Fever Pitch

Title: Fever Pitch

Author: Diane

Fandom: Roswell

Pairing: Michael/Maria

Rating: Adult Rated

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during the early part of Season 3 so everything up to and including it. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Summary: His eyes roamed all over her, taking in the familiar sight of her short, tight uniform which always looked so damn good on her.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for Prompt No. 1 - Uniform of my fanfic table at 7snogs.

Feeling that telltale tingle down her spine which announced her boyfriend’s arrival, Maria turned away from the kitchen window and headed over to meet him, her mouth curved upwards into a smile. “Morning, Spaceboy.”

“Mornin’,” he replied as he leaned down to plant a kiss onto her full, glossy lips. His eyes roamed all over her, taking in the familiar sight of her short, tight uniform which always looked so damn good on her.

“You look tired,” she told him, her fingers brushing through his shaggy hair before her hand came around to cup his cheek in her palm. The tiredness she knew Michael felt was plain to see as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

“I am. This latest shift felt like it was never going to end.”

Looking behind him for a moment, Maria wondered where his friends and co-workers were. “Where are the guys?”

“Not coming,” he informed her. “They’re just as beat as I am so they’ve all gone straight home. George said something about being too tired to eat.”

“Wow! He must be really tired,” she teased knowing just how much the guy ate for breakfast whenever he came into the Crashdown after working the graveyard shift. “You should’ve gone straight home, too, baby.”

“I knew you were here and I wanted to see you,” Michael told her huskily, his chocolate brown eyes darkening with lust as they locked onto her beautiful green ones.

“Michael…” she whispered, her tongue snaking out to lick her suddenly too dry lips.

Without saying a word, he took her hand in his and quickly led her into the break room and, once inside, he pushed her up against the row of lockers. Covering her mouth with his own, his tongue thrust between her parted lips as his hips ground into hers. One of his hands was holding her head steady while the other gripped her waist before sliding around to squeeze her butt.

Maria’s arms twined around his neck, her fingers threading through his hair and her manicured nails scraping against his scalp. The kiss was fast speeding out of control but she didn’t care. She didn’t care that any one of their co-workers or even their employers could walk in on them furiously making out… All she needed in that moment was to have him kiss and touch her… For her to kiss and touch him back. One of her hands wandered down his front and desperately needing to feel his naked skin, she began unbuttoning his shirt, grateful that he’d already removed the tie that was part of his uniform. Placing her palm on his chest, she could feel his heart beating wildly beneath his warm skin and, if anything, it made the ache inside of her grow even stronger.

“Come home with me,” Michael whispered into her ear a few moments later when the kiss had ended so they could each breathe in much needed air.

“I-I can’t… I’m working and—”

“Tell Mr. P you’re not feeling well or something,” he interrupted.

She shivered at his commanding tone which never failed to get her wet. “Okay,” she mumbled breathlessly before seizing his lips and kissing him hard. The tip of her tongue tickled the roof of his mouth and she felt rather than heard the moan that little action caused him to make.

His fingers trailed up the inside of her thigh and he made sure to keep his lips sealed over Maria’s to swallow her gasps.

“Michael… Please,” she begged.

“Please what?” he asked, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and nibbling on it with his teeth.

“Take me home!”

Those three words had his heart racing even faster in his chest and giving her one more kiss, Michael gently pushed her towards where he knew their employer was. While he waited for her, he ran a hand through his long, shaggy hair; gulping in air in an attempt to calm himself down a bit, although he knew as soon as his girlfriend was within his sight again, he’d be feeling anything but calm.

“Let’s go,” Maria told him a few minutes later when she’d returned and had grabbed what she needed from her locker, smiling at how fast he was doing up the buttons of his shirt.

“Have you got the Jetta?” he asked.

“Nope, I walked this morning so we’ll have to take your bike.”

As soon as they were outside, he handed her the spare crash helmet and then put his on before climbing onto his motorcycle and starting it up. When he felt her climb on behind him and wrap her arms around his waist, he called out, “You ready?”

“Uh huh,” she answered, tightening her hold on him and scooting in that little bit closer so that her front was pressed flush against his back.

Covering her hands with his, he gave them a little squeeze before he focused his attention on driving them home safely.

* * * * *

As soon as they’d entered the apartment, Maria found herself pushed up against the door with Michael’s mouth covering hers, his tongue immediately delving between her parted lips. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her into him just as he was pressing forward into her.

“Michael…” she panted, her need for him already at fever pitch. Her breath caught in her throat when, not for the first time that morning, she felt his fingers trailing up her inner thigh beneath her uniform and she gasped into his mouth when he began stroking her through her panties.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he whispered against her lips before seizing them in another dirty, hungry kiss.

Maria held on to him tightly as the knot in her stomach grew tighter, her hands bunching up the shirt he wore which was part of his security uniform. God, he always looked so hot wearing that. Right now though, she was desperate to touch his warm skin and she made quick work of unbuttoning it, pushing it off his shoulders and down his arms as soon as she’d undone the last button.

