The Start Of Something More

Title: The Start Of Something More

Author: Diane

Pairing: Danny/Lindsay

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a follow on from episode 3.19 ‘A Daze of Wine and Roaches’ so everything up to and including it.

Summary: This wasn’t their first kiss... not by a long shot. The first time he’d kissed her had been in Montana after they’d managed to evade those damn reporters and photographers and despite the relatively short period of time that had elapsed between then and now, he already knew he was addicted to the feel and taste of her.

Danny found her in the office they shared finishing up some paperwork and, smiling at the familiar sight she made, he took a seat on the edge of her desk. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Lindsay said, looking up at him and returning his smile. “You done for the night?”

He nodded. “Yeah. So, uh, how’s it feel to be back?”

Gesturing to the stack of files already on her desk, she replied, “It’s like I never left.”

He laughed at that. “It’s good to have you back, Montana.”

Lindsay felt the blush warming her cheeks at hearing him say that. “Thanks, Danny. It’s good to be back. I really missed everyone.”

“Even me?” he couldn’t help asking.

Taking a deep breath, she took the proverbial bull by the horns and whispered, “Especially you.” Placing her hand over his which was resting on his thigh, she continued, “I really missed you after you left Bozeman.”

“I missed you, too and I would’ve stayed longer if I could.” Turning his hand over so they were palm to palm, Danny laced their fingers together and gave hers a gentle squeeze.

“I know.”

They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, savouring the quiet of the nearly deserted lab thanks to the late hour.

“You’re off the clock now, too, right?”

“Uh huh,” Lindsay murmured.

“You feel like grabbing something to eat?”

She smiled warmly at him. “I’d love to. Do you have somewhere in mind?”

“I was thinking of the diner across the street.”

“Wow, Messer; you’re really pulling out the big guns,” she teased.

“I do what I can,” he quipped, flashing her a wink.

Shaking her head and laughing lightly, Lindsay closed the file she’d been working on and then logged out of her computer before pushing her chair back and standing up. “Okay then, big spender, let’s get out of here. I promise not to order anything too expensive on the menu.”

“You know, I take back what I said about missing you.”

“Whatever you say,” she said, grinning. “I’m just gonna grab my jacket and my purse from my locker and I’ll meet you by the elevator.”

“Actually, I need to grab something from mine so I’ll come with you,” he told her, walking out of the office with her.

As they approached the row where their respective lockers were situated, Danny’s eyes scanned the room to make sure the room was empty. Happy that they were alone, his lips quirked up into a half-smirk as he made his move. Wrapping his fingers around her wrist, he spun her around before she’d even had a chance to open her locker and pressed her up against the cold metal.


His smirk changed into a sexy smile as he bent his head and sealed his mouth over hers, kissing her slow and deep. When he felt her hands on his chest, he was sure she was going to push him away but, instead, he felt them slide up to wrap around his neck; her fingers playing with the hair at the base of his skull.

This wasn’t their first kiss... not by a long shot. The first time he’d kissed her had been in Montana after they’d managed to evade those damn reporters and photographers and despite the relatively short period of time that had elapsed between then and now, he already knew he was addicted to the feel and taste of her.

One of his hands toyed with the belt loop on her pants while the fingers of his free hand slipped under the hem of her shirt to caress the delicate skin of her lower back. He felt the shiver that ran through her and he chuckled against her lips.

“What’s so funny?” Lindsay murmured breathlessly. The feel of his firm, muscular body pressing into her was making it hard to think and she was pretty sure that if they weren’t still at work clothes would soon start being removed.

“Nothin’,” he whispered huskily into her ear. “I’m sorry for jumpin’ ya.”

Looking into his gorgeous blue eyes, she gave him a mock glare. “No, you’re not.”

“You’re right, I’m not,” he admitted. “What can I say, you’re pretty irresistible, Montana.”

For the second time that night, she found herself blushing. “I could say the same thing about you.”

Laughing, he shrugged; quickly putting up his arms when she went to hit him. “What, I’m just agreeing with ya.”

“You know, I’m surprised your head fits through the door.” The dirty smirk Danny suddenly flashed her made her realise just what she’d come out with and she inwardly groaned while, on the outside, her cheeks flushed a bright pink. “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?”

Cupping her face, he could feel the warmth of her blush infusing his palms and he couldn’t help wondering just how far down the pinkness tinting her skin went. Nuzzling his nose against hers, he kissed her lips softly, liking the little moan of disappointment she made when he eventually retreated. “You wanna get out of here?”

Lindsay nodded, all coherent thought and speech having been kissed out of her. Turning around dazedly, she typed in the code to her locker and opened the door, biting back the sigh she felt threatening to escape at the sensation of him standing up close behind her. Realistically, she knew they were moving fast but, then again, their attraction had pretty much been there since day one, bubbling away under the surface, so maybe it wasn’t as fast as she thought it was.

Danny helped Lindsay put on her jacket and as soon as her purse strap was over her shoulder and she’d secured her locker, he grabbed her hand and led her towards the exit.

“Wait, didn’t you have to get something from your locker, too?” she reminded him.

Turning around, he smirked at her from over his shoulder. “I lied.”


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