A Cosy Night In

Title: A Cosy Night In

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Mature Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Summary: Nathan and Haley spend a cosy night at home watching movies

Author’s Note: This is in response to Annie’s NH Fic Exchange and is for Mara. I chose her second option and her requirements for the fic are as follows:

Nathan and Haley have a movie night as a married couple. It is a very cold night so they make s’mores and hot chocolate with whipped cream. On this movie night they watch Risky Business. There must be a reference of course to this movie. The quotes below from TLY must be used or referred to somehow in your story also. One hot sexy loving marital scene must be included on the couch. But you can rate it how you need to. It doesn’t need to be explicit of course. If you prefer NC17 though, that’s fine.

Quote to be referred to:

Haley: We are doing equations on the train.

Nathan: Well it’s not exactly Risky Business, but there’s always the ride back.

Letting himself into the apartment, Nathan smiled when he saw Haley in the kitchen with her back to him and going over to the counter, he placed a bag onto it. Sneaking up behind her, he slipped his hands over her shoulders, placing them onto her cheeks and then laughed when he heard her shriek.

“Nathan! Your hands are freezing.”

“That might have something to do with it being so damn cold outside,” he told her sarcastically before lowering his hands so they rested on either side of her hips. “Seeing as I went out in the cold for you, I think it’s only fair that you help warm me up.”

Turning her face to the side, she planted a kiss onto the corner of his mouth. “There’s plenty of time for that later, honey. Now, what movies did you get? Did they have what I wanted?”

“No. It would seem that practically the entire town has decided to hold their own movie night because the store hardly had anything left. All the new releases were gone so I could only get these two.”

“What two?” Turning fully, she watched him walk over to where he had placed the bag where he reached inside and pulled out two DVDs.

Holding them up for her to see, he replied, “Bottle Rocket and Risky Business.”

“But we went to see Bottle Rocket at the theater not that long ago.”

Nathan smirked at her. “Technically, we may have sat through the movie but we didn’t actually watch it. If I remember correctly, you couldn’t keep your hands off me.”

“Uh, excuse me! I think you’ll find you were the one who couldn’t keep your hands off me. I was trying to watch the movie.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself,” he said before he started laughing. Seeing the expression on her face, he finally added, “Okay fine, I was to blame but I wasn’t about to waste a perfect opportunity to make out with you when we were alone in a darkened theater.”

Haley blushed as she recalled just how hot and heavy their make out session had gotten that day. She also remembered how nervous she had felt at first but his gentle touches had soon helped relax her.

“So, uh, why did you get Risky Business too?” She asked curiously.

“I don’t know really. I saw it on the shelf in the store and I suddenly remembered my comment to you that day, you know after you’d said we would be doing equations on the train and I replied that it wasn’t exactly Risky Business but there was always the ride back. What we did on the ride there and back was way better than boring equations,” he said giving her a wink. Walking closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and played with the waistband of her purple plaid pajama pants. “That was a really good day, wasn’t it?”

Looking up into her husband’s face, Haley smiled. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him, pulling back before the kiss got too out of control which tended to be a habit for them. “It was a great day. I really enjoyed spending time with you away from school.”

“Me too,” he whispered against her lips before covering them with his own and kissing her. As they kissed, one of his hands slipped under his Celtics sweatshirt that she was wearing and he moaned into her mouth when he realised she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it. His hands then wandered to her waist and he was just about to hoist her up and carry her over to the couch when she pulled back.

“No. If we do that now, we won’t get to see the movies.”

“But Hales…”

Leaning forward, she captured his pouty bottom lip with hers and tugged on it with her teeth before releasing it. “Please Nathan? Let’s just snuggle up together on the couch and watch the movies. I’ll make it worth your while,” she teased in a sing-song voice and hearing his quiet sigh, she knew she had won.

“Fine but you owe me.”

Giving him a loud smacking kiss on his cheek, Haley drew back from him and going back into the kitchen, she grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. “Here, pour the popcorn into this while I finish making our hot chocolate and s’mores.”

“Yes Ma’am,” he said giving her a mock salute before taking the offered bowl from her hands and doing as she’d asked.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” he told her as he tried not to laugh. “Do you need a hand with anything?”

Haley shook her head as she finished chewing the piece of chocolate she had just popped into her mouth. “No, it’s all under control. You could put the first DVD in the machine and grab the throw blanket from our bedroom so we can snuggle up under it.”

Nodding, he went off to comply with her instructions as she put the last touches to their snacks and beverages. While he was in their bedroom, he decided to change out of his clothes and he put on his own pajama pants together with a long sleeved T-shirt. When he returned, he tried to grab one of the s’mores off the plate only to have his hand slapped away.

“C’mon Hales, let me have one now. Remember, you owe me.”