Pulling his arms out of the sleeves, Michael stripped off the shirt, throwing it to the floor and then turning his avid attention on his hot girlfriend. He popped the buttons on her uniform, smirking when her blue lacy bra came into view. They worked together to remove her uniform and when it was pooled around her feet, he helped her step out of it before his hands came up to palm her breasts over her bra. Popping the front clasp, he pulled the cups away so he had unrestricted access to her ample flesh and he cupped the soft, firm mounds; his gaze focused on her gorgeous green eyes as he did so.

“God, Michael…”

Lowering his head, he grazed his teeth along her bottom lip before slanting his mouth over hers and deepening the kiss. He swallowed her moans as his tongue slipped between her lips to tangle with her own.

She buried her fingers in his thick hair, holding him to her as the kiss became more and more intense. Her blood felt like it was boiling in her veins and she was pretty sure she was about to explode at any given moment. God, what he could do to her just with his wickedly talented mouth and those magic hands.

“I want you so much,” he moaned against her throat a few minutes later when the need for air had become too strong to ignore and he’d broken the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he gently eased her away from the door and led her towards the bedroom, their eyes locked on each other’s as they made the short journey.

“I want you, too,” she whispered, cupping his cheek in her palm, smiling softly at him.

Picking her up and placing her in the centre of what Michael considered to be their bed, he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of her matching blue silk and lace panties and slowly peeled them down her slim thighs, tossing them over his shoulder once they’d cleared her feet. He smiled when he saw she was still wearing her white tennis shoes and ankle socks and he quickly took them off for her.

“Okay, your turn,” Maria teased, sitting up against the pillows and slipping off the bra that was hanging from her shoulders.

He grinned at her as he unzipped his pants and pushed them, along with his boxers, down his hips and thighs, kicking off his shoes and toeing off his socks before removing them completely and then climbing up onto the bed.

Feeling the entire length of his strong, muscular body pressed against hers had Maria moaning out loud as her arms and legs wrapped around him. Their lips immediately met and fused together as they revelled in the feel of each other. Slipping a hand between them, she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length, pumping them up and down, swiping her thumb over the sensitive head to collect the precum that was leaking and using it to aid her movements.

“I need to be inside you,” Michael growled when he couldn’t take any more. He could feel himself teetering on the brink and he knew he wasn’t going to last too much longer if she continued touching him like that.

Without saying a word, she placed him at her entrance and tightening her legs around his hips, she held her breath as she waited for his next move. A loud gasp tore from her throat when he suddenly thrust inside of her in one deep stroke, holding still so they could both savour that first initial moment of being so intimately joined.

A long moment later he began moving, practically sliding all the way out of her and then slamming back in, making sure that the angle of his hips meant that his pelvic bone rubbed against her clit on each down-stroke. He winced slightly as her fingers clawed at his back in direct response to what he was doing to her and his eyes almost crossed when he felt her squeeze her feminine muscles around his cock. God, that felt so fucking good!

Covering her mouth with his, he kissed her hotly, his tongue tangling playfully with hers. One of his hands kneaded her breast while the other cupped her face, his thumb gently rubbing along her cheekbone as the kiss intensified.

“I love you,” he whispered against her lips several seconds later when he’d broken the kiss and managed to catch his breath.

“I love you, too,” she breathed. Her fingers threaded through his hair, gripping it tightly when the sensations he was creating within her grew stronger and stronger. She could feel the tight coil in her belly starting to unravel and she rocked her hips even faster against his in an attempt to achieve her first orgasm of the day; the orgasm she’d felt building from the second he’d crushed his lips onto hers in the backroom of the Crashdown.

When Michael shifted his position and sucked her diamond hard nipple into his mouth, grazing his teeth along it as his hips continued to pound into hers, that tight coil finally snapped and Maria felt her climax suddenly hit. Her body arched right up off of the bed with the strength of it before collapsing back onto the soft mattress beneath her.

Knowing he wasn’t far behind her, she rhythmically clenched her muscles around his, urging him towards his own climax. Her mouth right by his ear, she whispered a whole plethora of naughty things into it, telling him just how hot he made her and how good he felt sliding in and out of her. She trailed her fingers along the back of his neck, under his shaggy hair, knowing how much of an erogenous zone it was for him whenever she caressed him there.

Everything she was doing to him felt so good and it only took three more thrusts for him to explode deep inside of her, her name falling from his lips in a husky whisper. Once he’d caught his breath, he fused his lips with hers, kissing her passionately and pouring all the love he felt for her into that one kiss.

When the need for air became an issue, Michael reluctantly drew back and pushing himself up onto his forearms, he smirked down at his girlfriend. “You know, one of these days we’ll actually get to have sex while still wearing our uniforms.”

Laughing, Maria shook her head. “Nah, I like feeling you with nothing between us,” she told him, cupping the back of his head and pressing down gently so she could capture his lips in an achingly soft kiss.

“Yeah, now you come to mention it…” he trailed off, his lips quirked upwards in a smirk as he took the opportunity to rub his naked body against hers before his mouth once again joined with hers.


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