Naughty Neighbours

Title: Naughty Neighbours

Author: Diane

Pairing: Lucas/Taylor

Category: AU

Prompt: Public Places

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None, as it’s AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: She was feeling particularly naughty tonight and instead of taking her own seat at the small table where Lucas was already sitting, she came around to stand in front of him and, without a word, she untied her robe and slipped it off, letting the garment slink to the floor.

Author’s Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme – stories mustn’t be longer than the length of a LJ comment, ie. 4,300 characters – on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Ashley’s request. I went a little overboard with this one and it's way over the limit of 4,300 characters. Hope nobody minds! ;)

Sliding open the patio door, Taylor stepped out onto the balcony of the tenth floor apartment she shared with her boyfriend. It was a balmy evening and all she wore was her Chinese silk robe, which felt nice and cool against her warm skin, together with the diamond studs and matching necklace he’d presented her with on her last birthday. Her long hair was piled up onto her head so the jewellery was clearly visible.

The sky sparkled with a multitude of stars and combined with the lights from neighbouring apartment buildings it was a beautiful sight.

She was feeling particularly naughty tonight and instead of taking her own seat at the small table where Lucas was already sitting, she came around to stand in front of him and, without a word, she untied her robe and slipped it off, letting the garment slink to the floor.

Lucas shook his head at her antics, smiling up at her while his erection surged in his pants, painfully pressing against the fly. His eyes hungrily roamed all over her gorgeous naked form, taking in her every curve, and enjoying how his recent gifts to her glittered in the twilight. He was just about to point out that any of the people living opposite them would be able to see her but he decided against it, knowing that Taylor would be only too aware of that little fact.

The blonde knew where her boyfriend’s thoughts had gone and she smirked at him as she took a step closer. “I figured since you’re too chicken to have sex with me in a public place, that this would be the next best thing.”

“I’m not too chicken,” he told her. “I’d just prefer not being arrested for indecent exposure.”

“Uh huh.” Leaning over him, Taylor pressed her lips against his and kissed him hard, drawing back before he had a chance to deepen it. “Stand up,” she ordered, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him towards her.

Lucas didn’t need telling twice and he instantly stood up. Cupping the back of her head, he lowered his head and kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers, duelling for dominance. He felt her fingers at his belt and as she made fast work of undoing his pants, his hands wandered up and down her body, savouring the feel of her baby soft skin. “God, Tay… you feel so good,” he whispered huskily, his fingers caressing her smooth mound before moving lower still to touch her wet heat.

“Lucas!” she gasped.

The sound of her voice fuelled his lust and it spurred him into taking control despite the fact that she’d been the one to initiate this. “Turn around and spread your legs,” he demanded and he felt her shiver against him.

Taylor did as she was told, her fingers gripping the wrought iron edge of the balcony, her body shaking slightly with a mixture of anticipation and the gentle breeze that had just washed over her. They were high enough off the ground that anyone looking up wouldn’t necessarily see what they were doing but someone living opposite who just happened to be on their own balcony would definitely have a good view and that little bit of knowledge made this seem all the more risqué and dangerous.

Looking over her shoulder, she watched as he stripped off his shirt and she gasped when a second later his large hands gripped her hips and he plunged inside of her in one deep thrust. Releasing one hand from the balcony, she wrapped it around his neck and pulled him towards her, their lips immediately fusing together. She was already so close to the edge and that feeling intensified when Lucas cupped one of her breasts, his thumb and forefinger rolling and pinching her nipple while the fingers of his other hand feverishly rubbed her clit. “Fuck!”

Lucas smiled against her lips at her expletive. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head a moment later though when she rhythmically began clenching and releasing her feminine muscles around his shaft and he nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth in response.

Taylor couldn’t contain her moans as her boyfriend’s talented hands, mouth and body overwhelmed her and she knew her orgasm was about to strike at any moment. “Harder,” she pleaded, cooing happily when he complied. His fingertips dug into her, holding her steady as his hips jack-hammered into her.

Her body shook violently with the force of her climax and she could taste blood on her lip from where she’d bitten into the tender flesh to keep from crying out. She knew Lucas wasn’t far behind and, once again, she flexed her intimate muscles around him, chanting his name. When she’d recovered enough, she leaned forward, reaching between her legs to lightly rake her fingernails along his balls which had him instantly seizing up.

“Taylor! Christ…”

“Good, huh?” she teased, looking at the expression of pain/pleasure that was etched across his face.

Lucas didn’t respond, instead speeding up his thrusts until his body couldn’t take the exquisite sensations anymore and he spilled himself inside of her. Running his palms up and down her skin, he felt the chill bumps and nuzzling his nose against her cheek, he asked, “Cold?”

Taylor shook her head. “No, but I do think it’s time we moved this party inside.”

“Mmm, I completely agree.” Withdrawing from her, he turned her in his arms and kissed her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth before pulling his pants up but leaving them undone.

“C’mon,” she whispered, interlacing their fingers and leading him towards the door.

“What about your robe?” he asked when she made no move to pick it up.

Her smirk deepened. “Leave it… unless you want to wear it. Gotta say though, that shade of pink really does nothing for you.”

“Funny.” Scooping it up off the ground, he dropped it onto the couch as soon as he was back inside the apartment before chasing after his wayward girlfriend. Laughing to himself, he wondered what other delights she had in store for him tonight as well as how many more things they would be able to cross off their list.


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