Something For The Weekend

Title: Something For The Weekend

Author: Diane

Prompt: 077 - Weekend

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post Season 5 so everything up to and including it. It’s a sequel to ‘Baby Talk’ so it’d probably help if you’ve read that one first. Contains some language of a sexual nature but nothing particularly explicit.

Summary: “C’mon, Hales, we haven’t got a lot of time...”

Author’s Notes: This has been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

“C’mon, Hales, we haven’t got a lot of time...”

Wriggling out of his embrace, Haley raised one eyebrow as she looked up at him. “Oh yeah, time for what?”

Nathan smirked back at her. “Time to get you knocked up. I mean, we did promise Jamie a baby brother for his next birthday so we’re kind of on the clock here, babe.”

Swatting his arm, she shook her head and laughed. “Uh, I think you’ll find you were the one to promise him that and I’m putting you on notice that you can be the one to tell him if it’s a girl. According to him, girls are bossy.”

Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in closer again, he nuzzled his lips along the slender column of her neck. “He told you what Lily said, huh?”

“Mmm-mm,” she mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of her husband’s lips and teeth grazing against her skin. God, that felt so good!

“Like that?” he whispered, his voice deep and husky.

“Uh huh... Let’s go upstairs, Nathan...”

“Why? We’ve got a perfectly comfy couch right here and seeing as our boy is spending the whole weekend with his favourite uncle and all the doors are locked, we can guarantee no interruptions.”

“Shh, you’ll jinx it,” Haley warned. “Someone’s bound to phone or ring the doorbe—”

He cut her off by covering her mouth with his own and sliding his tongue between her lips to playfully tangle with hers. His hands threaded through her dark hair which, he noticed, was starting to grow out and he held her steady as he thoroughly kissed her.

“You really want us to have another baby?” she asked breathlessly when they drew apart several minutes later.

“Yeah, I really do. Is that okay or—”

“It’s more than okay,” she interrupted, stealing another kiss from him before retreating and looking into those gorgeous blue eyes of his. “I know Jamie wants a little brother but I’m kind of hoping we’ll have a girl.”

Nathan returned the smile she was giving him. “Yeah, I’m hoping it’s a girl, too. Let’s keep that between us though.”

Giggling, she nodded her head in agreement. “Definitely.”

His smile turned into a lust-filled look a moment later when Haley took a few steps back from him and suddenly pulled off the tank top she was wearing, revealing her braless breasts to his hungry gaze.

“C’mon, Nathan...” she said when he remained frozen to the spot and not being able to resist throwing his earlier words back at him, she added teasingly, “We’re kind of on the clock here.”

The sound of laughter filled the air as he lunged for her, throwing her onto the couch and covering her body with his own.

“Okay then, Mrs Scott... Let’s get started on knocking you up!”

Next : Ticking Clock

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