Looking into his face, she saw that he was wearing his best puppy dog expression and she giggled. She never could resist that face and so taking one of the treats, she held it up to his mouth and fed him. “Good?”

“Mmm, these taste awesome.”

“They taste even better if you have them when you go camping.”

“You’ve been camping?”

“Uh huh. When we were younger and before my brothers and sisters went off to college, my parents used to take us camping during school vacations and my Mom made the best s’mores over the campfire. Maybe it’s the fresh air that makes the difference.”

“I’ve never been camping, not properly in a tent I mean. It wasn’t really something either of my parents were into and I guess it’s not really camping unless you’re sleeping outside and roughing it.”

Covering his hand with hers, Haley gave it a squeeze. “How about you and I go camping sometime?”

Nathan’s lips curved up into a smile. “Just the two of us?”

“Sure, but we could always invite the others. Although, I can’t really see it as being Brooke’s thing,” she said laughing.

He joined in with her laughter. “Can you imagine how lost she’d be without her hairdryer or without an actual bathroom?”

Their laughter grew louder before they soon calmed down.

“So, you’re really serious about us going camping?”

“Yeah, why not? It’ll be fun. I think my parents left all the camping equipment in storage before they hit the road so it won’t cost us anything to go. We’d just need to buy some food and a few other bits and pieces and we’d get to have our very own vacation.”

Lowering his head, he kissed her softly. “Sounds great. Okay, we ready to go over and start watching the first movie?”

“Uh huh. You grab the mugs and I’ll carry the plate over.”

“And why’s that?”

She cocked her head at him and gave him the look and replied, “Because sweetie, I don’t trust you with them. They just seem to disappear when you’re around.”

“You should take that as a compliment,” he reasoned. “I mean, they taste so good.”

“Come on hot shot, let’s go,” she said giving him a push towards the couch before picking up the plate and following behind him. Making a small detour, she dimmed the lights which gave off a more cosy and romantic atmosphere.

Placing the plates and mugs onto the coffee table in front of the couch, Nathan sat down first before Haley took her place beside him, curling into his side and tucking her legs underneath herself. Grabbing the throw blanket from the armrest, he shook it out and covered them with it. Before they had placed their snacks onto the table, he had pulled it closer so all they had to do was lean forward a little in order to pick things up.

“Do you want control of the remote or do I get it?” He asked, his fingers stroking over her auburn hair.

“Well, seeing as how antsy you can get when it’s not in your hand, I’ll let you hold it.”

“Funny.” He gave her hair a little yank which had her lifting her head up from where it rested against his shoulder to look at him and as soon as she did, he spotted a dab of whipped cream on her upper lip from where she had taken a sip of hot chocolate and swooping down, he licked it away before kissing her.

“Which, um, movie did you put in first?” She asked breathlessly after he had broken the kiss.

“Risky Business. I figured we could pick up some tips for the next time we travel on the train.”

“Good thinking,” she said knowing that her words would surprise him. “So come on then, Mr Remote Control Guy, hit that play button.”

A little while later when a particular scene came on, Haley asked, “Have you ever done that?”

“Done what?” Nathan looked down at her with a confused expression on his face before putting a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth and chewing.

“Danced around the house in your underwear when your parents left you on your own?” She bit her lip to stop herself laughing at the image her words conjured up. Unfortunately, hearing him choking on his popcorn caused the laughter to bubble up and escape her throat.


“C’mon Nathan, you can tell me. I promise I won’t tell a soul.” Drawing back from where she rested against his warm body, she gave him what she hoped was an innocent look.

“You do realise that makes you look anything but innocent,” he told her.

“Don’t change the subject. Tell me, I really wanna know. After seeing this movie for the first time when you were younger, did you copy what Tom Cruise’s character does in this scene?”


“You’re telling me you never wanted to copy his moves? Sliding around on the wooden living room floor in just your socks and underwear?”

“No, and you wanna know why? Because with my luck, my parents would have walked back in the house and caught me. Can you imagine the look that would have been on my Dad’s face?”

Haley clamped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing any louder. “But if you could have guaranteed they wouldn’t have come home early, would you have done it then?”

“Uh no, I think I’d look pretty stupid.”

“Well I think you’d look hot,” she said while moving closer to him and trailing her fingers over his cheek.

“Maybe so,” he told her with a smirk before adding, “but I’m not doing it for you so don’t even ask.”

“Ooh, you’re such a spoilsport.”

Not being able to resist her full lips which at that precise moment were pouting, he captured them with his own and kissed her hungrily. As he did so, his arm curled around her back and pulled her to him. The hand she had stroking his cheek moved to the back of his neck and she rubbed back and forth over the sensitive skin there knowing it was an erogenous zone for him.

