A Little Alone Time

Title: A Little Alone Time

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a future fic set post-Season 8. As long as you know what NH intend on calling their new baby, you should be fine. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: She paused halfway down when she heard the faint strains of the familiar song playing on the stereo in the living room and she bit her lip to stifle the giggle she felt threatening to escape. Continuing her descent, her heart melted at the sight of her husband standing in the centre of the room rocking their six-month-old daughter against his shoulder.

Author's Notes: This story has been written especially for Lisa who very kindly bid on me (and won me) in the Help Haiti Fandom Auction that took place last year. I apologise wholeheartedly for the length of time it's taken me to write and post this. I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

A massive thank you goes to Kristen for helping me out and reading over this for me. As always, you rock!

Turning over onto her side, Haley reached out her hand and upon feeling that Nathan wasn't beside her, she opened her eyes and saw that she was indeed alone. Their bedroom was dark, save for the strip of moonlight she could see between the gap in the curtains where they hadn't fully been pulled together. A quick glance at the clock on the nightstand told her it was only a quarter past three and pushing the covers back, she climbed out of bed and slipped on her grey robe before padding out of the room.

The door to Jamie's room was slightly ajar and, as quietly as she could, she eased it open a little more, and popped her head around it. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she watched him for a few moments, his face turned towards hers as he slept on his side. Pulling the door back to how it had been, Haley then looked inside the nursery which was adjacent to her and Nathan's room and saw that it was empty so she began making her way downstairs. She paused halfway down when she heard the faint strains of the familiar song playing on the stereo in the living room and she bit her lip to stifle the giggle she felt threatening to escape. Continuing her descent, her heart melted at the sight of her husband standing in the centre of the room rocking their six-month-old daughter against his shoulder.

“Old school hip-hop, huh?” she whispered, the smile evident in her voice.

Turning to face his wife, Nathan flashed her a smirk. “Works every time,” he quietly replied, pressing a soft kiss onto the side of his fast asleep baby girl's head, breathing in her familiar scent. He remembered doing the very same thing with their son when he was a baby and how “Rapper's Delight” by The Sugarhill Gang was a particular favourite that had mellowed him out when it occasionally felt like nothing else would. Even at this young age, it looked as though little Lydia shared her big brother's and father's taste in music.

Walking over to the pair, Haley shook her head as she pushed up onto her tiptoes and brushed her lips over his. “Don't look so cocky,” she told him.

Nathan wrapped his free arm around around her shoulders and drew her into his side. “I can't help it if I've got a magic touch with her.”

Haley rubbed her palm over Lydia's back, feeling her tiny body moving up and down with every breath she took. “I didn't even hear her wake up.”

“That's 'cause she didn't. I went to get a glass of water and looked in on her and she was starting to fuss a little so I thought I'd bring her down her with me and get her settled again before she had a chance to wake up.”

“She might not have.” When he shrugged, Haley gave him a knowing smile.


“You wanted to spend a little alone time with her.”

“Yeah. You know how hectic things have been this past few weeks at the agency and then you throw in general day to day stuff and it just felt like I hadn't spent any real time with her... or with you and Jamie come to that.”

“We understand, Nathan.”

“I know you do,” Nathan said, ducking his head and nuzzling his nose against hers before stealing a kiss. Running his hand over the back of Lydia's head, he continued, “When I saw her lying there I just couldn't resist the opportunity to bring her downstairs with me.”

“I don't think she minds spending some one on one time with her daddy. I know I don't,” Haley teased.

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, her voice nothing more than a sultry whisper.

“How 'bout we put Lyddie back to bed and—”

“And what?”

“And we get to spend some one on one time together?” he suggested, another smirk gracing his lips.

“Mmm, sounds good. I wouldn't want to tire you out though,” she said, her mouth curved upwards into her own smirk.

Nathan threaded his fingers through her shoulder-length blonde waves and held her steady as he lowered his head and captured her lips in a hot, demanding, promise-filled kiss. “It's a good thing that tomorrow's Saturday then and I'm not going into the office.”

“Oh, it's a very good thing.”

He knew that if he wasn't holding their daughter they would be doing a lot more than talking right now. Keeping a secure hold on Lydia, Nathan walked over to the stereo and switched it off before going back over to Haley and lacing their fingers together, leading her towards the stairs.

