You, Me and the Darkness

Title: You, Me and the Darkness

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing, especially the lines of dialogue I’ve used which were taken from this week’s episode.

Summary: An extended scene from episode 313, ‘The Wind That Blew My Heart Away’. My take on what might have happened after Nathan and Haley’s make out scene in the rain…

Author’s Notes: This is dedicated to the wonderful girls on my LiveJournal Friends List who help keep me writing. *hugs*

Thanks so much to the wonderful Brynne for her help and for beta-ing this for me. Love you! *hugs*

“Is that what you think? That I wasn’t proud of you?” Nathan couldn’t contain the surprise in his voice at listening to her say that. His eyes held an incredulous look as he waited for her response.

Haley’s eyes flickered away from his for a fleeting moment before meeting his gaze again and she gave a small nod of her head.

“I wanna show you something, it’s in my car.” Getting up from the floor, Nathan headed out of the warm living room and headed towards the front door.

“Nathan, it’s crazy out there!” She called out to him from her own position on the floor before she too got up, grabbed her boots and ran after him. Quickly pulling them on, she followed him out of the house and into the pouring rain.

Coming down the porch steps, she saw him leaning into the car and she called out to him again. “Nathan, what are you doing?”

What looked like a lid from a box went flying past her in the howling wind and she noticed pieces of paper whipping around her legs and feet. She watched as he ran over to where she was and together they chased after the pieces of paper, the wind not making things easy on them.

“What is that?” she asked as she tried to see what was so important that they were standing out here in the cold driving rain, but she wasn’t sure if he’d heard her since he didn’t respond.

Running over towards his car, she managed to pick up one of the pages and after managing to straighten it out, she saw that it was a newspaper cutting which included a picture of her, the headline reading: News from the Road.

Looking up at him standing before her, she didn’t know what to say. This was the last thing she had expected him to have.

“I was hurt, Haley, but I was still proud of you. Every day,” he told her, gesturing to the newspaper cuttings in his hand and those contained in the box he was holding in his other one.

Dropping the paper into the fiercely blowing wind, she whispered “Oh” as she moved closer to him, her hands moving up his body to frame his face before sliding around his neck. Her lips immediately found his as his arm wrapped around her and he returned her kiss.

“Wait, wait! It’s all getting ruined.”

“No, you don’t need all that stuff,” she told him, her hand touching his face before she added, “You’ve got me.” She laughed and then they were kissing again. His hand holding the box released it, both of his arms came around her, and the next thing she knew, he’d picked her up which caused her to squeal with surprise and he began walking towards his car, gently laying her down upon the hood while she continued to giggle and kiss him.

His hands were in her soaking wet hair as their kisses become more and more heated; the cold, hard rain not cooling their ardour in the slightest. Her fingers caressed the side of his face before sliding around to cup the back of his neck, holding him firmly to her. She smiled against his lips when one hand wandered down to grip her hip before gliding upwards to touch her face again, his palm cupping her cheek and his thumb lightly stroking her temple.

As their kisses grew in intensity, Haley was practically lying flat on her back on the hood of the car with Nathan pressed on top of her. His lips only left hers when the need for air became a necessity and even then he would kiss her jaw or her neck while he caught his breath.

With him now situated between her legs, it meant she could wrap them around his hips which she took full advantage of and she couldn’t contain her gasp when she felt a certain part of his anatomy firmly pressing against her.

“N-Nathan…let’s go inside,” she whispered into his ear and she felt him nod against her shoulder where his head was currently resting while his lips continued working their magic on her skin.

Easing off of her, he stood up and taking her hands in his, he helped her into a standing position. Their eyes locked and without saying a word, they closed the already small gap between their bodies and kissed once more. Feeling her shiver against him, Nathan broke the kiss and keeping one of her hands in his, he quickly led her back towards the house and as soon as they were inside, he closed and locked the door behind them.

“C’mon, let’s go upstairs and get out of these wet clothes,” he suggested as he led the way and he smiled when she slipped her hand back into his and they began to climb the stairs.

“What is it with us and rain?” Haley teased causing Nathan to chuckle in response.

“I know. That was a good day too, wasn’t it?”

“The best,” she told him, a smile gracing her features as they entered his bedroom and she began pulling off her boots.

He returned her smile as he too began pulling off his wet clothes and tossed them into his hamper. Seeing the look of her face, he smirked. “You trained me well, Hales.”

“I know,” she stated proudly. “Uh, is it okay if I take a shower to warm up?”

“Of course it is. You know you don’t have to ask.” He watched her walk over to his en suite bathroom, and he was just about to ask her a certain question when she beat him to it.

“You coming?”

