Sweet Goodbyes

Title: Sweet Goodbyes

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a 'missing scene' which takes place just before the beginning of episode 8.21 “Flightless Bird, American Mouth”.

Summary: Entering the nursery, Haley smiled at the vision that greeted her. Watching Nathan holding their children, in this case their daughter, never failed to make her heart melt. It also had the added effect of making her weak in the knees.

Author's Notes: A big thank you goes to Kristen for all of her help and awesome suggestions with this story. Like I told you earlier, you're a gem!

Entering the nursery, Haley smiled at the vision that greeted her. Watching Nathan holding their children, in this case their daughter, never failed to make her heart melt. It also had the added effect of making her weak in the knees.

“Where's Jamie?” he asked, his eyes lifting to meet her gaze as she approached. While Haley had been getting showered and dressed, he had been spending some quality time with Lydia before he and their boy had to leave.

“Downstairs. He's having his breakfast and after that he's going to help pack the food I've set out for your camping trip.”

He nodded. “Thanks, baby.”

Raising up on her tiptoes, Haley cupped his cheek, caressing it softly, and met his lips as he lowered his head to kiss her. Her hand moved to the back of his neck and she ran her fingers through his hair, gently raking his scalp with her blunt nails. “I'm going to miss you tonight,” she whispered against his mouth.

“I'm gonna miss you, too,” Nathan told her, brushing his lips over hers before stealing another kiss. “And I'm going to miss you as well, sweetheart,” he directed to Lydia, lovingly rubbing his palm up and down her back, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head.

When she gurgled, Haley laughed softly, placing her hand over the back of his, and said, “I think that means she's going to miss her daddy, too.”

Gently bouncing his baby girl in his arms, he looked over at his wife who had moved over to the change table and was packing up the diaper bag. “Are you sure Skills is ready to take care of Lydia? I mean, she's so little.”

Cocking her head to the side in thought, she quipped, “Hmm, well I guess I could give Junk or Fergie a call and see if either of them are free to do it instead.”

“Very funny, smart-ass,” he retorted.

“I'm sure Skills will be fine,” she said reassuringly. “Besides, it's only for a few hours and Lyddie will probably be asleep for most of the time she's with him. He wouldn't have agreed to babysit if he didn't think he'd be able to manage.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Lifting his daughter up so that they were face-to-face, Nathan told her, “You be a good girl for your Uncle Skills, okay? Try not to get him all flustered and panicky.”

Haley did her best to bite back the giggle she could feel bubbling up in her throat.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he mumbled when he caught Haley's shoulders shaking.

“I'm sorry, baby.” The bag packed with everything that Skills would need for taking care of Lydia, Haley zipped it up and then, once more, went over to Nathan. “I love how protective you are with her... with all of us,” she told him. Again pushing herself onto her tiptoes, her mouth right his ear, she whispered hotly, “It's very, very sexy.”

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh.” The husky tone his voice held made her stomach flip-flop.

Making sure Lydia was secure in his embrace, Nathan threaded the fingers of his free hand through Haley's hair and held her steady as his lips covered hers. When they drew back from one another long minutes later, he smirked. “Maybe you can show me how sexy it is when I get back home.”

“Maybe,” she teased, nuzzling her nose against his. Knowing she had a busy day ahead of her and that she needed to get moving if she was going to get a good head start on everything, she reluctantly retreated but not before popping one more kiss onto his still smirking lips. “Are you and Jamie all packed?”

“Pretty much,” he replied. Kissing Lydia's chubby cheek, Nathan breathed in her scent before passing her over to her mom. He watched as she cuddled the baby close to her chest and his heart ached at the sight they made. Picking up the diaper bag, he slung it over his shoulder and followed Haley as she exited the room and began making her way downstairs.

“Is there anything else you need to put in the car?” he asked as he opened the front door.

“Nope, just the diaper bag, thanks. Everything I need is already packed in there. I just need to strap this little munchkin in and then we're good to go,” she said, kissing the little girl's forehead. “Isn't that right, sweetie?”

Walking further into the living room, Haley saw Jamie putting the package of cookies she'd made the previous evening into his backpack and she smiled. “Keeping them all for yourself, huh?”

Jamie's subsequent smirk was a perfect facsimile of his father's. “Just making sure Dad and Clay don't eat them all,” he told her.

“Good thinking, buddy,” she said, ruffling his sandy-blonde hair. “Okay, so your sister and I are going to set off in a few minutes. Have fun and good luck finding the Snipey Plover.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Wrapping her free arm around his shoulders, she hugged him to her and then kissed the top of his head. “Be good for your dad.”

“I will,” he promised, smiling up at her. Taking Lydia's tiny hand in his own, he grinned when she gripped his thumb. “Bye, Lyddie.”

“Bye, baby. We'll see you when you get back,” Haley said as she began moving towards the front door to join Nathan outside.

As soon as he saw her, he gestured for her to hand their daughter over which she automatically did. She smiled as she watched him nuzzle the baby's cheek before expertly strapping her into her car seat. Sliding her arms up his chest to wrap around his neck, her fingers lightly stroked the back of his neck. “Have a good time.”

“You too, baby.” His hands cupped her hips and he gave them a little squeeze, pulling her in closer so their bodies were pressed together.

“Do you think my idea's crazy?” Haley asked.

He shook his head. “No, I think it's pretty perfect and I know you're going to do an amazing job... like you always do,” he told her. Ducking his head, he sealed his mouth over hers and kissed her softly.

“Thank you,” she whispered, smiling shyly up at him. “I guess I'd better get moving and drop Lydia over at Skills' place.”

“Okay. If you need me for anything give me a call and I can come back home or—”

“Nathan, we'll be fine,” she said, laughing. Glancing over her shoulder back at the house, she added, “You'd probably better get back in there before Jamie packs all the food in his own bag and leaves you the stuff he doesn't want.”

“He's snagged all the cookies you baked last night?”

“Uh huh,” she nodded, “but I managed to sneak a secret stash into your bag.”

“You're too good to me, you know that?”

“We're good to each other,” she corrected.

Popping one last kiss onto his lips, Haley patted his cheek before getting into her red sports car and fastening her seat belt. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too, Hales,” he replied, smiling as he closed her door.

With a last smile and a wave, she drove away and once the car was out of sight, Nathan made his way back into the house, ready to finish his and Jamie's packing.


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