Proud Of You

Title: Proud Of You

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Table/Prompt: #5/10 - Writer’s Choice: Dressing Room

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a slightly AU-ish future fic so basically everything up to and including what we’ve seen on the show so far. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: God, she’d been absolutely amazing tonight and he was so proud of her. He knew how much she loved playing live and that had shone through in her performance which, judging by the audience’s reaction to her set, had gone over brilliantly. He’d told her it would and watching her up on stage, he’d seen her initial nerves just melt away as she soaked up the atmosphere of the enthusiastic crowd.

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for the lovely Lori in honour of her birthday. A little birdie, ie. Dawnie, told me that this is what you were after and she was sweet enough to let me use the idea. I hope I’ve done it justice and that you enjoy it. Hope your day is as special as you are! *hugs*

It’s also been written as part of my fanfic table for 5x10prompts.

Haley’s entire body was buzzing as she bowed and waved to the audience at the end of the encore along with the concert’s other acts and turning her head to the side, she caught her husband’s eye as he watched her from the wings. The proud look he wore on his face combined with the fact he was carrying their ten-month-old daughter in his arms while their son stood beside them had tingles shooting throughout her body and giving herself a mental shake, she focused once more on the audience.

The crowd in front of her were cheering wildly and after giving a final bow, she waved to the crowd before turning and running off stage.

“Momma, you were awesome!” Jamie shouted as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet.

“Thank you, baby!” Haley said as she ruffled his hair and caressed his cheek. Turning her attention to her daughter, she smiled at the yellow headphones she wore to protect her ears from the loud music. “And what did you think, sweetie?”

“We thought you were awesome, too, didn’t we, Gabi?” Nathan said, gently bouncing the little girl in his arms.

“Momma!” the curly haired brunette exclaimed, holding out her chubby arms.

Haley smiled as she took the baby from Nathan and cuddled her close against her chest as they began walking in the direction of the dressing room she’d been put in.

“You were amazing, Hales,” Nathan told her.

She blushed at his compliment. “Thank you.” Her eyes locked on his and those tingles she’d felt a few minutes ago grew stronger still. She leaned in just as he did the same and their lips met halfway in a soft, tender kiss. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you more.”

“Not possible,” she said, her hand reaching up to stroke his cheek.

“How about we take these little munchkins home and I get to show you just how proud of you I am?”

“Mmm, that sounds great, honey, but Peyton’s arranged a couple interviews so I need to stick around for a while.”

“Oh…” he replied, the disappointment evident in his voice.

“Why don’t you go home now and get them settled and I’ll be there as soon as I’m finished here?”

“Yeah, okay… I’ll do my best to wait up for you.”

“I’ll just wake you up if you’re not,” Haley told him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Smoothing her hand over Gabi’s curls, she pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You be good for Daddy, okay, sweetie?”

The little girl gurgled her answer which made her parents laugh.

After handing her back to Nathan, Haley crouched down in front of their son. “And you be good, too?”

“I’m always good, Momma,” Jamie said.

“Is that so?”

The seven-year-old nodded eagerly before asking, “Aren’t you coming home now, too?”

“Your Auntie Peyton has some stuff for me to do so you and Gabi are going home with Daddy and I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Okay.” Not missing an opportunity, he said, “Can I stay up and wait for you?”

“Nice try, buddy,” Haley said, laughing. “It’s way past your bedtime already so you need to go to sleep as soon as you’re all tucked in.”

“Fiiine,” he mumbled.

“It looks like this one’s already there,” Nathan told her as his daughter lay curled against his chest, her eyes closed.

Her heart melted as she looked up and saw what he meant. God, fatherhood was so damn sexy on him. Kissing Jamie’s cheek, she said, “I’ll come check on you when I get in and as a special treat, how about we all go out to breakfast tomorrow?”

“Really? Cool! Can we go to the park afterwards?”


“C’mon, buddy,’ Nathan said, ‘Let’s get going.”

“Bye, Momma!”

“Bye, baby. I’ll see you soon.”

Wrapping an arm around her once she’d stood up, Nathan brushed his lips over hers. “Don’t let Peyton keep you here too long.”

“I’ll be as quick as I can,” she promised.

“I’ll hold you to that,” he told her, dropping another kiss onto her lips.

