The Honeymoon Suite

Title: The Honeymoon Suite

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: What may have happened after the door to the Scotts' ‘Honeymoon Suite’ slammed shut.

Nathan couldn’t help smiling at his wife as she sashayed away from him and headed towards their bedroom.

“Listen, we don’t have to do anything, alright. That’s not why I married you,” he told her and watched her turn to face him.

Haley laughed teasingly and stopping just outside their bedroom door, she said, “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

Moving in close to him, she covered his mouth with hers and kissed him before her arms came up to encircle his neck just as his wrapped around her waist. Breaking the kiss, she gave him a sexy look as she grabbed a hold of his tie and, laughing again, pulled him into their bedroom.

“Oh, what have I got myself into?” he joked, letting her pull him across the threshold. Kicking the door shut, they both laughed when they heard a thump and realised that the ‘Honeymoon Suite’ sign he had placed upon it must have fallen off.

Once inside, Haley’s laughter subsided and she let herself glance around the room and she took in the little touches Nathan had added to make their wedding night special. Lit candles were scattered around resulting in the room being cast in a warm glow and creating shadows upon the walls. The cream sheets that usually adorned the bed had been changed to red crimson ones and white rose petals were scattered upon it as well as on the floor too.

“I-I can’t believe you did all this, Nathan.”

“Like I said before, I wanted to make this special for you. But I’m not expecting anything Hales, if you don’t feel ready then…”

“Shh,” she said stepping closer to him and placing her index finger upon his lips. “I’m more than ready. I love you so much and I want to show you…I want to be with you completely.”

His lips curled into a smile as he watched her face and saw the truth of what she was saying in her eyes. “I love you too.”

Lowering his head to hers, he seized her lips in a heated kiss which soon had them both gasping for breath. The urgent need for air was the only reason for them to stop the kiss and when they did, he pulled her in close so her head was resting on his chest.

As his breathing calmed down, he ran his hands up and down her bare arms, reveling in the feel of her soft, silky skin beneath his fingertips. “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked today?”

Haley smiled. “Yeah, maybe once or twice,” she teased. In truth, he had been complimenting her from the first moment he saw her in her wedding dress before the minister had started the ceremony and he had just continued from there, whispering those words into her ear.

Seeing him in his suit for the first time had knocked her for six too. She hadn’t been able to tear her eyes off of him and just the memory of that first sight of him was raising her temperature and taking a step back from him, she raised her head from his chest and looked up at him.

Seeing the heated look in her eyes had his heart racing and all the nerves he himself had felt about tonight dissipated. He hadn’t been lying when he told her he wanted tonight to be special and in that very moment, he had no doubt that it would be.

Their lips met again and the kiss took on an even stronger intensity. Haley’s hands came up from where they rested around his waist and she started removing his jacket. He aided her in her actions and let the garment fall to the floor as it cleared his arms. As she worked on unbuttoning his shirt, he began loosening his tie and it wasn’t long before he was standing before her in just his black suit pants.

She gazed at his strong, muscular body and she felt herself smiling at the knowledge that he was all hers. Her hands smoothed over his chest and stomach before inching slightly lower where her fingers toyed with his belt. The butterflies in her tummy it seemed were flapping like crazy and she took a few slow, deep breaths to calm her nerves.

“Are you okay?”

His husky voice broke her out of her thoughts and she nodded her reply. “Yeah, I am. I’m just a little…”

“Nervous?” When she nodded again he smiled. “Me too.” He watched her smile grow wider as she obviously took some comfort in the fact that he was feeling the same way she was.

His words seemed to spur her into action and she began unbuckling his belt and then popped the button at the top of his pants. Her fingers trembled slightly as they lowered the zipper and she bit her lip nervously as she felt the bulge beneath her hand. She sighed a second later when she felt the pads of his fingers tracing little patterns onto the back of her neck and she knew he was trying to reassure and relax her. Looking up at his face, she saw the concern etched there and finishing her task, she leaned up and planted a kiss onto his lips. She smiled against his mouth when she felt him moan in response to her fingers grazing against his prominent erection.

