Afternoon Delight

Title: Afternoon Delight

Entry: 02

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a sequel to 'Life In A Beautiful Light' and takes place about eighteen-months after that ended. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Word Count: 1,742

Summary: “Mm, I'm so glad you came home early,” Haley told her husband, shivering at the feel of his teeth grazing along the column of her throat as he nipped and kissed his way south.

Author's Notes: This has been written especially for The October Writing Challenge and it is dedicated to my wonderful and kind-hearted friend Kristen as a little birthday gift. I hope you like it, sweets. *hugs*

* * *

“Mm, I'm so glad you came home early,” Haley told her husband, shivering at the feel of his teeth grazing along the column of her throat as he nipped and kissed his way south.

“Uh huh,” Nathan murmured his agreement. His palms ran over her gloriously naked, silky smooth skin; his fingertips coming to rest just above her ass where the tattoo of his high school jersey number resided.

“Nathan... baby, we haven't go much time...”

“In a hurry, are we?”

“Yes,” she instantly replied. “With everything we've had going on we haven't made love in a week and I'm not going to lose this opportunity.”

He laughed. “God, I love it when you're horny.”

“Whatever,” she said, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. It didn't seem to matter how long they had been together and all the intimate things they had done, he was still able to make her blush as much as when they had first become involved during high school.

Brushing away an errant curl, Nathan moved in closer and whispered into her ear, “I love making you blush.”

In retaliation, she pushed him over so that he was now laying on his back and she quickly clambered onto him and sat astride his waist. Leaning forward, she rubbed her breasts against the hard planes of his chest before fusing her lips against his, kissing him slow and deep until they were both breathless.

Breaking the kiss, Haley reached over to the nightstand, her fingers blindly rooting around for the box of condoms.

“I hate those things,” he said as he watched her pluck one from the box and tear open the foil.

“I know... I do, too but I can't take the pill while I'm still breastfeeding and—”

“We could always try for baby number five,” he suggested, a smirk tugging at his lips.

“Are you kidding me? Lucy isn't even one yet and you're already wanting us to have another baby.”

Nathan's smirk deepened. “What can I say? I love seeing you pregnant.”

“You love getting me pregnant, more like,” she teased.

He shrugged while, at the same, reaching out to caress her stomach. “Besides, we've still got a few rooms we can fill,” he said, reminding her of that long ago conversation they'd had during their anniversary celebrations at the house in Charlotte.

Nuzzling her mouth against his, she sucked on his bottom lip before releasing it with a pop. “You know, you can't keep using my words against me.”

Cupping her hips, Nathan pulled her forward, enjoying the gasp she released as she slid along the underside of his erection. “But it's such fun,” he quipped.


Tangling his fingers in her long, blonde tresses, he directed her face back to his and brushed his lips over hers. “C'mon, Hales... what do you say?”

“I-I... Are you serious about this?”


Haley blew out a long breath. “I don't know what to say,” she told him. “I mean, it's pretty unexpected.”

“Think about it this way, then. Do you want us to have more kids?”

She considered Nathan's question for several moments before finally answering him. “Yes but I think we should wait a little longer. We've got a nine-month-old and a three-year-old and I think maybe we should focus on them until they're a little older before adding to our numbers.”

He thought about what Haley was saying and he knew she made a good point. Jamie had been eight when Lydia came along and she, in turn, had been just over five when Emma was born. Spending quality time with each of their children was important to both of them so it made sense to wait a while longer before trying for another baby. Plus, while he'd cut back on how much he traveled for work these days and tended to leave the international trips to the single agents he and Clay employed, he wasn't at home as much as he would've liked which meant it would, for the most part, be Haley dealing with three kids under the age of five.


“I think you're right about waiting a while,” he said, taking the condom she still held and removing it from its wrapper.


“Yeah.” Smiling at his wife, he kissed the tip of her nose. “Though, if you get pregnant before then don't blame me. I mean, most of the other kids have been surprises so...”

Haley pushed herself up into a sitting position and swatted his arm. “Shut up!”

“Hey, I'm just sayin'.” Before she could say another word, he caught her around the waist and rolled her over; rocking his hips into hers as he fused their mouths together.

“Oh God,” she panted, her hands gripping his shoulders as the lower half of her body undulated against him. “Quick... condom.”

