Whatever It Takes

Title: Whatever It Takes

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during episode 5x12 'Hundred' and is a sort of extension to that awesome NH rain make-out scene

Summary: He closed his eyes and let the images his mind conjured up take him away to a happier place...

Author's Notes: This has been written in honour of the James 600th Thread over on the OTH FanForum board. Congratulations to everyone over there! Thanks to Berry for reading over this for me and helping to put my mind at rest. *hugs*

This is also my second entry for The "Water Babies" Challenge at nhlovenest.

Standing under the powerful spray of the shower at his brother's house who he was still staying with, Nathan's thoughts were consumed by Haley. God, he missed her! And Jamie, of course. It was killing him to be away from them but he was trying to give her the space she'd asked him for and if it helped her take back the D word she'd thrown at him, then he'd do it. While he hoped she'd said it in the heat of the moment after everything that had happened that horrible day culminating with them almost losing their son, the fact she still seemed to be contemplating it when they'd talked at Luke and Lindsey's party left him feeling chilled to the bone.

Lowering his head, he let the hot water wash over him in an attempt to warm him up, although he knew he'd only feel that once he was back home with his wife and son. He closed his eyes and let the images his mind conjured up take him away to a happier place...

He heard her footsteps on the tiled floor and he took a deep breath as he saw her for the first time in what felt like forever. She looked beautiful in the figure hugging jeans and blue-ish green patterned, sleeveless top she was wearing and he found himself rushing through the words he'd come up with on his way over to the house.

"Hi! I wanna come home, Haley... I love you." He couldn't help but notice the surprised look on her face at suddenly seeing him standing there in their kitchen.

"I have to get ready right now. I can't..." Haley ran her hand through her hair, her eyes not quite meeting his as she started to walk past him.

Quickly grabbing her arm as she moved past, Nathan swung her around to face him and before she could protest, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her, pouring all the love he felt for her into it.

When the kiss ended a few moments later, Haley drew back from him, brushing her lip against his before retreating further. Her hands smoothed over his shoulders and down his chest as she said, "You shouldn't have done that."

"I wanted to," he told her, his eyes focused on hers. Their words were exactly the same as ones they had spoken several years ago before their relationship had become even more intimate.

Tilting her head back slightly, she threaded her fingers through her hair, quietly saying, "Oh yeah," before throwing her arms around Nathan's neck and seizing his lips with her own. Gripping the back of his sweater, she moved one of her hands to the back of his head and then to the side of his face, her thumb rubbing gently along his cheek.

As the kiss progressed and intensified, she suddenly felt drops of water falling from above and pulling back from him, she looked up at the ceiling with a confused look on her face. It was raining inside their kitchen! What the hell? She laughed as the rain fell harder and Nathan joined in with her, loving to see her happy again. He watched as she again ran her hands through her short, wet hair and he smiled against her lips when she cupped the back of his head and pulled him towards her for another kiss.

Her arms were around his neck while his were banded around her waist, holding onto her for dear life... scared that she would vanish before his very eyes. He sucked in a breath when he felt her hands caress down the front of his sweater and start to push it up so she could touch his skin. While he wanted to do the same to her, he didn't want to rush things and have her push him away.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he slowly ran them down her bare arms and savoured the feel of her soft skin beneath his. "You feel so good," he whispered before suckling her bottom lip into his mouth and nipping it with his teeth.

"I want to feel you," Haley whispered back, her fingers tugging on the hem of his sweater.

Nathan didn't need any further encouragement and made fast work of stripping it off, leaving him standing topless in front of her with the rain falling down on them both. He forced himself to keep his eyes open as she explored his chest with the pads of her fingers but they fell shut when she licked around his right nipple and then sucked it into her mouth.


He felt her lower the zipper on his pants and he held his breath to see what she'd do next. His breath caught in his throat when she palmed him through his boxer briefs and he released a deep moan when her hand delved inside to touch his hard, aching flesh and he couldn't help bucking his hips.

