Ice Cream Love

Title: Ice Cream Love

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen

Prompt(s): Ice cream, TV show/movie

Requested by: Jackie

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during late Season 3.

Summary: Nathan smirked as he eyed up the bowl of ice cream his wife was heartily digging into.

Nathan smirked as he eyed up the bowl of ice cream his wife was heartily digging into. When she’d asked if he wanted some he’d turned down the offer but now… watching her little pink tongue dart out to lick at her lips, he was definitely craving some. He inwardly chuckled at his double meaning.

“I can feel you staring at me, you know,” Haley said, turning to face him on the couch. Her stomach flip-flopped when she saw his hungry gaze focused on her mouth. Before she could say a word, he’d leaned forward and covered her lips with his own, stealing her breath. When he drew back long minutes later, she breathlessly asked, “What was that for?”

“I decided I wanted some ice cream, after all,” he told her, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth and savouring the flavour of the strawberry dessert mixed in with her own unique taste.

A rosy blush infused Haley’s cheeks and her eyes wandered over to the movie which was playing on the TV. Suddenly, watching a DVD was the last thing she felt like doing and glancing back at Nathan’s face and seeing his grin, which stretched from ear to ear, she was pretty sure it was the last thing on his mind, too.


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