
Title: Promises

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This story is set during this week's episode (4x15) and so contains spoilers. It also features scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: As he continued to watch her, it felt like amazing wasn’t a strong enough word to describe her given how perfect she looked, how radiant, but it would have to do since he seemed to be having trouble constructing sentences right then.

Author's Note: A big thank you has to go to several of the girls on my Flist for all of their support this past couple of weeks and for the comments you've already given me on this story. *big hugs* This is part of my Horny!Haley series.

Sitting on the couch, his fingers idly played with Haley’s corsage, Nathan heard her approaching footsteps and glanced up just as she came around the corner and his breath caught in his throat. Breathtaking is the only word that sprang to mind as his eyes slowly took her in, roaming all over her as she slowly came towards him and he stood up to meet her.

“My god… You look amazing.” As he continued to watch her, it felt like amazing wasn’t a strong enough word to describe her given how perfect she looked, how radiant, but it would have to do since he seemed to be having trouble constructing sentences right then.

“Thanks,” Haley replied, smiling at him and as she walked down the few steps in front of her leading to where he was waiting, she asked, “Notice anything different?”

“You’re smiling.”

Haley laughed, the sound light and tuneful. “Anything else?” she asked, crossing one leg in front of the other as she waited for him to notice what she was referring to.

“Y-Your boot’s off. Haley, that’s great. You can walk on it?”

“Yep,” she confirmed. “Even better, I’m gonna dance on it. I was gonna tell you last night but your surprise kinda trumped mine.”

His expression was sheepish as he ducked his head slightly. “Sorry…again.”

“I know.” And she did. She knew that having her see that tape is the last thing in the world he would ever have wanted and while she still felt a little…uncomfortable by the whole situation, she knew he was a completely different person from the one who made it and that helped to make her feel better.

“And the list?” Nathan asked, his voice breaking into her thoughts.

“Uh, the list… I just read the one written by the man I fell in love with, I didn’t need the one written by that other boy.”

Nathan stared at her incredulously. How did he ever get this lucky, he wondered to himself. He knew he’d hurt her… God, he’d caused her so much pain this past few months yet she was able to look past it all and still be as sweet and forgiving as she always had been. “You know how much I love you?” His feelings were clearly audible in his voice as he inched forward a little more, the expression he was wearing completely telling of how much he loves her, how in love with her he is.

Haley tilted her shoulder and gave him a sweet, yet sexy smile. “You better,” she breathed, watching as he slid the corsage onto her wrist before lowering his head and kissing her. Her left arm slid up to wrap around the back of his neck while her right hand grabbed the lapel of his jacket, pulling him in even closer until that one also wrapped around his neck.

After a few moments have passed, he reluctantly drew back from her, and said, “Aren’t we going to be late for prom?”

Meeting his beautiful blue eyes, she smiled at him and answered, “Oh please, there’s nothing wrong with being a little late, is there?” She met his approaching lips and the smile that was still there slowly disappeared as she lost herself in the feel of him pressed against her and she released a breathy sigh.

Her fingers played with his hair which was getting so long now but she kind of liked it, mainly since there’s more of it to grab onto in the throes of passion, she can’t help thinking to herself with a silent chuckle.

“H-Hales…” His voice was thick with lust and need and all he wanted to do was get her naked and underneath him…or on top of him or any other way he can get her. He wasn’t fussy and another benefit of this pregnancy is them having to come up with new and inventive ways of making love since some positions were already starting to get a little uncomfortable for her.

Breaking the kiss, Haley grabbed his hand and started leading him towards the stairs and he couldn’t help grinning. He certainly wasn’t expecting his usually punctual-as-hell wife to be dragging him upstairs when they should already be on their way to the prom but hell, he wasn’t complaining.

