In Name Only

Post date: Feb 27, 2013 10:01:30 PM

I apologise for the massive delays between updates for this story. Believe me, they are not intentional. As much as I love writing, real life has to come first and, unfortunately, the time I get to spend on my computer these days is much more limited than it used to be. That coupled together with the fact I'm a total procrastinator doesn't make things easy and then throw in several bouts of writer's block and you've got yourself a total mess.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to confirm to those of you who are still interested in this story that I am currently working on the next chapter. It's slow going but it's getting there which is the main thing as far as I'm concerned and hopefully an update won't be too far away.

In the meantime, I just want to say a massive thank you to those of you who've been contacting me either by email, Twitter or via about "In Name Only" and supporting me. I'm beyond grateful and it's definitely helped to keep me motivated and determined to finish this story.

Edited to add (on 19 March): Since posting this entry I have now completed Chapter 25 and am in the middle of writing Chapter 26. However, I'm holding off on posting anything until the next chapter is finished as I really don't want to have yet more delays in between updates. To be honest, there's actually a part of me that's contemplating waiting until the entire story is completed before updating it again since that way I can absolutely guarantee there wouldn't be further delays. Please feel free to let me know what you think either by commenting below (if you have a Google/Gmail account) or via my Contact page.

Diane x