Magic Touch

Title: Magic Touch

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Table/Prompt: #10/07 - Back

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This follows on from episode 6.01 ‘Touch Me I’m Going To Scream’ so you might not want to read this until you’ve watched it.

Summary: The memories of his accident flashed through her mind and she swallowed past the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.

Author’s Notes: This has been written as part of my fanfic table for 5x10prompts.

The grimace was clearly etched upon Nathan’s face as he got ready for bed and Haley didn’t fail to notice it. Rubbing in the hand cream she applied every night, she watched him wince as he bent over to remove his socks and she inwardly debated on whether or not to say something or to let him tell her about it in his own time.

While she was happy things were improving for him back on the court, the last thing she wanted was for him to push himself too hard and too fast. The memories of his accident flashed through her mind and she swallowed past the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.


His voice cut into her thoughts and looking at him through blurry vision, it was only in that moment she realised that her eyes were filled with tears. Doing her best to blink them away, she gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile but she knew he’d seen right through it when he next spoke.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Haley shook her head. “Nothing… I’m just being silly,” she told him. Her voice sounded shaky to her own ears and she knew he’d easily pick up on it.

“Doesn’t sound like nothing to me,” Nathan said as he pulled on a pair of dark blue pyjama bottoms and climbing into bed a few moments later, he bit his lip to try and stop himself from moaning at the pain he again felt in his lower back. As he shifted over onto his side, he took in the concerned look on his wife’s face and instantly knew the reason for her tears. “Haley…”

“How long?”

He knew better than to try and argue with her. Sighing quietly under his breath, he replied, “Since this morning at the gym.”


“It’s fine,” he told her, his thumb caressing along her cheekbone. “I probably just overdid it a bit, that’s all.”

Covering his hand on her face with her palm, she leaned into his touch. “You need to be careful because… I just… We need you, okay?” Her breathing hitched as she tried again to keep her tears at bay.

He nodded, his throat feeling as dry as sandpaper as he swallowed. “I need you, too,” he whispered before he moved in closer and took her lips in a soft, tender kiss; his fingers threading through her silky, dark hair as he did so. “I love you.”

“I love you, too… so much,” she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for another kiss.

When they drew back from each other long minutes later, Nathan pushed himself up onto his forearms and looked down into her rich, chocolate coloured eyes which were always so expressive. “I promise I’ll be careful and won’t push myself too hard from now on.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling up at him. “Um, you’ve got a hospital check-up soon, right?”

“Real subtle, Hales.” He smirked. “Yeah, it’s in a few weeks time and I’ll mention the pain at the appointment.”

“Okay… In the meantime, do you want me to rub your back?”

His smirk deepened as he said, “Oh, you could rub something else for me if you want.”

Haley swatted him on the arm. “You’ve got such a dirty mind,” she teased.

“Like you don’t… I know you’re just wanting an excuse to feel me up.”

Cupping the back of his head, she pulled him in for a kiss, pausing before their lips touched to say, “Hmm, you know me so well.” As they kissed, she let her hands roam all over his shoulders, sliding them south to gently massage his back.

“That feels really good,” he murmured against her lips before dropping hot, open-mouthed kisses along her throat until he arrived at the base of her neck.

“So does that,” she told him, her voice a husky whisper as she gave herself over to the delicious sensations coursing through her body thanks to his very talented mouth. She felt rather than heard the moan he released as her ministrations on his back continued. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No.” God, she really did have a magic touch, Nathan thought to himself as he savoured the feel of her fingers dancing over his skin. His earlier discomfort seemed to have vanished, although he knew it would no doubt be back tomorrow during practice and his own workout session but at least for now there was some respite from the pain he’d felt.

“Thank you,” he said a moment later, resting his forehead against hers and looking into her eyes.

“You’re welcome,” Haley replied, smiling warmly at him as she brushed a hand over his hair before letting it rest on the back of his neck while her other one continued to rub along his lower back.

Her touch was so relaxing and he was pretty sure he’d be out like a light as soon as his head touched the pillow. “Okay then, Dancing Queen, how ‘bout we turn in for the night?”

She groaned at his nickname for her and popping another kiss onto his lips, she slid out from beneath him and got comfortable as Nathan did the same. A low moan escaped her lips when she felt him spoon in close behind her, his head sharing her pillow. His hand rested on her upper thigh and placing her own over it, she gave his fingers a little squeeze before bringing his arm under the covers and wrapping it around her stomach.

“Night, Hales,” he said, his sleepy voice slightly muffled by her hair.

“Goodnight, baby,” she whispered as she snuggled back into him, loving the feel of him surrounding her. While her concerns hadn’t quite disappeared, her heart felt a little lighter in her chest thanks to their talk and his promise to be careful. Hearing his breathing even out, she released the sigh of relief she’d been holding in and lacing their fingers together, she let herself be carried away in Morpheus’s arms, too.


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