His smirk stretched that little bit further as he nodded his head and made quick work of closing the distance between them. As soon as he was close enough, he lowered his head to hers and kissed her with every ounce of love and passion he felt for her.

Their clothes were removed faster than the bolts of lightning that were flashing through the night sky and as soon as they were both completely naked, their cold damp skin pressed together and they instantly seemed to warm up.

Reaching into the shower cubicle, Nathan turned the water on and waited for a few seconds to make sure it was nice and hot. After adjusting the temperature slightly, he gestured for her to step in which she did and he quickly followed, sliding the glass door closed once he was inside. He felt breathless as he watched her standing underneath the water, her head tipped back to let the hot water replace that of the cold rain in her hair. His eyes roamed all over her body, taking in all of her gorgeous curves and the way the water streamed over them.

Haley instantly reached for him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. She moaned into his mouth when she felt his hands wandering all over her back in an attempt to warm her up even further. Knowing he must be as cold as she had been a few moments ago, she pulled him in closer to her so that he was directly under the water spray too.

Their lips, teeth, and tongues were working overtime as they practically devoured each other and made up for all the time lost. Despite having made love since her return to Tree Hill, there had still been a distance between them that she had felt acutely at times but tonight that distance seemed to have disappeared completely. They had talked…really talked and it had felt wonderful. And to know that he had felt proud of her…Well, she was still pretty speechless after that revelation.

Breaking the kiss, she rubbed her nose against his as she stared deep into his beautiful blue eyes. “I love you,” she told him honestly.

Nathan smiled back at her, his arms tightening around her waist. Gently hoisting her up, her legs automatically wrapped around his waist and he moved forward in the cubicle until her back was pressed up against a tiled wall.

“I love you, too,” he returned before slanting his mouth over hers and kissing her hotly. Their tongues tangled wetly and sliding a hand between them, he cupped and kneaded one of her breasts, loving how her nipple immediately hardened under his touch.

“I-I need you…” Haley whispered against his lips several minutes later when the kiss had broken. Her fingers brushed his cheek tenderly before sliding down to grip his muscled bicep. God, his body never ceased to amaze her, and she couldn’t help the tiny shiver that ran through her at the memory of the way he had picked her up with just one arm before he’d laid her down on the hood of his car. Her husband seriously had the ability to turn her into a pile of mush, she thought to herself with a smile.

“I want you, Hales…so much.” His breathing was heavy and his voice thick with lust as he let his eyes wander all over her, taking in the flushed colour of her skin which he knew was from a combination of the heat of the shower coupled with her arousal. Kissing her lips for a long moment, he showered kisses all over her cheeks and forehead, ending with a butterfly kiss to the tip of her nose which made her giggle.

She ran her fingers across his head, loving the bristly feel of his cropped hair against the pads of them. “I know…me too.” As she said the words, her hand slipped between their slick bodies and she wrapped her fingers around his length, sliding them up and down in a pumping motion. Her eyes were riveted on his as she watched the chasing expressions flitting across his face at her ministrations.


“I want to feel you inside me,” she told him before her lips covered his and she kissed him hard. Sliding her tongue into his mouth, she stroked it against his and then flicked the tip of it along the inside of his bottom lip knowing it was an erogenous zone for him.

Nathan’s hand removed hers from where it continued to work him into a frenzy and moving even closer to her, he began stroking his cock against her slippery wet folds. He loved the way her eyes fluttered shut even though he knew she was fighting to keep them open and on him. “You feel so good…so wet,” he whispered before licking a path around her lips and then suckling the bottom one into his mouth.


“Please what?” he teased, his fingers sliding down her arm to find hers whereupon he interlaced them.

“You know what… I-I need to feel you…”

Her skin was a slightly darker pink now and he knew it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge. He stroked back and forth a few more times before finally plunging inside of her using one deep thrust. The resultant cry that emanated from her threatened to shatter the cubicle’s glass. Peppering kisses all over her face, he then slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her breathless.

The hot water raining down on them added to the blissful pleasure that he was creating within her and her legs tightened around his waist, the heels of her feet digging into his firm buttocks as he moved his lower body against hers. Releasing her fingers from his, she dug her blunt fingernails into his shoulders, knowing she was drawing half-moons on his lightly tanned skin. One of her hands slid upwards and cupped the back of his neck, once again enjoying the sensation of his buzzed hair against her fingertips.

When Nathan began suckling her neck, she tilted her head to one side to give him greater access and her entire body tingled when she felt his teeth grazing against her pulse point. She could feel it beating double-time in rhythm with his ministrations and she couldn’t help but move her lower body a little faster against his. Her orgasm was just within reach; she had felt the faint stirrings of it a few minutes ago and the sensations were growing stronger with each thrust of his hips.

