In The Still Of The Night

Title: In The Still Of The Night

Author: Diane

Prompt: 027 - Darkness

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during late Season 1 so as long as you know Nathan and Haley are dating, you should be good.

Summary: Still, as the evening wore on and turned into night, the loneliness she sometimes felt when she was completely alone started to creep in and the urge to see him grew stronger.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

She takes a deep breath before using the key he gave her a few days ago and lets herself into his apartment. The darkness surrounds her as she closes the door behind her and carefully makes her way through the living room towards his bedroom. She can see the door is slightly ajar and she gently pushes it open, smiling to herself when his naked back comes into view. Toeing off her sneakers and removing the jacket she'd pulled on over her pyjamas, she tiptoes over to the bed and after pulling the covers back, climbs in beside him, trying her best not to wake him up.

It hadn't been her intention to come over; in fact, she'd made a point of telling him she wouldn't be over despite the fact her parents were away again visiting another of her siblings. His pouting when he realised he wasn’t going to change her mind had been adorable.

Still, as the evening wore on and turned into night, the loneliness she sometimes felt when she was completely alone started to creep in and the urge to see him grew stronger. Before she knew what she was doing, she was shoving her feet into a pair of sneakers and grabbing a jacket out of the hall closet.


Nathan’s voice breaks into her thoughts and she feels the mattress dip as he rolls over to face her.

“Hey,” she whispers back, her gaze wandering from his face down to his perfectly sculpted chest and then back up again.

“I thought you weren’t coming over,” he says, his hand reaching out to caress the bare skin of her arm before his fingers find hers and he laces them together.

“I wasn’t but… I missed you,” she tells him. She shifts lower in the bed so she can rest her cheek against his pillow and she breathes in his familiar scent which immediately relaxes her even though her heart is hammering wildly in her chest at their close proximity. While they’ve shared a bed more than a few times now, it’s still something she hasn’t quite gotten used to.

“I missed you, too.” Leaning into her, he presses his lips against hers and kisses her softly, his hand leaving hers so he can cup her cheek in his palm. “I’m glad you came over.”

His words ease the wild beating of her heart and her breathing evens out as she snuggles in closer to him.

“Any chance we can lie in tomorrow since it is, you know, Saturday and your parents aren’t back until Sunday?”

She laughs at his question. “Maybe…”

“Maybe, huh?”

When he shifts his position so that he’s now lying on top of her, his forearms braced either side of her head, she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down for another kiss. “Fine, we can lie in.”

Smirking down at her, he peppers kisses along her cheek before blowing a raspberry against her neck. “Awesome!”


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