Once inside their bedroom, Nathan kicked the door shut behind him and turned the key in the lock. The last thing he wanted was for his mom to interrupt them. Turning back to face Haley, he saw that she’d already kicked off her high heels and that she’d managed to half-lower the zipper on her dress. Closing the distance between them, he finished the job for her and slowly slid the straps of her pink and black dress down her slender arms and he helped her step out of it once it had pooled around her feet.

“Don’t crease it,” she warned and then smiled as she watched him lay it over the chair in the corner of the room.

When he turned back to her and saw her standing before him in a matching black and pink lace-trimmed, bra and panty set, all the blood in his body immediately rushed to a certain part of his anatomy and he almost felt light-headed. His eyes settled on her protruding stomach and he couldn’t help the smile that curved his lips. He knew that she’d been feeling more self-conscious about it the larger she started to get so he always paid that part of her body even more attention than he usually did; lovingly caressing and kissing her bump and even rubbing cocoa butter body lotion into her skin at night since she was concerned about stretch marks. If anything, doing that for her actually made him feel even closer to his unborn son and now that he had started kicking, he’d probably feel that closeness even more profoundly.

Nathan crossed the room in two large strides and pulled her into his arms, kissing her with everything he had in him, hoping to try and erase the last twenty-four hours or so from both of their minds. His tongue gently prodded at her lips and when she parted them, he slipped it inside and stroked it against hers. Her hands pushed at his jacket and he helped her remove it but, unlike her, he didn’t care about it getting creased and he let it fall to the floor.

They made short work of undressing each other and before they knew it, they were lying on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. The only sounds in the room were those of harsh, panting breaths and tiny little mewls and moans.

Haley’s hands stroked everywhere they could reach, touching him all over and making him moan her name out loud. A fleeting thought popped into her head about whether or not Deb was in the house but it quickly disappeared when Nathan’s lips latched onto her nipple and sucked it hard while his hips began thrusting against hers, pushing her up higher and higher onto the bed. One hand gripped his shoulder while the other pressed flat against the headboard behind her as she rocked herself in time with his movements, meeting each of his thrusts.

Her body felt electrified, her blood singing through her veins almost as if she had touched the tip of her tongue to a live battery. She loved the feel of him pressed along the length of her body, their unborn baby boy resting between them as they physically demonstrated their love for each other. A part of her couldn’t help feeling sad that very soon they wouldn’t be able to make love in this position until after the baby was born. There had already been some discomfort but tonight…tonight she needed it this way, she needed that closeness, and she was happy that it felt good. Scratch that! Good didn’t even come close to describing it.

All thought left her mind when his lips found hers and a second later, she was panting breathlessly as the kiss turned scorching hot and threatened to turn her insides to liquid. The hand that was still resting against the headboard moved to grip his hair and she held him tightly as she slanted her head so that the kiss became even more intense and visceral.

She yelped in surprise when he managed to flip them over without losing momentum so that she was now on top looking down at him. His hands covered her breasts, which she knew he loved even more since they were growing bigger as a result of her pregnancy, and he began massaging them in a circular motion. When he suddenly sat up, she cried out at feeling him slide even deeper inside and she instinctively tightened her internal muscles and giggled when his eyes practically rolled back into his head at the sensation.

Nathan’s hands were everywhere all at once, or at least that’s how it felt. Their lips met time and again, only breaking when the need for air became too strong to ignore. When his lips latched onto her neck, she wanted him to mark her but she knew he couldn’t given the low cut neckline of her dress. Pulling back, she opened her mouth to tell him but she saw the knowledge already there and she watched through half-lidded eyes as his mouth moved lower until he finally settled on an area just above the nipple of her right breast.

“Is here okay?” he asked huskily and it was all she could do to nod her head in agreement. His tongue came to out wet the area thoroughly before he drew the patch of skin into his mouth and sucked it hard. Several minutes later, he pulled away and inspected his handiwork; the reddish/purple mark a more than decent reminder of their prom night activities. Or should that be pre-prom night? He knew for a fact that they would be doing more of this later when they arrived back home.