“I love you… I love you… I love you…” he chanted against her wet skin.

The smile Haley gave him illuminated her whole face and her hands moved to cup his cheeks in her palms as she brought his forehead to rest against hers. “I know,” she told him before adding, “I love you, too. More than anything.”

He grinned upon hearing her words, and he kept his gaze fixed on hers before the temptation grew too great to ignore and he needed to kiss her again. Their bodies slid together, creating a delicious friction that neither of them could get enough of. Hands wandered and groped; lips, teeth and tongues came together repeatedly while their lower bodies moved in a familiar rhythm as old as time itself.

The crescendo within her was building until it finally reached a fever pitch and she cried out as her orgasm hit and washed over her, sending spirals of electric warmth throughout her body. Her nails dug into Nathan’s hard shoulders while her legs tightened that little bit further around his waist.

The movement of his hips increased as he fought to achieve his own climax and all it took was a few harder, deep strokes before he exploded inside of her. The feeling of her internal muscles clenching around his cock caused him to moan loudly and tightening his hold on her, he kissed her softly but as was usually the case with them, it quickly turned passionate.

“This is one of the things I missed most…”

Cocking her head to one side, she raised one perfectly arched eyebrow. “What, you mean sex?”

“Well, that as well, but I actually meant holding you…and making out with you.”

“That’s two things,” she joked.

“Very funny,” he deadpanned but he already felt the smirk creeping onto his face.

“I know what you mean, though,” she returned seriously. “I love kissing you, Nathan, and I missed doing that. I missed cuddling up with you at night and then in the morning, especially those mornings when we didn’t have anywhere to be.”

Nathan couldn’t think of a thing to say. He knew exactly how it had felt going to bed alone and then waking up holding onto her pillow, burying his face into it in the hope that he would still be able to smell her scent on it.

Bringing a hand up to his face, Haley trailed fingers along his cheek and down to his strong jaw-line. “I’m sorr--”

“No!” He quickly interjected, placing a finger against her lips to stop her apology. “You don’t have to keep saying that. I know you are and I hope you know I am, too. I’ve been a jackass these past few months and I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. But we need to move on from that. If all we do is keep apologising for what’s happened and what we can’t change, then we’ll stay in this place forever and I don’t want that, Hales.”

Haley smiled at the way he was talking and for the first time in a long while, she felt that things were starting to get back to normal…well, as normal as things could get for the two of them. “I don’t want that either. I want to move forward…with you.”

“Good ‘cos that’s what I want too.” His hand came up to tangle in her wet hair and he angled her head before pressing his mouth to hers. This kiss felt like something of a promise of things to come, of a future together and they both poured everything they felt for each other into it.

They weren’t naïve enough to think that this was the end of their problems but they knew that together they were stronger and that they could face whatever challenges might come their way.

* * * * *

The storm continued to rage outside while inside, Nathan and Haley continued to rediscover one another. After their shower, they had both dried off before climbing into bed and coming together all over again. The only light in the room was that from the candles they had lit and the lightning that was streaking across the night sky which created a light show of their very own.

At that precise moment, the fingers of one of her hands gripped the headboard as he thrust inside of her over and over while the other massaged the strong muscles of his back and shoulders. His mouth suckled on her breasts in turn, his tongue swirling around and around the sensitive nipple, occasionally grazing it with his teeth . Her ankles were crossed over his lower back holding him as tightly to her as she could. She loved the feeling of his hard, toned body pressing her down into the mattress and just the mere thought of it was making her even wetter than she already was.

A gasp tore from her throat when he bumped her cervix and she dug her heels into his ass in an attempt to get him to do it again which he did, making her moan her pleasure. Her moans grew louder when she felt his thumb circling her clit and looking at him through heavy lidded eyes, she saw the look of total concentration on his face.

Wrapping her hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him down and kissed him hard, opening her mouth wider to allow his tongue entrance whereupon she sucked on it, enjoying his unique taste.

Haley had lost count of the number of orgasms he’d wrung from her already and she knew it wasn’t over yet since she could feel the familiar sensations beginning once again deep in her belly. Tilting her pelvis back slightly, she felt him sink inside even further and she voiced her delight. Their bodies rocked together furiously and the only sounds that could be heard were those of their panting breaths coupled with the sound of their bodies moving against each other’s.

She was on the verge of climax when Nathan suddenly stopped and withdrew from her body and she cried out her frustration. “No! D-Don’t stop! Please…”

Popping a kiss onto her lips, he quickly flipped her over onto her stomach and he smirked when her tattoo of his jersey number came into view. “It’s okay baby…I’ve got you,” he told her as he gently eased her up so she was on her knees in front of him, her hands gripping the pillows her head had just been laying on.