“Way to spoil my fun,” he grumbled teasingly.

Sliding her arms up around his neck, she giggled. “I know you too well, Mr Scott.”

Nathan's demeanor and tone turned serious. “Yeah, you do,” he whispered. Ducking his head, he kissed her again; savoring the taste and feel of her.

Long moments later, he drew back from her and sheathed himself in the thin latex before taking himself in hand and sliding the head of his cock along her slippery wet folds.

“Don't tease me,” she begged. “Not when you know we haven't got long.”

Slanting his mouth over hers, Nathan swallowed her passion-filled cries when he suddenly thrust inside of her in one deep stroke. He loved the sensation of her blunt fingernails digging into his shoulder blades while her inner thighs tightly pressed into his hips as he repeatedly rocked into her. Breaking the kiss to breathe in some air, he kissed his way down her throat and then latched onto the base of her neck.

Haley met each and every thrust, tilting her pelvis slightly to allow him to slide in even deeper. His buzz-cut tickled the pads of her fingers as she cupped the back of his head and her stomach flip-flopped when she recalled the bristly strands of hair doing the same thing to her inner thighs the last time he'd gone down on her.

She was brought out of her reverie by the feel of his thumb and forefinger pinching her engorged nipple and upon meeting his hot and hungry gaze as he licked a path around the other one, she felt herself become even wetter. “God, Nathan...”

It was his turn to moan when she flexed her feminine muscles around his shaft. “Keep doing that,” he commanded.

Haley was only too happy to oblige and, knowing that time was against them, she repeated the action until she felt his entire body seize up as his orgasm struck. Nathan's hands were either side of her head, tightly fisting the pillow as he picked up the pace and pounded into her; wanting her to tip over the edge with him.

Sensing that her own climax was imminent, she gripped his biceps and sunk her teeth into her bottom lip in an attempt to stop herself crying out too loudly. A slight shift in position meant that Nathan's pubic bone was now rubbing deliciously against her clit and that, together with the feel of one of his wickedly talented hands kneading her right breast, was her undoing. Leaning forward, she bit down on the rounded top of his shoulder; knowing it was the only way she could really muffle the sounds she was making.

Collapsing on top of her, Nathan buried his face in the nook between her neck and shoulder as his breathing slowly returned to normal. Haley's hands roaming all over his back felt so good and he knew it wouldn't take much for him to fall asleep. Just as he shifted over so that he wasn't crushing her, a loud cry rang out from the baby monitor on his nightstand.

Glancing at the red LED numbers on the alarm clock, he chuckled. “Right on time.”

“I'll go,” Haley said as she started to slide out from under him.

He shook his head. “No, I'll go. You stay there and relax.”

“Okay,” she agreed, raising her arms above her head and stretching languidly.

Snatching up his boxers from the floor, Nathan made a quick stop in the bathroom to remove and dispose of the condom before heading to their youngest daughter's room. “There's my girl,” he said, bending over the side of her white wooden crib and scooping the now wide awake nine-month-old up into his arms, cuddling her close to his bare chest.

After changing Lucy's diaper, he carried her into his and Haley's room and couldn't help feeling a tiny stab of disappointment at seeing that she'd pulled his previously discarded T-shirt on.

“I see that look, honey,” she told him, her tongue firmly in her cheek. “It's nearly time to go and pick up Lydia from school so there wasn't going to be a round two even if Lu Lu hadn't woken up.”

“I could've been quick,” he quipped, cocking an eyebrow which made her laugh. Taking a seat on the bed, he carefully passed Lucy to Haley and he felt his heart swell as he watched them together. Lightly stroking his daughter's dark hair, he then stroked Haley's cheek with the back of his hand. “I love you, you know that?”

She softly smiled at him. “I know, and I love you, too, baby.” When the baby gurgled, Haley laughed and kissed her chubby cheek. “And we love you, too, sweetheart.”

Rising from the bed, Nathan leaned over and touched his lips to his wife's. “I'm going to jump into the shower and get ready to pick Lydia up. Do you want me to grab something for dinner on my way back?”

She shook her head. “No, it's fine. I made a lasagne while Lucy was having her morning nap.”

“Hmm, don't you just love naps?” he said, smirking and flashing her a wink just before he disappeared into the bathroom; Haley's tuneful laughter echoing in his ears.


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