Trailing his finger up and down the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, Nathan revealed, “If we had more time, I’d do one here, too but--”

“You can do that when we come back home,” Haley told him, knowing only too well that they would be continuing this later, especially given how much she’d been craving sex lately what with her hormones running wild through her body.

He smirked at her. “Just what I was thinking.” Leaning forward, he kissed his way from her breasts up to her mouth and seized her lips in another steamy kiss, one of his hands resting on her butt while the other lightly rubbed circles on her tummy. Moving his hands to her hips, he helped her find a rhythm that would tip them both over the edge and soon knowing that they were already running pretty late for prom and he knew she’d hate to miss the whole thing.

Haley braced her hands on Nathan’s chest as she moved herself faster and faster, his hands aiding her movements. The feel of him plunging in and out of her repeatedly, her clit brushing the base of his cock on every down-stroke soon had her delirious with mind-numbing pleasure and she chanted his name like a mantra as her orgasm suddenly struck, hitting her hard and, wanting to feel him come inside of her, she again began clenching her pelvic muscles around him and she felt his body tighten beneath hers before he fused his mouth to hers and screamed her name, the strength of it practically rattling her teeth.

Collapsing on top of him, she felt his arms wrap around her. She felt so comfortable and sated and all she wanted in that moment was to fall asleep with him but unfortunately that wasn’t possible. At least not tonight.

Kissing his chin and his strong jaw-line before arriving at his lips, she drew back and smiled when his mouth sought hers out and upon finding it, he kissed her softly. “I hate to say this but--”

“We need to get moving?” Nathan finished for her and watched as she nodded her head. “Okay. How about we leave early though and come back home to, uh…” his words trailed off but it was obvious what he meant by the saucy wiggling of his eyebrows and Haley laughed in response.

“Hmm, so we’re late to arrive and we’ll no doubt be the first to leave.”

“Makes you wonder why we’re even bothering to go, doesn’t it,” he teased.

“Uh huh.” Kissing him again, she reluctantly moved off of him, hissing slightly when he slipped out of her and she began making her way to their en suite bathroom.

“Where’re you going?” he asked, rolling out of bed and following behind her.

“To clean up. There’s no way I’m going to my senior prom looking like I’ve just--”

“Been fu--” he interrupted only for Haley to cut in before he could finish.

“Don’t you dare!” she said, before bursting out laughing.

Joining in with her laughter, Nathan wrapped his arms around her and walked her backwards into the bathroom. “Any chance of me talking you into sharing a shower, Hales?”

“Nathan, no! We’re already late and--”

“C’mon, if we’re going to be late, we might as well be really late. And besides, it’ll be a story we can tell the kids and grandkids to embarrass the hell out of them later on.”

Haley’s heart swelled at hearing him talking that way and her smile grew even wider. In an odd sort of way, he suddenly reminded her of her parents and the embarrassing stories they told her and her siblings over the years and it was giving her a really nice feeling.


“Okay, you’ve convinced me. I mean, however will I be able to wash my, um, feet now that I’m having trouble bending?”

“You didn’t seem to have any trouble bending the other night,” he reminded her and he loved the cute blush that suddenly appeared on her cheeks and upper body.


Lowering his head, he suckled her plump bottom lip into his mouth and lightly grazed it with his teeth. Pulling back, he rubbed his nose against hers before turning on the taps in the shower and adjusting the water to the right temperature. “After you,” he said, gesturing for her to step into the cubicle.

“Thank you, kind sir,” she replied, giggling. Getting inside, she turned and raised her finger at him, “Try not to get my hair wet, okay? There’s no way I’m going to have time to redo it so please be careful.”

Giving her a wink, he replied, “I’ll do my best but I can’t make any promises.”

Haley’s sigh of resignation was heard before Nathan stepped in and slid the cubicle door shut behind himself but that was quickly followed by a loud raucous giggle, the owner of which couldn’t be determined.


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