Sunset Beach

Title: Sunset Beach

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoiler/Warnings: This is set sometime during Season 1 – after NH exchange those three little words.

Summary: A guy, a girl and a beach at sunset...

Author's Note: I wanted to write a little something for Hana on her birthday and this is what I’ve come up with. Hope you have a wonderful day, my lovely, and that all of your wishes come true. *hugs*

“This is nice,” Haley whispered, snuggling back into her boyfriend’s warm embrace.

Nathan’s hands instinctively tightened their hold around her waist as he whispered “Yeah,” into her silky, auburn hair.

They were sitting on the beach; Haley in between his legs, her back resting against his chest while her fingers traced idle patterns over the back of his hands which were on her stomach. The sun had just started to set and the sea sparkled with the effect of the light playing upon it.

“Are you cold?” he asked a couple of minutes later when he felt her shiver against him.


“You sure ‘cause you just shivered. I can run up to the house and get a blanket or—”

“I’m fine, Nathan, but thanks for the offer.”

“Anything for my girl.”

Turning her face slightly so she could look at him, she said, “Your girl, huh?”

“Yeah, my girl.” Nathan smiled as he started to lean forward and when his lips touched hers, he felt her returning his smile. The kiss was soft and tender and when she parted her lips, he slipped his tongue between them to explore the familiar territory. He loved the little mewling sounds she made as the kiss continued and became more heated.

When they eventually broke the kiss, he rested his head against hers while he fought to catch his breath. The position they were in wasn’t the most comfortable for making out and so he managed to shift and maneuver them so that he was sitting up with Haley straddling his thighs.


Gently cradling her face between his palms, he smiled reassuringly at her as he brought her in for another kiss and he sighed into her mouth when he felt her shift further forward on her knees and wrap her arms around his neck. He could feel himself getting lost in the feel of her soft, pliable lips moving in time with his; her warm, petite body pressed tightly against him and the light jasmine scent of her perfume lingering in the air around them.

Nathan’s hands slowly slid down from her face, grazing the side of her breasts before cupping her hips and holding her steady. God, he couldn’t get enough of her! Before Haley, he couldn’t remember ever enjoying making out so much. There was just something about her that seemed to make everything they did together a new experience for both of them and not just for her. There were times he’d often felt old before his years but with her… He actually felt like a teenager and it was nice. More than nice.

“Where’d you go?” Haley asked, drawing back from him and nuzzling her nose against his as her breathing returned to some semblance of normality.

“Nowhere. I just—I love you, Haley.”

The smile she gave him in return stretched wide across her face and her skin flushed with colour. “I love you, too, Nathan.”

Wrapping his arms around her, Nathan pulled her in for a hug and he breathed her in, the fruity scent of her shampoo tickling his senses. He couldn’t help moaning at the sensation of her fingers stroking along the back of his neck…even a move as innocent as that felt incredible.

“Hey,” she said into his ear. “How about we go back to my house and I’ll make us some hot chocolate?”

“Are you parents home?” he asked as he moved her back a little so he could look into her beautiful, big brown eyes. His fingers curled around a lock of her hair before tucking it behind her ear as his lips curved up into a smirk.

“They’re out for the evening...” she replied, her skin flushing even more as she guessed his intentions.

“Sure, I could go for chocolate.”

Scrambling to her feet, Haley dusted the sand off of her jeans as Nathan stood up and did the same. Taking his offered hand and lacing their fingers together, they started walking back to the beach house where he’d parked his car. Their playful, flirtatious banter the only sounds that could be heard on the otherwise quiet beach.


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