After saying goodbye, she watched them walk away, a smile tugging at her lips as she went to find Peyton.

* * * * *

Nathan had just strapped the kids into their seats and was about to get into the car when he saw his mother approaching.

“Hi, honey.”

“Hey, Mom. So, how awesome was my wife tonight?”

“She was terrific and I told her that when I saw her a few minutes ago. She said you’d just left with the kids so I came down here to try and catch you.”

“Why?” he asked, looking at her curiously.

“Well, I thought you might like to stick around and enjoy your wife’s night with her so hand over your keys and I’ll take the kids home.”

“Yeah? That’d be great.” Dropping the keys into her outstretched hand, he kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome.”

Leaning into the car, Nathan smiled at his son. “Hey, buddy, guess what? Nanny Deb’s going to drive you home and get you and Gabi all tucked in. Is that okay?”

“Yeah… Are we still going out for breakfast tomorrow, Daddy?”

“Of course we are so you need to go to sleep so it’s still breakfast time when you wake up,” he teased.

“Okay,” Jamie agreed.

“Thanks again, Mom,” Nathan said as he moved and his mother got into the car and adjusted the seat and mirrors.

When they drove away a few minutes later, he made his way back into Tric where Peyton’s benefit concert was being held, showing his backstage pass to the security guys manning the club. Receiving no answer when he knocked on Haley’s dressing room door, he pushed it open and found it empty. It was the same one that Haley had used when she’d performed at the first benefit concert Peyton had held and he was suddenly reminded of that night. Walking over to a chair in the corner, he sat down and waited for his wife to return.

God, she’d been absolutely amazing tonight and he was so proud of her. He knew how much she loved playing live and that had shone through in her performance which, judging by the audience’s reaction to her set, had gone over brilliantly. He’d told her it would and watching her up on stage, he’d seen her initial nerves just melt away as she soaked up the atmosphere of the enthusiastic crowd.

“Hey, you… What are you doing here?” Haley asked a short while later when she came back, a confused expression on her face as her eyes looked around the room, searching for the children. “Where are the kids?”

“Mom took them home,” he told her as he pushed himself up from the couch. “She thought I might want to hang out with you.”

“She did, huh?” Walking towards him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself up onto her tiptoes. Before he could answer, she touched her lips to his, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth and then repeating the action with his top one.

Tilting his head to the side, Nathan instantly deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips to tangle with her own. He moaned when her fingers massaged the back of his neck, moving lower to work the same magic on his shoulders.

“I want you so much,” she whispered when she’d broken the kiss to breathe in some much needed air.

“I want you, too, Hales…” His fingers played with the tab of her zipper on the blue, fitted halter-neck dress she was wearing. He was just about to lean in for another kiss when Haley drew back from him and he stared at her for a moment before he smirked knowingly as she went and locked the door. Instead of waiting for her to return to him, he closed the short distance between them and pinned her up against the door.

Their lips immediately locked and they kissed furiously, their hands busying themselves with unbuttoning and unzipping clothing.

“I… I can’t believe we’re… doing this here…” Haley mumbled in between kisses.

“Do you want to stop?” he asked, cocking one eyebrow. From the way her teeth were biting into her plump lower lip, he could imagine the internal debate she was having with herself and he couldn’t help smirking. Her palms were caressing his naked chest and he sucked in a breath when they delved lower and slid beneath his already unzipped pants.

“God, no,” she finally choked out, seizing his lips and kissing him hotly while her hands pushed down his pants and boxers. Their passionate moans filled the air and he was grateful that loud music was still playing outside which would hopefully prevent anyone hearing what was going on inside the dressing room.

Knowing they probably didn’t have a lot of time, Nathan made short work of removing her dress and he looked her up and down appreciatively in the pale blue matching underwear set she was wearing underneath it. That coupled with the high heels she wore had a certain part of his anatomy throbbing with anticipation. Undoing the front clasp of her pale blue bra, he cupped and kneaded her full breasts.

“You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured against her lips.

“So are you,” she told him, her voice thick with the lust that was coursing through her veins.

One of his hands travelled south from her breast and he caressed her through her silk panties, loving the way her eyes fluttered shut. Pulling the fabric aside, he slid two fingers along her wet lower lips while his thumb circled her clit. “Does that feel good?”