Nathan wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her further up his body. He moaned again when she moved her hands to his hair and raked her fingernails along his scalp and down the back of his neck.

“You like that?”

“You know I do.” He almost growled when she did it again and she giggled in response. Placing her back down, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her slowly and thoroughly.

“Nathan…” she moaned breathlessly when he licked at the sensitive underside of her top lip.


“Lose the pants.”

Taking a step back, he looked at her and grinned. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

She giggled again when he eagerly toed off his shoes without undoing the laces and then pulled off his socks. Her eyes stayed on his face as he pushed his pants down his legs and stepped out of them. Her mouth went dry as she let her eyes roam all over his body and she licked her lips to give them moisture. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen him in just a pair of shorts but still… Knowing what would be happening pretty soon was making her heart race with anticipation as well as those pesky nerves.

“I’m feeling a little underdressed here, Hales,” he teased.

This was it, she thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she brought her arms behind her back but just as she was about to lower the zipper of her dress, he spoke up.

“Wait. Turn around.”

Doing as he asked, she turned so her back was to him and a second later, she felt his hands move to her back and do the job himself. Once the zipper was fully lowered, she then felt his hands on each of her shoulders and he gently urged her to turn around to face him again which she did.

Leaning down, he kissed her softly but before they got too into it, he pulled back and he watched as her eyelids fluttered open and he once again saw her wide, expressive eyes. He tenderly cradled her cheek in his palm as he continued to watch her. She was just so beautiful and he couldn’t believe that she was all his…forever.

“What?” she asked a moment later when he still hadn’t said anything.

“Nothing. I’m just really happy.”

Her face beamed at his words. “I’m really happy too, Nathan.”

His hand moved from her cheek to her hair and he carefully began removing the flower and the pins that were holding her hair up. While he loved seeing her graceful neck on display whenever she wore her hair up, he had a preference for her wearing her hair down. A moment later he got his wish as her auburn locks tumbled down around her shoulders and he let the silky strands slip through his fingers.

Haley took the pins from his hand and walking over to the dresser, she put them down and then slipped off her sandals. Padding back to where he was standing, she smiled as she felt the cool rose petals under her feet. She still couldn’t get over how he had decorated his…no, their apartment and especially their bedroom which for tonight really was their honeymoon suite.

When she was standing right in front of him, she took his hands in hers and placed them on the shoulder straps of her dress before looking up into his face. She saw him hesitate for a moment and so to spur him on, she trailed her fingers up and down his chest and stomach a few times which seemed to do the trick as he slowly began sliding the silky fabric down her arms. Slipping her arms through the holes, she let the top of the dress pool around her waist and she could feel her skin flushing with warmth as his eyes took her in.

Nathan’s eyes seemed to be fixed on her bra-clad breasts. The plump mounds were threatening to spill out of the white satin they were encased in and his fingers were practically itching to touch them. He already knew from the countless hours he spent watching her that she had a fine rack but seeing them like this…well, he was rendered speechless.

Haley stood there feeling more than a little self-conscious and her arms began to instinctively move to cover herself but he stopped that from happening.

“Don’t. Don’t ever hide yourself from me, okay? You are so beautiful, Hales.”

She knew she was definitely blushing but she found herself nodding at him. “You are too,” she told him and she watched him grin in response.

“I could’ve told you that.”

In response, she pinched his nipple and he grinned even wider. “Into a little pain there, are we?”

“Shut up,” she said with a giggle. She loved the way he just seemed to know what to say to lighten the mood and relax her.

His hands began easing the fabric around her waist further down but he stopped when she placed her hands over his and stilled them.

“Uh, the dress needs to go over my head.” Leaning forward slightly, she grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly began inching it upwards.

Nathan stood there open-mouthed at the sight of her breasts about ready to fall out of her bra and he was silently urging it to happen. He inwardly groaned when she stood back up but his eyes didn’t miss the silky fabric of her skirt moving first up her legs and then up her slim thighs. Reaching out, he slowly helped her slide the dress up and he gently eased it up and over her head.