When her hand left him, his eyes flew open and he watched hungrily as she removed her open-toed sandals, quickly followed by her wet clothes which were clinging to every delicious curve of her body, letting them fall to the floor. Her body was glistening with the water that was still raining down over them and reaching out, he pulled her into him and folded her in his embrace, his mouth searching for and immediately finding hers. Their tongues duelled playfully as their hands roamed all over each other and he reveled in the feel of her wet, naked body pressed flush against his.

Kissing her with every fibre of his being, Nathan slipped a hand between them and massaged her breasts in turn, loving the way they filled his palm and then some. He plucked at her diamond hard nipple, loving the gasps and moans that filled the air as he continued to do it before moving over to the other one and lavishing it with the same attention.

"You're a little overdressed for my liking," Haley told him several long minutes later as she took a step back from him and looked him up and down.

Giving her that smirk he knew she secretly loved, he replied, "That's easily remedied." Toeing off his shoes, he bent forward and pulled off his socks and then pushed down his pants and boxers, kicking them off when they were pooled around his feet.

Before she had a chance to say anything, Nathan picked her up and set her down on the counter, grinning at the yelp she released when her ass came into contact with the cold, wet granite surface. His lips covered hers and he swallowed her complaints, his hands wandering everywhere he could reach. "I love you," he whispered, looking into her rich chocolate brown eyes that were looking back at him.

"I-I love you, too, Nathan."

Hearing her say those words warmed his heart and placing his hands on her hips, he gently pulled her towards him, smiling at the way she bit her lip in obvious anticipation at what was about to happen. He slowly slid into her, fighting the urge to close his eyes so he could see the look of rapture etched upon her face which he knew mirrored his own.

Haley's knuckles turned white with the force of her grip on the countertop as she moved her hips in time with Nathan's. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist and her head fell back, enjoying the sensation of the water cooling her feverish skin.

Their lips met again and again in a series of hungry kisses as their bodies moved together in a rhythm as old as time.

He could sense her impending orgasm and so, sliding a hand between them, he circled her clit with his thumb, speeding up his movements when he felt her feminine muscles clenching around him. It didn't take much more to send her careening over the edge and when she came a few seconds later, it triggered his own climax and he buried his face against her neck and shouted her name into her skin.

Her hands kneaded his back and shoulders in time with her breathing which was still a little ragged and he couldn't help feeling proud that, after all these years together, he still had that effect on her. Wrapping an arm around her, he eased her off of the counter as his free hand threaded through her wet hair and directed her mouth to his, his eyes fluttering closed when the kiss became even more heated. He could hear something in the background but he did his best to ignore it and kept his attention fixed solely on Haley.

The sound of knocking had him frowning and finally opening his eyes, his heart plummeted to the floor when he realised the whole thing had been a daydream... a really vivid daydream. It had felt so real... almost to the point where he swore he could actually taste her.

Ducking his head under the water, he shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips as he looked down at a certain part of his body. Just the thought of his wife had him hot, hard and aching.

"Nathan?" Lucas' muffled voice said through the bathroom door as he knocked even harder. "C'mon, get your ass out of the shower and start getting ready. We're on the clock here, little brother."

He ignored his brother's voice and reaching out his hand, he changed the temperature of his shower from hot to freezing cold, cursing under his breath as the icy liquid hit his skin.

When Nathan stepped out of the shower a few minutes later and had wrapped a towel around his waist, he cleared the steamy mirror over the basin and stared into it. Today was going to be different... he was going to make sure of it. Both he and Haley were in the wedding party and he was going to use that to his advantage. Maybe he could talk her into dancing with him at the reception or something.

Whatever happened, he was going to make up for all the stupid decisions he'd made recently and put everything right between them. After everything she had done for him over the years, it was his turn to fight for them and that's exactly what he was going to do. He was Nathan Scott and he had too much to lose.


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