Shopping Made Fun

Title: Shopping Made Fun

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post-Season Four so everything up to and including that should cover it. The story contains scenes and language of a strong sexual nature so please don’t read this if you’re easily offended.

Summary: “Since you’ve been such a good boy, how about you pick me out a couple of things and I’ll model them for you when we get home?”

Author’s Notes: In recognition of the loverly Gem’s birthday, I wrote this as a little gift to her. I hope you’re having a wonderful day, hon, and that you like this. *hugs*

Trudging behind Haley carrying several shopping bags in each hand, Nathan mumbled his displeasure under his breath as he followed his wife into yet another store. They’d been shopping for what felt like forever and he was feeling both tired and hungry and he just wanted to get back home.

“I can hear you complaining,” Haley stated, smiling at him as she turned to face him.

“You were meant to,” he replied. “C’mon, Hales, aren’t you done yet? We’ve been at the mall all day and—”

“It’s only been three hours,” she told him after checking her watch. “Look, I just need to get a few things from here and then we can go home. Unless you want to hit the food court?”

“No!” Sticking around the mall was a bad idea given that she could suddenly remember something else she needed to buy. “We’ll hit a drive-thru on the way home.”

She smiled at him knowing just what he was thinking. “Fine.” Raising up onto her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Since you’ve been such a good boy, how about you pick me out a couple of things and I’ll model them for you when we get home?”

The expression on Nathan’s face showed his confusion but upon looking around and seeing just what store they were currently standing in, he suddenly started smiling. Lingerie in all different colours, styles and fabrics surrounded them and his head was threatening to explode as his mind conjured up images of Haley dressed up in a whole variety of them.

“Ah, I thought that might have an effect on you,” Haley teased.

“You have no idea,” he said, smirking at her.

“Okay, I’m just going to go and pick out a couple of essentials so while I’m doing that, you go and pick out a couple of things that take your fancy and I’ll meet you by the fitting rooms over there,” she said, pointing across to the other end of the store, “in about ten minutes.”

He eagerly nodded his agreement, saying, “You know, this kinda reminds me of our very first date.”

“Me, too. I remember feeling so embarrassed,” she reminisced, a soft smile gracing her features.

“You couldn’t stop blushing which I thought was really cute. I still do.”

As if on cue, Haley’s face turned slightly pink at hearing his words but, this time, it was more a feeling of arousal than one of embarrassment since she knew how much Nathan liked making her blush and in a whole plethora of ways. “C’mon, you, let’s finish up here so we can get home and—”

“Start the fashion show?”

“Maybe… I guess it depends on if we can convince your mom to baby-sit Jamie a little longer.”

“Well, I don’t know about you but all this shopping has exhausted me so I could use a nap when we get back.”

“Same here,” she quipped. Taking some of the bags from him, she added, “I’ll be just over there if you need me but I’ve a feeling you’ll be fine on your own.”

Nathan laughed. “You know me too well.” He grinned when she poked her tongue out at him and he watched her hips sway as she walked to the other side of the store. Shifting the bags he was carrying to free up one of his hands, he looked through the various racks of items that grabbed his attention. His fingers idly ran over the silks, satins and lace that they came into contact with and closing his eyes for a moment, he pictured himself tightly pressed against Haley, feeling the soft, delicate fabrics as his hands wandered all over her curvaceous little body.

Opening his eyes, he saw the object of his thoughts standing over by the changing rooms and he realised that more time had passed than he’d thought. Holding up his hand to indicate he needed five more minutes, he quickly scanned the racks and upon seeing a couple of pieces that were making him even hotter under the collar, he went over and searched through them until he found Haley’s size. Quickly grabbing what he wanted, he made his way over to her.

Lowering his head, Nathan covered her mouth with his and kissed her softly. He could practically feel her face heating up and he gave her a sheepish grin when he drew back from her. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“Uh, okay… What did you choose?” Haley’s mouth fell open when he held up the garments in question and she felt her cheeks heat up even more. “Nathan!”

“What? You said I could pick out something that took my fancy and believe me, these definitely take my fancy.”

She busied herself with checking the label for her size and she smiled when she realised he’d done that correctly. If only he was that good when it came to general shopping items. “They’re pretty expensive though…”

“My treat,” he told her. “I’ve still got some of the money left that Grandma and Grandpa Lee sent me for graduation and I’m more than happy to spend that on you. We’ve already spent some on Jamie so it’s only fair that you get something, too.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Oh, I’m sure…very sure,” he said, gracing her with a smirk.