Taking the dress from him, she laid it over the chair behind her and when she turned to face him again, his lips crushed against hers. She ran her hands up his arms before wrapping them around his neck and standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her body even closer to his. Once again, she found herself being lifted off the ground and this time she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning when a certain part of his anatomy pressed against her sensitive, panty-covered flesh.

“Oh…oh god…Nathan…” she mumbled as he broke the kiss and began sucking on her neck.

“You feel so good, Hales. I can’t believe we’re married.”

Haley could feel his lips smiling against her skin and she smiled too. “Me either. It’s like a dream.”

“I’m glad it’s not a dream. I’d hate to wake up and find out this isn’t real,” he told her as he moved his head until their foreheads were resting together.

“Ditto.” Cupping his face between her palms, she held him steady as she kissed him hotly, their tongues tangling together. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too…more than anything.”

They rubbed their noses together as they got lost in each other’s eyes. He carried her the short distance to the bed and leaning over it, he gently laid her down on the rose petals and then climbed on top of her. Resting his weight on his forearms, he looked down into her eyes and said, “I love your underwear.” He chuckled when she blushed again.

“Nathan!” she admonished.

“What? I do. It looks beautiful on you.”

“Really?” He nodded his answer. “I, uh, I kinda bought it for you,” she confessed.

“You did? When?”

“Um…a couple of weeks ago. I was out shopping with Peyton and I saw something similar to this in the window display. I can’t explain it but I couldn’t stop looking at the set and Peyton talked me into going inside the store and so we did. The next thing I knew I’d bought it and then when I was getting ready for our wedding I knew it was the perfect time to wear it.”

“It was definitely the perfect time. So if we hadn’t have gotten married, when would you have worn it?” He couldn’t help asking.

“I-I don’t know. I’m pretty sure my no sex before marriage vow was on its way out.” She saw the incredulous look that came across his face at what she had just said and she bit her lip, unsure as to whether to tell him the rest.

“Can I tell you something?” she finally asked.

He smiled warmly at her. “You can tell me anything.”

“Uh, there were a few, um, times where you’d be driving me home after we’d spent the evening here and I was so tempted to tell you to turn around and come back so we could…”

“Could what?” he prompted when she had trailed off.

“So we could finish what we’d started.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

Nathan let his body drop so that he was pressing her into the mattress as his lips seized hers. The words she had just spoken warmed his heart and he had never been more glad that he had proposed to her. While he had been as frustrated as hell all those nights when he had been careful not to overstep the mark during their heated make out sessions, he would never have expected her to go further than she was prepared to go.

Lifting himself slightly, he slipped a hand between them and cupped her breast before letting his thumbnail trace around her nipple which was straining against the satin covering it.

Haley’s head tossed from side to side on her pillow as she felt Nathan sliding down her body, dropping kisses all along the way. While her fingers buried themselves in his thick hair, she parted her legs so that he could fit comfortably between them. At one point she thought she heard herself purr when one of his large hands had run down her thigh to her knee and hooked her leg over his hip.

Through heavy-lidded eyes, she watched him hover over her breasts before he looked up at her and while doing so, he lowered his mouth to one of her nipples and sucked it through the satin. She felt herself grow even wetter at the contact and even more so when she felt his hardness pressing into her thigh through his black boxers. Without thinking, she rubbed her thigh against him and felt his moan rather than heard it.

Nathan felt like he was in heaven as he kissed and suckled on his wife’s gorgeous body. The hand that was currently kneading her breast moved to the front clasp and he kept his eyes trained on her for any sign that she was uncomfortable. A part of him couldn’t help being surprised at his considerate behaviour but this was so very different to the previous encounters he’d had. He loved Haley; she was his wife and he wanted her to feel comfortable and at ease with him.

He smiled when he felt her hand cover his and lower it to the clasp and they unfastened it together. Knowing she was okay with moving things along, he made short work of stripping her of the garment, throwing it to the floor as soon as it was off.

She giggled at his eagerness and wrapping her arms around his neck, she brought him down so she could kiss his face which was now sporting his famous trademark smirk. The feeling of their bare chests pressing together was indescribable. Their tongues slid together as their mouths were practically devouring each other. One of her hands idly played with the hair at the nape of his neck while the other stroked along his back and down to the waistband of his boxers.

