Hop On Board

Title: Hop On Board

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Table/Prompt: #15/03 - Kisses

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a follow on from episode 6.02 ‘One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning’ so you might not want to read this until you’ve watched it.

Summary: He loved her with every fibre of his being and what he’d told her earlier about him loving being a husband and father more than basketball and that he’d give it up for her… those words couldn’t have had more truth to them right in that very moment. He’d do anything for her… for her and their son.

Author’s Notes: A big thank you goes to the lovely Lori for helping me out and beta-ing this for me. *hugs*

This has been written as part of my fanfic table for 5x10prompts.

“Is Jamie asleep?”

Haley nodded as she approached her husband in the living room. “Yeah, he was out like a light.” She was just about to sit down beside him on the couch when she had a better idea and hitching up her dress slightly, she straddled his thighs.

Smirking at her, Nathan settled his hands on her hips and pulled her in even closer before asking, “Where’s Mom?”

“Out,” she whispered as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. “So I figured I’d take this as my opportunity to, you know, hop on Pop.”

He laughed as he brought one hand up and threaded his fingers through her silky soft hair. “Is that so?”

“Uh huh… Do I hear any objections?” she teased.

“No… no objections at all,” he murmured as his lips met hers in a scorching hot kiss. He heard her moan softly when his teeth grazed her lower lip and tilting his head, he deepened the kiss; slipping his tongue inside her mouth to tangle with her own. His free hand wandered up and down her back, encouraging her to lean further forward and finding the tab of her zipper, he began to lower it which had her drawing back from him.


“What?” he said, his tone innocent while the expression on his face was anything but.

“We can’t do this here… Jamie could wake up or your Mom could come home and—”

“Hey, you started it,” he told her. “I was just sitting here minding my own business when you jumped onto my lap.”

“I didn’t jump… I hopped,” Haley retorted.

“Isn’t hopping a form of jumping?”

“You’re really asking for it,” she warned.

“Am I gonna get it though?”

Cupping his cheeks between her palms, she nuzzled her nose against his before sucking his bottom lip into her mouth and then repeating the action with the top one. His eyes were so dark and intense as he looked at her and she felt her body shiver in response. “Oh, I’d say that’s a given,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper as she gently pulled his face towards her and kissed him hard.

Nathan’s fingers found her zipper again and he’d lowered it almost halfway before Haley drew back from him. “It’s okay, Hales. Mom will probably be out all night… again and Jamie’s so exhausted from us playing with him that I doubt he’ll be waking up any time soon…”

“I don’t kn—”

“C’mon, baby…” he coaxed, peppering kisses all over her throat and neck.

The feel of his lips against her skin was her undoing and gripping his hair, she pulled him up for another kiss. This one was even more forceful than its predecessors and their tongues dueled frantically as their hips began rocking together. She could feel his thick, hard length pressing into her and reaching between them, she cupped him through his shorts.

“Guh! Don’t stop,” he pleaded, practically choking on his breath before fusing his lips to hers once more. Their kisses were filled with need and want and hunger, but the overriding emotion was love. He loved her with every fibre of his being and what he’d told her earlier about him loving being a husband and father more than basketball and that he’d give it up for her… those words couldn’t have had more truth to them right in that very moment. He’d do anything for her… for her and their son.

Haley was just about to ask him if anything was wrong, having felt him zone out on her, but when she suddenly felt his fingers trailing up her inner thigh all thought vanished in an instant. God… what he could do with his hands… She gasped when he began stroking her through her panties and her fingers dug into his shoulders as her hips moved in time with his movements.

“You like that?”

“Uh huh,” she mumbled. Her hand delved beneath the waistband of his shorts and wrapped around his hardness, stroking it up and down.

“I want you so much, Hales.”

“I want you, too,” she told him, seizing his lips in a hot, hungry kiss and pouring everything she felt for him into it. She somehow managed to push down his shorts enough to free him from their confines and raising herself up onto her knees, she hovered above him.

Knowing just what it was she wanted, Nathan pulled her panties aside before pushing her dress up so he could watch what was about to happen. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head when she sank down on him, slowly taking him into her body. Cupping the back of her head, he directed her face back to his and their lips met eagerly. Moving his hands to her hips, he guided her movements; groaning into her mouth when she clenched her muscles around him.

When he felt her tugging on the hem of his T-shirt, he automatically raised his arms and the kiss only broke so she could pull it over his head. As soon as it was clear, her lips had returned to his and she was kissing the hell out of him while her hands wandered everywhere they could reach.

“God, Nathan… You feel so good,” Haley whispered, resting her forehead against his as they each caught their breath.