“Okay. Let me go and try them on—”

“What? Why? I picked out the right size, didn’t I?”

“Uh huh but I just want to make sure it fits properly since it’s not that long ago that I had Jamie.” Lowering her voice to a whisper, she added, “My boobs are still bigger than they normally are.”

“Yeah, I know and you won’t hear me complaining about it.”

Haley giggled. “Shush, you. I promise, as soon as I’ve tried these on and we’ve paid for them, we’ll get out of here.”

“Fine,” he agreed reluctantly. “I’ll wait here.”

Standing off to the side, Nathan looked around and saw that the store had gotten pretty busy since they’d first walked in. Hearing his wife’s voice, he glanced across and saw that she’d poked her head around the fitting room door and was speaking to one of the saleswomen. He watched the other woman look around the store, obviously trying to find one of her colleagues who all seemed busy right at that moment. A couple of minutes later, he watched her take an item from Haley and then walk across to another part of the store. Looking back at his wife, he watched her smile and beckon him towards her.

He crossed the floor in just a few long strides and before he knew it, Haley had pulled him inside the cubicle with her and was locking the door.

“H-Hales?” Looking her up and down, he nearly swallowed his tongue as he stared at the vision in front of him.

She was standing against the cubicle wall wearing nothing but the white, sheer corset he had picked out for her. The garment cinched her already trim waist in even further as well as also pushing her breasts up and together until they threatened to spill out over the top while the lace embroidery discreetly covered her aureoles. Her diamond hard nipples were poking through the thin fabric telling him without words just how turned on she was. Either that or she was cold due to the cool air that was circulating around them from the air-conditioning vents. He was pretty sure he knew which one was the cause.

“What do you think?” Haley asked, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she watched him from beneath her lashes. God, she couldn’t believe she was doing this in a crowded store.

“What do I think?” he repeated, his voice deep and husky. “I think you look fucking hot!”

Nathan’s words almost made her knees buckle and reaching out a hand, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him to her, her mouth opening beneath his as soon as she felt his lips come into contact with hers.

Feeling her slender fingers unbuckling his belt, he pulled back from her slightly so he could see her face. “W-What are you doing?”

“I want you, Nathan… Now! I can’t wait until we get home.”

They were the only words he needed to hear and easing her hands away, he quickly unfastened his pants, pushing them, along with his boxers, down to his knees. He remembered at the last minute to grab the condom from his wallet, something they were having to use for the moment as Haley was still breastfeeding.

“Hurry up, we haven’t got much time,” Haley warned him, smiling against his lips when she heard him mutter an expletive. “And remember to be quiet.”

“Yeah, you might want to keep that in mind, too, babe,” he teased, rubbing his latex-covered cock against her wet lower lips. Kissing her long and slow, Nathan thrust inside of her, his mouth swallowing her moans and gasps as he rocked in and out of her. His hands caressed her over the sheer fabric, loving the feel of it on her body but needing to feel her bare skin against his, he tugged it down and began cupping and kneading her full, firm breasts.

Breaking the kiss, he kissed down the column of her throat and upon arriving at the base of her neck, he began sucking furiously on it, desperately wanting to mark her.

“Y-You can’t mark me… Not here,” Haley panted. “They’ll know when we come out.”

“Fuck!” Running his hands down her sides, he picked up her right leg and hooked it over his hip; the change in angle making them both hiss with pleasure. Repeating the motion with her other leg, Nathan picked her up, pinning her against the wall of the changing room as he pounded into her even harder. Haley’s fingers were digging into his shoulders over his shirt as she writhed against him and turning his head to the side a little, he smiled when he saw their reflection in the long mirror that was hanging there. “Look over there,” he whispered into her ear and he smirked against her cheek when he heard her gasp.

“God… Faster!” she pleaded; watching the two of them in that mirror was making her blood sizzle in her veins. She could only imagine what she was going to look like when she came out of the changing room.

“It’s turning you on even more, isn’t it? Do you like it? Do you like watching us fuck?”

“Yessss…” she hissed due to a combination of his heated words and yet another change in angle when he shifted his hips.

“I like it, too,” he confessed. Feeling the telltale tingle in the base of his spine, he sped up his ministrations, making sure to hit her clit on every down-stroke. It only took a few more strokes for her to climax around him, the fluttering of her sheath bringing about his own orgasm.