Breaking the kiss to breathe in some air, Nathan then moved down to suckle and nip at her neck again before moving lower still and kissing her now bare breasts. He had grown familiar with them through layers of clothing over the past month or so but this was the first time he had seen them without a stitch covering them and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off them.

Haley could feel the stirrings of something deep within her as his teeth grazed her nipples in turn and once again, her fingers played with the waistband of his boxers. Using a combination of her hands and feet, she managed to push them down his body but they were still covering him.

“Nathan…” she pouted and a minute later she tugged on his hair to get his attention.


“I, uh... Don’t you want to take your…um…boxers off?” God, she felt so embarrassed and knew she must be blushing bright red.

“Do you want me to?”

She bit her lip but forced herself to nod. “Yes,” she whispered.

Leaning forward, he kissed her softly before crawling off the side of the bed and standing beside her. For some odd reason, he felt nervous about doing this but keeping his eyes focused on hers, he hooked his fingers into the waistband and pushed them down his hips and thighs. Once they’d passed his knees, they slid off of their own accord and he kicked them off when they reached his ankles. He was just about to climb back onto the bed when she stopped him.


Oh god, she’d changed her mind, he thought to himself but the next thing he knew, she had raised up on her knees and moved forward until she was kneeling on the bed in front of him. He felt his body grow even warmer as her eyes wandered down and stared at his groin and, if possible, he felt himself grow even harder.

The second he felt her small hand touch him he groaned loudly and she quickly removed her hand.

“Oh god! Did I hurt you? I-I’m sorry, I…”

“No! No sweetie, you didn’t hurt me. That felt so good.” Taking her hand in his, he placed it back onto his erection and showed her how to touch him. It seemed she was a quick learner and a minute or two later, he released her hand and let her touch him on her own. As she did so, he ran one hand up and down her back while his other played with her hair.

It wasn’t long before he needed to stop her before things escalated too far and placing a hand over hers, he stilled her movements. “Hales, y-you have to stop. I, uh, I need…”

“Shh,” she whispered as she took his face between her hands and kissed him hard. They were both breathless when they parted. “Come here.” Moving backwards on her knees, she made room for him to climb back on the bed which he did. When he was laying on his back, she took his hand in hers and placed it on the waistband of her white satin panties, silently telling him what she wanted.

Smiling at her, Nathan let his fingers slide against the silky fabric, drawing little circles as he neared her center. Using two fingers, he slid them back and forth between her legs and he felt the tremble in her body.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Uh huh…yeah. That feels…oh…oh…”

“Good?” he teased.

Her head moved up and down frantically as she nodded yes. He could sense that she was close and so he stopped.

When Haley opened her eyes she was greeted by her husband’s smirking face and she tried to scowl at him but she couldn’t. He just looked too adorable for words.

“And they say that girls are the biggest teases.”

Sitting up on the bed, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and began lowering them. She changed position to help him remove them completely and as soon as they had hit the floor, he had rolled on top of her and his large body was pressing against her much smaller one.

Haley’s legs naturally came around to wrap around his waist and she moaned loudly when she felt him nudging her slick, sensitive flesh. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“I love you,” he told her again, wanting her to be completely sure of his feelings.

“I know Nathan, and I love you too. You mean everything to me.”

Their mouths met in a fiery kiss as their hands wandered all over each other’s bodies. Slipping a hand between them, he teased her with his fingers and feeling her wetness, he knew she was physically ready.

“Are you sure?” He asked one final time as he positioned himself at her entrance and he waited for her answer.

“I’m more than sure, baby. I want this…I want you,” she told him as she pushed herself up and covered his mouth with hers.

Nathan was all but ready to push inside when he remembered something and leaning over her, he reached toward his nightstand.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her hands caressing his sides.

“I’m just grabbing a con…”

“Oh! Uh, you don’t have to. I’m on the, um, patch.” Seeing the confused look on his face, she shifted slightly onto one side and pointed to her hip where a white patch was visible.