Breaking the kiss to breathe in some much needed air, Nathan whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before their faces naturally moved closer and they kissed again. His hands wandered down to her waist and as they continued to devour each other, he managed to maneuver them so that Haley was straddling his thighs.

Her hands came up to cup his cheeks and hold him in place as she kissed him back passionately, her tongue slipping into his mouth to play with his. She shivered when she felt his now warm hands wandering under the sweatshirt she was wearing and begin to trace shapes along her back. Breaking the kiss, she rested her forehead against his as she caught her breath. Her eyes which were gazing into his fluttered shut when she felt his hands slide around to the front and slowly make their way upwards to cup her breasts. The feel of his slightly calloused fingers kneading her flesh was making her almost giddy with lust and she desperately craved more.

His mouth by her ear, he huskily told her how much he loved her…wanted her…needed her, and he made special mention of all the things he wanted to do to her and with her. Haley couldn’t control the shivers that were wracking her body as a result of his words and slipping her hands between their bodies, she grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it upwards.

Cupping the side of her face in his palm, Nathan couldn’t help smirking at the way his wife looked at that moment knowing that he was responsible for it. Her hair was mussed up, her lips were swollen and her beautiful brown eyes were shining with what he could only describe as desire.

“N-Nathan…please…” She pleaded as she once again tugged on his T-shirt.

“What about the movie?” He asked before biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

“Fine.” Haley huffed. “Let’s just watch the movie,” she said as she made to move off him but before she could go anywhere, Nathan grabbed her by the waist and managed to carefully flip them so that she was lying on the bottom of the couch with him looming over her. “Nathan!”

“What? I thought you wanted to, uh, play,” he teased.

She could almost feel her skin flushing with colour at the blatant look in his eyes and her temperature seemed to increase by several degrees. She was just about to reply to him when he suddenly pushed himself up so that he was in a kneeling position astride her legs and as he pulled his T-shirt up and over his head, her mouth went dry. His toned chest and stomach were two of her favourite parts of his body and it still amazed her at times that he was all hers. Her hands automatically reached out to him and she trailed her fingertips along his defined abs.

Nathan smiled down at her and taking her small hand in his, he brought it up to his mouth and kissed her palm. Releasing her hand and then leaning forward, he shifted his position slightly so that the back of his body was resting along the back of the couch and he wasn’t putting all of his weight on Haley. It also meant that one of his arms was free to touch her all he liked.

“Don’t you want to watch the rest of the movie?” She murmured against his lips and she gasped when she felt his hand once again sliding under her sweatshirt.

“It doesn’t have to back at the store for a couple of days so we can watch it tomorrow,” he told her with a naughty smile.

“I like your way of thinking.”

“I thought you might.”

His hand slid out from under her top and when it reached the hem, it was his turn to tug it upwards and she raised an eyebrow at him.


“I think it’s time you gave me back my sweatshirt.”

“Oh really? Well, I don’t think so. I’m all nice and toasty warm. If I take it off I’ll be cold.”

“That won’t happen but if it does, how about I warm you up?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure you’ll do as good a job as this sweatshirt’s doing,” she mused.

“I say we put that to the test.”

“Yeah, I guess we could do that.” The corners of her lips curled up in a smile just as his curled up into his trademark smirk.

Raising her arms up, she silently gave him permission to take off the sweatshirt which he did in what seemed to be a matter of seconds, tossing it to the floor as soon as it was free. She felt her body grow even warmer as his eyes roamed all over her face and chest. When his hands touched her breasts, a quiet moan escaped her throat and placing her own hands on his upper arms, she pulled him forward so that his body was blanketing hers.

“Feeling cold yet?” His warm breath tickled her face and she shook her head at his question.


“See, I said you wouldn’t be cold. You need to listen to me more often, Mrs Scott.”

“I’m beginning to see that,” she teased. The feel of his strong body pressing her down into the couch felt really good and slipping her arms from between them, she placed them around his neck and pulled him down further. She kissed his forehead, the tip of his nose and then his mouth before drawing back.

As Nathan looked into her eyes, he saw them sparkle with mischief and cocking his head to the side, he regarded her curiously. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking you’re going to get cold in a minute.”

“And how do you suggest we take care of that?”

“Hmm, how about you grab the blanket from where it’s fallen on the floor and cover us both up? After that, I’ll do my best to, uh, warm you up myself.”

If anything, his smirk grew wider and as quick as lightning, he leaned over to the side of the couch and grabbed the blanket. Together, they managed to cover themselves with it, creating a cocoon around themselves.

While the movie played in the background, the gentle sounds of laughter could be heard throughout the apartment as the young couple created their own Risky Business and it looked as if Bottle Rocket would once again have to wait for another day.


Sequel : Under The Stars

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