“So do you,” he told her as his fingers again began lowering her zipper. He could feel her hesitation but she didn’t stop him this time. Once it was lowered completely, he slowly slid the straps of her pale green dress down her shoulders and dropped a kiss onto the curve of her left breast. He watched with hungry eyes as she stripped out of the garment, letting it pool around her waist with the bottom half of it and he made fast work of unclasping and removing her bra.

Her head fell back as he began kneading her breasts and placing her hands on the back of his neck, she began speeding up her movements. Her teeth bit into the soft flesh of her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning too loudly when he pinched her nipples but she couldn’t contain her sounds of pleasure when he lowered his head and took one of them into his mouth.

One of Nathan’s hands was splayed in the centre of her back while the other cupped and massaged her breast. As he suckled on her sensitive little nub, he watched her through heavy lidded eyes and, if possible, he felt himself grow even harder at the look of rapture on her face as she bounced up and down on him. Sliding his hand down the front of her body, he slipped it under her dress and between her thighs, stroking the tiny bundle of nerves at their apex in an attempt to bring her even closer to the edge. At the same time, his mouth alternated between her high, plump mounds; suckling on her diamond hard nipples and gently tugging them between his teeth.

“Oh… I-I’m so close…” she mumbled, her hand reaching to grab the back of the couch, needing it for extra purchase as the sensations coursing throughout her body reached a crescendo.

Kissing his way up from her breasts, Nathan smirked before covering her mouth with his own and kissing her soft and slow. Using their kiss as a distraction and also as a way of muffling her moans, he began feverishly rubbing her clit.

“Nathan… Nathan…” she panted, her fingers digging into his shoulder blades as she felt herself suddenly shatter around him.

His own fingers gripped her hips hard and the sensation of her feminine muscles seductively fluttering around him as her orgasm washed over her was his undoing as mere seconds later he exploded deep inside of her.

Haley’s bones felt like they’d melted and she fell forward onto him as her breathing slowly returned to normal. Nuzzling her face against his neck, she smiled lazily when she felt him drop a kiss onto the top of her head. His own breathing was still pretty ragged and she loved how worked up she could get him, even after all their years together. It was such a heady feeling!

Lifting her head up, she blushed at his heated stare and before she had a chance to duck her head, he was kissing her again, his tongue teasing her lips before slipping between them and flicking the tip of it along the roof of her mouth.

“I think I’m gonna need a crane to get me off this couch,” Nathan told her when they’d broken the kiss to breathe in much needed air, loving the rosy blush that tinted her skin.

“Mmm, I know what you mean… That was pretty… intense.”

“Yeah, it was.” Instinctively, he moved in for another kiss just at the same moment she did. “I love you,” he whispered against her mouth before brushing his lips over hers once more.

“I love you, too,” she whispered back.

They sat there in comfortable silence for several long moments before Haley began to move.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I thought we could move this upstairs where we won’t have to worry about being interrupted.” Seeing the amused look on his face, she amended, “Okay, less chance of us being interrupted. “C’mon, it’d be just our luck that Deb makes it home tonight and catches us romping on the couch.”

“Romping, huh? God, I love it when you talk dirty,” he teased.

Swatting him on the shoulder, Haley bit back her smile. “Let’s get moving, buddy,” she said, carefully getting up from his lap and then fixing her clothes as best she could given their rumpled state.

“I think you’re going to need an industrial iron to get those creases out,” he said, laughing as he watched her trying to smooth out the wrinkles on her dress.

Tucking himself back into his shorts, Nathan got up from the couch, rubbing a hand over his lower back as he straightening himself out after the impromptu workout he’d just had.

“You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

He traced his thumb along her cheekbone and gave her a reassuring smile. “No, baby, you didn’t. I’m just a bit…”

“Stiff?” she suggested, her tongue firmly in her cheek.

“Yeah… in more ways than one,” he whispered into her ear as he pressed his body flush against hers.

“Nathan…” Turning her head to the side, she found his lips and kissed him hotly; his words spiking her temperature once more.

Taking her hand in his, Nathan led her out of the living room and towards the stairs; flipping light switches off as they went.

“In a hurry, are we?”

“Hell yeah!” he instantly replied, quickly adding in a quieter voice, “Let’s keep it down, babe, ‘cause we don’t want a certain little someone with big ears waking up and interrupting us.”

She couldn’t help but laugh and upon seeing his mock glare, she placed her free hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of it. “Sorry.”

“Oh, I’ll give you sorry,” he told her as he pulled her into their bedroom and closed the door firmly behind them.


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