“How did I not see that before?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“I think you were dazzled with these,” she teased pointing to her breasts.

He laughed. “Yep, you caught me. How long have you been on it?”

“A few weeks. Like I told you, my feelings for you were just going stronger and stronger and I didn’t want to not be prepared. I didn’t want to be a tease and…”

“Hey! You’re not a tease. I’ve never ever thought that about you. I’m surprised you didn’t tell me about this though.”

“Just because I got it didn’t mean I was ready to rush into anything. I just wanted to be prepared in case something happened.”

“You mean in case you lost control,” he whispered as he nipped at her jaw and then soothed it with a swipe of his tongue.

“Yeah,” she drawled as she got lost in the sensation of his naked body sliding against hers.

“So, you ready to lose control?”

“Uh huh.”

“I’ll go slow,” he told her as he kept his eyes on her face.


Rubbing the head of his erection along her lower lips a couple of times, he got her used to the feel of him before slowly easing inside of her. Thankfully, all the kissing and touching they had been doing had gotten her nice and wet which helped and lowering his head to hers, he captured her lips in a sizzling kiss as his thumb drew circles on her clit. Feeling the barrier of her innocence, he paused and instead of just pushing through it, he slowly slid back and forth a few times in the space between it and her entrance. He hoped that by building her arousal it would help when he did finally push through.

Feeling him sliding back and forth had Haley panting into his mouth and she knew the feeling would only get better once he was seated deep inside of her. Wrapping her legs tighter around his waist, she dug her heels into his ass in an attempt to tell him that she wanted more. Opening her eyes, she saw he was watching her intently and they continued to kiss as he finally pushed all the way inside.

The sudden, sharp pain she felt caused her to yell into Nathan’s mouth and her fingernails dug into his shoulders. As her body slowly began to relax, she realised that he wasn’t moving and was instead letting her grow accustomed to the unfamiliar feeling. It didn’t take long for that to happen and in just a couple of moments she had started to move her lower body against his.

He kept his eyes fixed on her face as he thrust in and out of her body and he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of seeing her in the throes of passion or of the feeling of being inside of her. Her skin was glistening with perspiration and as the sensations became stronger, he buried his face into the nook between her neck and shoulder and sucked on her salty skin.

Meeting him thrust for thrust, she soon felt her climax approaching. The swirling feeling in her stomach was growing stronger and stronger and when it finally hit, it made her toes curl. Behind her eyelids she saw a bright white light and her fingernails had dug even further into his back.

Haley’s orgasm brought on Nathan’s and he came with her name on his lips. As they both calmed down, their bodies continued to gently move against each other’s until he finally collapsed on top of her. Rolling to one side, he arranged their bodies so that he was laying on his back with her sprawled over his chest.

The only sound in the room was that of heavy breathing as they both fought to calm themselves down. Nathan felt her shiver against him and it was at that moment that he realised that they hadn’t even bothered getting under the covers. Despite feeling completely exhausted, he managed to maneuver them so that he could cover them with the sheet they had been laying on.

Snuggling into his body, Haley couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off her face. Tilting her face up, she kissed his jawline, feeling the prickle of his late in the day stubble against her skin.

Bending his head, he met her lips and they shared several soft kisses. “Was that, uh…”

“It was perfect,” she told him honestly. “You were perfect.”

“So were you,” he said smiling down at her.

Taking her left hand in his, he entwined their fingers as he looked down at their matching wedding rings. “Thanks for marrying me,” he whispered into her hair before kissing her forehead.

She giggled. “You don’t have to thank me but you’re welcome. Thanks for proposing.”

“Believe me, it was my pleasure.”

“Mine too.” She could feel her cheeks once again grow warm with a blush and she wondered if there would ever be a time where he didn’t cause her to go red at the drop of a hat.

Turning onto his side so he could face her, he asked, “So, uh, are you feeling tired?”

She teasingly faked a yawn. “Hmm, that depends on what you have in mind.”

“I think you know, Mrs Scott.” Her smile grew wider at hearing him call her that for the first time.

“Oh, well I think you’d better show me, Mr Scott.”

And show her he did.


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