Lowering his head, he licked a path around the ‘23’ etched on her soft, smooth skin before dropping an open-mouthed kiss on it.


Before she could say anything more, his hands firmly held her hips and he thrust back inside of her in one long, deep stroke. A smirk tugged at his lips at the noises she was making as he slid in and out of her and widening his stance a little, he managed to move her into a more upright position so his chest was against her back and his hands were free to roam all over which they did.

“God Hales…you feel so damn good…” he whispered huskily into her ear.

Haley was practically delirious with the mind-numbing bliss he was providing her and she couldn’t seem to get enough. She released an especially loud moan when his large, slightly calloused hands came around her to knead her breasts, his fingers tugging on her hard nipples causing electric shocks to run from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. His abs were rubbing against her lower back and she loved the way that felt but even more, she loved the feeling of his fingers dancing along her stomach before they slipped that little bit lower and began circling her clit.

“Ohhhh…god…pleeeease…” she begged as she thrust back against him and with the palm of her hand, she pressed his fingers even more firmly so they could exert more pressure on the tiny bundle of nerves he was stroking.

Nathan, knowing he couldn’t hold out much longer, sped up both the movement of his fingers and the movement of his cock as he worked to bring her off at the same time as him. His lips scattered kisses all over her back and shoulders and bringing his hand up into her hair, he quickly moved it aside so he could have better access to her neck where he proceeded to suck a patch of skin into his mouth, worrying it with his teeth.

“C’mon baby…I-I’m almost there… Come with me,” he urged as he quickened his pace even further and when she flexed her feminine muscles around him, he lost it and shot his warm seed inside her.

He continued his movements, adding a little extra pressure to his fingers and he felt her tighten around him even further as she followed him over the edge and came with his name falling from her lips.

The power of her climax left her feeling limp and she would have fallen forward if it hadn’t been for Nathan’s arm wrapped around her front. She hissed slightly when she felt him withdraw from her body but as soon as he had, he gently helped her to turn over and lie down on her back, letting his body ease down on top of hers. He braced his weight on his forearms so he was raised slightly above her but she wasn’t having that and she pulled him down so he was lying flush against her.

Slanting his head, he seized her mouth and kissed her long and hard, making up for not being able to kiss her given the position they had just been in. His fingers threaded through her silky hair as the kiss threatened to consume them both and finally he had no choice but to break it so they could catch their breaths.

“Wow!” She said, a rosy blush colouring her cheeks.

“Definitely,” he agreed. “So, uh, that was…”

“Uh huh, it sure was.”

“Are you okay? I mean, I wasn’t too rough or anything?”

Haley quickly shook her head. “Are you kidding? Of course you weren’t. You’re never too rough, so don’t ever think that. It was…amazing.” Her blush deepened and he couldn’t help chuckling.

“Sorry, but I’ve missed seeing that blush of yours.”

Twining her arms around his neck, she pulled him down for another sizzling kiss. “Oh, I hope there’s a day when I get to make you blush.”

“We can work on it,” he told her, his smirk more pronounced than ever before and lowering his head, he took over her lips again.

* * * * *

Much later still, Nathan and Haley were lying side by side in bed, both lying on their backs; her arm was bent at the elbow with her hand resting against her forehead while his head was turned slightly away from her and he had his eyes closed.

One particular thought was going around and around in her mind when his voice broke the silence.

“Stop it.”

Her hand came down to rest on her chest as she turned to look at him. “What?”

“Whatever you’re worrying about, just stop,” he told her.

Her hand fell further and settled on her stomach before she replied, “How do you know I’m worried, you didn’t even open your eyes?”

A half smile played on his lips. “You think I need to see you with my eyes to know what’s going on with you? What’s on your mind?” His voice sounded soft and tender to his own ears as he spoke the words.

Turning her head back to its original position, her eyes closed for a brief moment before she opened them again and answered, “I was just…wondering if maybe I should go home.” The fingers on her right hand toyed with her wedding ring while she waited for his reaction.

Hearing her words, he opened his eyes and his head immediately turned so he could look at her. “Why would you do that?”

“’Cos I don’t wanna wake up and have you not be here again,” she confessed.

“I’ll be here…”

Hearing him say that, Haley finally turned to look at him again and she saw the truth in his eyes.

“I’m not going anywhere. C’mere.” He lifted up his arm and she hesitated for a split-second before she scooted over and laid her head on his shoulder just under his chin and the side of her face pressed against his warm skin as she snuggled up next to him.

Bringing his other arm around her, he squeezed her to him before dropping a kiss onto the top of her head.

They both quietly sighed as for the first time in a long time they felt like they were finally home and back where they belonged. Together.


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