“In a hurry, are we?” Haley asked, once again doing her best to stifle her laughter as she followed him up.

Once they were in the baby's nursery, Nathan lovingly kissed his daughter's chubby little cheek and watched as Haley did the same before he gently lowered her into her crib. They watched her for several moments, listening to her soft breaths.

“She's so beautiful... just like her mom,” he whispered, looking at his much-longed for daughter.

“I can see you in her, too,” Haley told him, linking her arm through his and resting her head on his shoulder.

Hearing her yawn, he said, “C'mon, let's get you into bed.”

With one last look at their sleeping baby and after making sure the monitor was on, they retreated and made the short trip back to their own room, closing and locking the door behind them.

“So, uh, do you want to go to sleep?” Nathan tentatively asked.

“Why, do you?” she teased.

“No.” He grinned.

“I don't either.”

Closing the short distance between them, Nathan cupped her face between his palms and mumbled “Good” before sealing his mouth over hers and kissing her slow and deep; his tongue slipping past her parted lips to tangle with her own. Sliding his hands down her front, he untied the belt that was loosely holding her robe together, swiftly working to push the jersey fabric off of her shoulders and down her arms. Before it had even hit the floor, he was stripping her of the lilac coloured tank top and purple sleep shorts she'd been wearing underneath it together with her panties.

If Haley wasn't so turned on she would have laughed at his eagerness in getting her naked. When he urgently pressed his mouth against her own, she moaned in the back of her throat; her fingers slipping beneath the white T-shirt he was wearing to caress his warm skin. Her hands moved higher, further pushing his shirt upwards while she savoured the feel of the firm muscles in his chest and shoulders. Seconds later, the offending garment was on the floor, having joined her discarded robe.


“I've got you,” he reassured her. Quickly shucking off his pyjama pants and boxer briefs, Nathan picked Haley up and laid her down gently on their bed before climbing on top of her and, once more, sealing his mouth over hers. Anchoring her hips and holding her steady, he eased into her, swallowing the pleasure-filled sounds she was making as he filled her to the hilt.

The fingers of one of her hands combed through Nathan's hair while the other dug into the smooth skin of his back. Locking her ankles just above his ass, her heels bounced against him with each and every movement as he slid in and out of her. Breaking the kiss to breathe in some much needed air, Haley giggled at the deep groan that tore from him when she suddenly clenched her feminine muscles around him.

“You keep doing that and I'm not going to last much longer,” he warned her.

“Keep doing what?” Flashing him a dirty smile while somehow still managing to look innocent, she repeated the action and sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to try and suppress her laughter.

“I'm going to get you for that.”

“You promise?”

Nathan's eyes darkened to an almost midnight blue and instead of answering her verbally, he went about paying her back. Burying his face against her neck, he planted hot, wet kisses along her flushed skin while one of his hands cupped and kneaded her breasts in turn, tugging on her sensitive nipples which earned him breathy gasps and moans.

Haley's entire being felt electrified as he continued to slowly move within her. She was expecting him to pick up the pace any moment now but he didn't. “Nathan... please,” she begged.

“Please what?”


“Not yet,” he replied, lifting his head from where it was buried against her so he could see her face. “There's no rush.”

She felt herself become even wetter at his words and the deep, husky tone he used. Cupping the back of his neck, she drew him further forward and seized his lips in a ravenous kiss, flicking the tip of her tongue along the roof of his mouth and exploring every inch of the familiar terrain thoroughly.

The tight coil in the pit of her stomach was threatening to snap at any moment and the delicious way he was touching her, inside and out, was going to send her careening over the edge any time now, she just knew it. Wanting him to come at the same time, Haley kissed her way along his cheek until her mouth was right by his ear and after licking its shell, she whispered, “God, baby... You feel so good... so hard. I love the way you feel so deep inside me.”

Nathan's hands fisted the pillows either side of Haley's head, her heated words causing him to surge even deeper within her and shifting the angle of his hips slightly, he ground his pelvic bone against her clit. He watched as her eyes fluttered closed and he heard himself command, “Keep them open.”