“Uh huh… Nathan…”

“What do you need?” he asked huskily.

“You,” was her immediate response.

“You have me.”

“I need you… inside,” she said, her face flushing pink.

Capturing her lips, he frantically kissed her as her words registered; all the blood in his body seeming to head south and making him harden even further if that were possible. Picking her up, her legs automatically hooked around his hips, bringing their lower bodies into closer contact.

Wrapping her fingers around his hardened length, Haley teased herself with it before placing it at her entrance. “Please…”

Before she could say another word, Nathan entered her in one hard stroke, pressing her even further up against the door. He held still for a long moment before he began to move, his eyes almost crossing when she clenched her feminine muscles around him. They were both so hyped up, there was no way this was going to last long.

Haley kept her eyes fixed on his as their lower bodies rocked together. Her fingers dug into the rounded tops of his shoulders when the delicious sensations he was creating within her grew even stronger. Letting her shoes fall from her feet, she dug her heels into his butt, urging him to move faster which he did. She cried out when he shifted his position slightly and his pubic bone started rubbing against her clit.

He smirked against her lips that the sounds she was making. “Like that, huh?”

“Fuck yes!”

Her expletive turned him on even more and he covered her lips with his, kissing her hungrily. His mouth travelled down the column of her throat before latching onto the base of her neck and he sucked furiously, determined to mark her. Palming her breast, he pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, loving the sounds that little action caused her to make.

“I’m so close, baby…” she whispered, her lips seeking and instantly finding his.

“Me, too.” He doubled his efforts, wanting them to climax together. The noises she was making grew louder and he kissed her again in an attempt to muffle them. She was rocking her body furiously against his and feeling that telltale tingle at the base of his spine, he knew he was about to come. “Touch yourself,” he commanded, his eyes following her movements when her hand slid between them and she began caressing herself intimately.

“You’re so hot… I love seeing you like this, baby…”

“Oh God… Nathan…” Placing her hand on the back of his head, she directed his face to hers and she kissed him hard, her tongue sliding between his lips to mimic what their lower bodies were doing. She screamed into his mouth when a moment later her orgasm suddenly struck, her entire body seizing up and then relaxing as the sensations washed over her.

The feel of her internal muscles fluttering seductively around his shaft triggered his own orgasm and, just a few seconds later, he exploded deep inside of her. His forehead rested against hers as they each fought to get their breathing under some semblance of control.


Chuckling, Nathan nodded his agreement. “Yeah… wow is definitely the right word.”

Haley laughed along with him. “How ‘bout we got home and move this to somewhere a lot more comfortable?”

“Sounds great,” he answered, pecking her on the lips before slowly slipping out of her. “Uh, Hales? You do realise we didn’t use any protection just now?”

“I didn’t until you just mentioned it. So much for us being careful, huh?”

“Would it be so bad if you got pregnant again now?” He waited with baited breath for her answer, breathing a sigh of relief when she smiled at him.

“No, it wouldn’t be bad at all. I mean, there’s already a pretty big age gap between Jamie and Gabi so it’d be nice to have a smaller gap between her and any other kids we have.”

“Yeah,” he said, returning her smile. While fixing his clothes, he watched as she did the same and then went over to grab her bag. “Crap!”

“What’s wrong?” Haley asked, looking at him from over her shoulder.

“My mom took our car so we’ll have to get a cab home or see if Luke and Peyton are still around.”

“Actually Deb gave me her car keys when she saw me earlier.”

Thank God for that. The last thing I felt like doing was making small talk with a cab driver when all I want to think about is getting you out of your clothes again.”


“What? It’s true, babe.”

Laughing, she shook her head and muttered loudly enough for him to hear, “What am I going to do with you?”

“I could give you a few ideas, if you want,” he said, joining in with her laughter. Exiting the dressing room, Nathan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close to his body. “Have I told you how amazing you were tonight?”

“Yeah, you did and you were pretty amazing, too,” she quipped, giving him a naughty smile while at the same time blushing.

Lowering his head, he kissed her again before interlacing their fingers and leading her out of the building; eager to head home and pick up from where they’d left off. And who knew, maybe they’d add to their family and make tonight even more memorable than it was already.


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