A sudden knocking on the door had them frozen to the spot and staring at each other in horror.


“Shh,” Haley chided before speaking in a louder voice to the person on the other side of the door. “Yes?”

“Ma’am, your bra is hanging on the door when you’re ready.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you.”

Nathan tilted his head to the side as he regarded his wife. “What?”

“To get her away from the door so I could get you in here, I asked her to find me a bigger sized bra. I wasn’t expecting her to take this long though,” she replied, giggling.

“Thank God she did though,” he said, returning her smile. “So, how am I getting out of here?”

“Pulling out of me might be a good place to start.”

He started to laugh until a thought suddenly occurred to him and burying his face against her shoulder, he groaned.

“What?” Haley asked, running her fingers along the back of his neck.

“Where am I going to get rid of the condom?”

“Oh crap!”

They stared at each other for a long moment, each trying to work out what to do.

“Um, what if we empty out one of the shopping bags and then we can put it in there and throw it away as soon as we see a trash can?” she suggested as she pushed him gently away after he’d set her back down on her feet, biting her lip at the sensation of him sliding out of her.

Nathan nodded his head. “Yeah, I think that’s our only option. Seriously, Hales, I can’t wait for us to stop using condoms; they’re ruining our freedom.”

Grabbing their shopping bags, she emptied the contents of one into another and then handed it to him as he removed the condom and threw it into the now empty bag.

“Okay, are you decent ‘cause I’m going to open the door and ask her to get me something else. While she’s gone, you slip out and wait for me outside.”

Checking himself out in the mirror, Nathan smiled as he ran his fingers through his air, his eyes looking at Haley’s reflection as she slipped out of the corset and began pulling on her own clothes. “We’re buying that, right?”

“Definitely,” she told him.

“And the push-up bra, too? I mean, we didn’t get to try that one out so…”

“Sure, if you want to.”

“Oh, I want to,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Hearing footsteps outside the cubicle door, she shushed him. “You ready?” she whispered.

“As I’ll ever be.”

Haley opened the door a little and put her head around the corner, searching for the saleswoman. “Uh, hi. Do you think you could get me this one in the next size up, please?”

The redhead smiled at her. “Of course. Same colour?”

“Yes, please.”

As soon as the woman walked away, Haley opened the door wider and ushered Nathan out. “Go! Give me a few minutes to pretend to try on what she’s gone to get me and I’ll meet you by the cashiers desk.”

“Okay.” Making sure he had everything, Nathan managed to sneak out of the changing room without anyone spotting him. Well, that is until he caught the eye of another guy in the store who winked at him. Ignoring him, he made his way to where he could see the cash registers were situated and he stood to the side as he waited for Haley to join him.

He breathed a sigh of relief when, after several minutes had passed, he finally saw Haley walking towards him carrying the items she had tried on. “Everything go okay?”

“Uh huh. Do I look alright?”

“You look beautiful,” he replied sincerely as they joined the queue to pay.

Leaning up, she pecked him on the lips. “Thank you. What I meant though was do I look okay? You know, after what we just did.”

“You mean can anyone tell what we just did in there? No, I don’t think so, although some guy spotted me and winked at me. I think he probably guessed what we’d gotten up to.”

“Ugh, must’ve been the same guy who smirked at me when I was coming to find you.”

“What? Did he say anything or—”

“Calm down, honey, it’s fine. I just ignored him and hurried past.” Trying to lighten his mood, she joked, “You know, I’m not even sure he’s in here with anyone.”

Wrapping his arm around her waist, Nathan pulled her in close to his body as they walked up to the cashier who had just become available and Haley placed her chosen garments on the desk to be rung up.

Within a few minutes, they were outside the store and he breathed a sigh of relief at their shopping expedition finally being over, although, granted, he’d loved the way Haley had rewarded him for his patience.

“Since you sprung for, uh, dessert in there,” she said, giggling, “how about I spring for lunch?”

“Please tell me we’re still going to the drive-thru and aren’t eating here?” He mentally crossed his fingers and toes as he waited for her answer.



“C’mon, Nathan; I saw this gorgeous pair of heels earlier that would go perfectly with that corset and—”

“You’ve convinced me, Hales,” he interrupted her. The sudden vision of her wearing just the corset and a pair of high heels was enough of an incentive to change his mind and taking her hand firmly in his and lacing their fingers together, he smirked at her. “Lead the way, then.”


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