felt her heart race wildly in her chest at hearing him say that and she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the only guy in the world for her. The guy she’d been waiting for her whole life. “Danny...” Rising up onto her tiptoes, she seized his lips, kissing him passionately and pouring everything she felt for him into it. One of her hands splayed in the centre of his back while the other held his head in place as she continued to devour him with her lips, tongue and teeth.

The only reason she broke the kiss when she did was to breathe in some much needed air. “Are you sure you don’t want to come inside with me?” she asked coyly, giggling when he started mumbling what she was sure were curse words in Italian.

“Damnit, Montana!”


“Don’t ‘what’ me, you little witch,” he said, playfully pinching her side. Tangling his fingers in her honey-brown waves, he pressed – what he intended to be – a final kiss onto her smirking lips. “I’m gonna go home and—”

“Take a cold shower?” she offered.

Danny did something that he rarely ever did and blushed. Okay, he decided; he really needed to get out of there before he said to hell with being a good guy and gave in to his baser instincts.

Taking pity on him, Lindsay lightly caressed the side of his face. “I’m sorry for teasing you, Danny. Everything you’ve said and done… and I’m not just talking about tonight, it means so much and I really appreciate it.” Leaning forward, she peppered tiny butterfly kisses along his jaw-line before she added, “And just so you know, I’m very sure about us taking the next step together.”

“Good,” he choked out before giving into temptation and kissing her again. Gathering all of his willpower, he pulled back and quickly bent down to retrieve the set of keys she’d dropped when they’d arrived back at her place and he’d practically jumped her as she’d tried to unlock her door. Inserting the key into the lock, he pushed opened the door and watched as she crossed the threshold. What he wouldn’t give to follow her inside.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” she said, turning to face him.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

Placing her hand on his shoulder, she kissed his cheek and then, not being able to resist, she brushed her lips over his. “Thanks for a great night, Danny.”

“You’re welcome.” Reluctantly taking a step back, he forced himself to start walking away. “Sweet dreams, Montana.”

Just before she closed her front door, she cheekily stated, “Oh, I think my dreams will be anything but sweet tonight.”

He couldn’t contain the burst of laughter that bubbled up in his throat and he shook his head in amusement; the sound of Lindsay’s own chuckles fading as he walked away from her apartment. His country girl was a real firecracker and he had a feeling she was going to be keeping him on his toes even more than she had so far.


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