Doing what she was told, Haley kept her gaze locked on his, the blatant lust and arousal in his eyes cranking her own up a gear which, in turn, caused her breath to hitch in her throat as well as making her temperature soar. All she could see, feel and taste was Nathan. Rocking her hips against him, meeting him thrust for thrust, she could feel her orgasm within touching distance.

“Oh God... please... Nathan...”

As much as he wanted to keep the pace torturously slow, Nathan knew from the familiar tingle in the base of his spine that he wasn't going to last much longer so he decided to give her what he knew she was pleading for. His hips picked up the pace and he smirked against her throat at the happy little cooing noises she immediately started making in response to it. Inching a little lower, he suckled on her collarbone before sliding further south and taking her left nipple into his mouth and grazing the little nub with blunt teeth.

The sounds Haley began making were unintelligible but the way she squeezed her thighs even more tightly around his hips told him all he needed to know. Switching to her other breast, he lavished it with the same attention before moving back up and fusing their mouths together. Thrusting his tongue between her already parted lips, he mimicked what their lower bodies were doing and, if at all possible, he felt himself thicken even more at the eroticism of her sucking on his tongue. He was pretty sure that might've had something to do with her keeping her eyes open while she did it.

He was panting for air when they finally drew apart and he rested his forehead against hers. “Fuck!” he muttered.

Chuckling softly, she ran her fingertips along the back of his neck, toying idly with the short hairs at the nape. “You liked it, then?”

“Hell yeah,” he stated, adding, “Do it again.” Slanting his head, he kissed her again, instantly slipping his tongue into her mouth so she could suck on it. As previously, they both kept their eyes open and the sensation was so powerful he felt a shiver run through his whole body.

“I'm so close,” Haley said several minutes later, her hand reaching above her head to clutch desperately at one of the pillows. Her free hand was scrabbling for purchase on Nathan's back as he rocked furiously into her, apparently as determined as she had earlier been for them both to reach a crescendo together. She forced herself to keep her eyes open and on him, and that seemed to make something that was already so intense and mind-melting even more so and within moments they were both caught in an explosion of ecstasy.

As they slowly came down from their respective highs, they shared soft kisses and whispered words and once they had both garnered enough energy, they rearranged themselves in bed so that Nathan was lying on his back with Haley curled up against his side, her head resting on his shoulder.

Picking up Haley's left hand which was drawing shapes onto his chest, he brought it up to his lips and pressed a light kiss onto her wedding ring. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby,” she said, looking up and smiling at him.

“I was thinking... maybe we could go out and do something tomorrow... the four of us, I mean.”

Haley's smile grew wider at his words. “The four of us.”

“It feels a little... well, strange saying it after all this time of it being just the three of us.”

“Yeah, I know. It's perfect though.”

“Perfect,” he agreed, dropping a butterfly kiss onto her lips.

“What did you have in mind for tomorrow?” Haley asked, playing with his long fingers.

“I thought we could have a picnic in the park or something.”

“Mm, that sounds good. Lyddie loves the swings almost as much as Jamie did at her age. Remember that park near the college?”

Nathan nodded, smiling as he reminisced with his wife. “Yeah. He used to scream his head off when it was time to come home.”

“And you used to bribe him by buying yourself an ice cream cone and letting him lick it.”

“It did the trick,” he teased. “It's not like he hadn't already inherited your love of ice cream.”

“Whatever,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him and giggling when he leaned forward and sucked it into his own mouth.

Before she knew what was happening, Haley was flat on her back again with her smirking husband lying flush on top of her. “We are going to feel so dead tomorrow,” she told him as her eyes caught sight of the red LED numbers on their alarm clock which now read 4:25.

“It's the weekend, Hales,” he reminded her.

“Uh huh. You do remember that six-month-old babies wake you up when they like and not the other way around?”

“Jamie's here... he can help us out,” he quipped.

“Hmm, he did say he wanted to help take care of her,” she reminded him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Though, even as she said the words, she knew that even on only a few hours sleep she would still be up early to take care of their kids and prepare their breakfast like she always did.

“I'll be up early, too... don't worry. We both gotten by on a lot less sleep than this.”

“True,” she agreed, sliding her arms around Nathan's neck as his smiling lips inched closer to hers. Giving herself over to the delicious sensations he was causing within her, she put all thoughts of going to sleep to the back of her mind.


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