Home Is Where You Are

Title: Home Is Where You Are

Author: Diane

Rating: Adult Rated

Pairing/Category: NH / AU

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing

Spoilers: All three seasons just to be on the safe side but see the Author’s Note below

Summary: Nathan had just enough time to drop the bags he was carrying before she was wrapped around him and banding his arms around her waist, he squeezed her tightly to him and lifted her off of her feet.

Author’s Notes: For the purposes of this story, the negative stuff we saw in Season 2 never happened. There was no Chris and no lame ass music tour. However, having said that, Nathan did attend High Flyers with Haley’s blessing and approval.

This story is written for the 'Boys of Summer Challenge' at dareyouto_write. Big thanks go to Brynne for her speedy beta-ing skills and her general help on this.

All conscious thought left Haley’s mind the second she heard the turning of a key in the lock. A few seconds later, she saw him standing right before her and she stared at him for a long moment, drinking him in, before the smile stretched across her face and she was racing towards him.

Nathan had just enough time to drop the bags he was carrying before she was wrapped around him and banding his arms around her waist, he squeezed her tightly to him and lifted her off of her feet. He breathed in the freshly washed scent of her hair and he automatically felt his chest grow lighter at the realisation that he was back home where he belonged. Threading his fingers through her long, silky hair, he gently tugged on it, silently requesting her to move her face from where it was buried in the crook of his neck so she was looking at him.

They wore matching smiles as their foreheads rested together and they rubbed their noses in an Eskimo’s kiss.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered against his lips, her eyes looking straight into his deep blue ones.

“Me too, Hales. I thought these three months were never going to end. But I’m home now and I’m not going anywhere without you again,” he promised.

Haley’s hand moved from its position at the back of his neck to caress his cheek and she gave him a half smile. “Really?”

“Yep. If I need to attend any summer programs for college next year, then I’ll just have to pack you into my suitcase or something because I can’t be away from you for this long again.”

Her heart melted at his words and cupping the back of his head, she sealed her mouth over his and kissed him long and slow, needing to start making up for all of the kisses they had missed since he’d been away at High Flyers for the past three months. Breaking the kiss when the need for air became too urgent to ignore, she didn’t remove her lips from his. Instead, she nipped and suckled on them while she caught her breath and once she had, she went back to kissing him with every fibre of her being.

“H-Hales… wait! Slow down a second,” he said, panting harshly as he fought to catch his own breath. “We’re not even inside the apartment.”

Untangling herself from him, Haley grinned sheepishly as she realised he was telling the truth. They were standing in the open doorway and although they weren’t necessarily in direct view of their neighbours, she didn’t want their reunion to be a public one. What she had in mind was very much a private affair.

She reluctantly stepped away from him so that he could pick up his bags and move them further inside so that he could close the front door. Walking towards the kitchen, she looked over her shoulder at him and asked, “Are you hungry?”

“Oh, I’m hungry for you,” he said teasingly, throwing the words she had once used on him back at her.

Haley giggled. “Nathan, I’m serious.”

“So am I.” Walking over to her, he gently swung her around and cupping her face between his palms, he rubbed his thumbs back and forth along her cheekbones. It felt almost surreal to be back here with her after spending so much time apart and he felt like he could stare at her for days.

She shivered at the intense way he was watching her and she felt the goosebumps breaking out on her skin. Her eyes slowly closed as his face drew closer to her and she was surprised when she felt his warm lips pressing against her forehead.


“Shhh, keep them closed,” he said huskily when he noticed her eyes beginning to flutter open. His lips dropped another kiss to her forehead before they moved to the tip of her nose and then to each corner of her mouth. He couldn’t contain the smirk that crept onto his face at the frustration he could see written all over her pretty features.

Pressing open-mouthed kisses to her jaw-line, he then moved lower still and began working on her neck, sucking small patches of her skin into his mouth and grazing his teeth against it.

The tiny moans and mewls that were escaping from her throat were driving him insane with lust and were serving to make him even harder than he already was. Gripping her hips, he pulled her in close to his body so that she could feel his obvious arousal and he felt tiny beads of perspiration break out onto his forehead at the deep moan that suddenly tore from her throat.

A part of him had wanted to retain control and draw things out for as long as possible but having not been with her for the best part of three months, his control was pretty non-existent, particularly when you took into account the way she was rolling her hips against his.

“Fuck it,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist and hoisting her up before carefully walking her backwards towards the kitchen counter. She aided his movements by hooking her legs around his waist while her hands held firmly onto his shoulders.

Their mouths met repeatedly, tongues playfully tangling as fingers touched and stroked everywhere they could reach. Haley stroked the back of his neck, scratching her blunt nails across the skin there before her hands moved to his bare arms which were being nicely displayed in the sleeveless T-shirt he was wearing. And to think she’d been bitching about the scorching hot weather they’d been experiencing this past couple of weeks.

Some nights the heat had been unbearable but she had a feeling that had more to do with her and Nathan’s late night telephone conversations than anything else. The deep timbre of his voice was always enough to make her feel all tingly inside, but coupled with the hot, passionate words spilling from his lips and the geographical distance between them… Well, it had all made for one extremely frustrating summer.

Having him back home with her was such an amazing feeling and she couldn’t stop smiling. Sitting on top of the counter, its cool surface felt so good beneath her bare thighs which were exposed due to her denim skirt having ridden up as he’d placed her down. She didn’t have long to think about that or anything else because a split-second later his lips were fused to hers and he was kissing the hell out of her.

Her fingers ran through his hair, gripping it tightly at times when his tongue did that special little trick he knew she loved so much. She sighed loudly when she felt his large, slightly calloused hands rubbing up and down her arms and wanting to feel him touching more of her, she managed to slide the thin straps of her tank top down her shoulders and without breaking their kiss, she pulled her arms free of the garment so she could push it down to pool at her waist.

Nathan’s hands immediately found her bare breasts and drawing back from her for a moment, he raised an eyebrow and said, “No bra, huh?”

Licking her lips, Haley could taste him on them. “It’s too hot to wear a bra,” she informed him before adding, “Besides, I figured you’d prefer me with less clothing.”

He chuckled. “I knew I married you for a reason,” he teased.

Seizing her lips, he resumed their kiss only this time making it even deeper than before. One hand cupped her breast while his other worked on pushing her short skirt even further up her thighs. The sweat was literally dripping off of him and breaking the kiss, he quickly pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the floor as soon as it had cleared his head.

Seeing the light blush on her upper body, he knew she was just as aroused as he was and he commanded, “Take your clothes off.”

“Nathan, I—”

“Now, Hales.”

Haley’s eyes were trained on his and she felt her white hot lust for him coiling in her belly. Her fingers went to the tank top that had rolled to her waist and she slowly slid it up and off her body, letting it fall to the floor to meet his shirt. She then worked on unzipping the A-line skirt and with a little bit of wriggling from side to side, she managed to remove that, too, so she was now sitting up on the counter in just a pair of pale blue, cotton panties.

She watched avidly as his own fingers went to the button fly of his jeans and she let her gaze roam all over his form, taking in the way the muscles were sliding around under his tanned skin as he made fast work of getting his sneakers, socks and jeans off before he straightened up and closed the short distance between them.

“I think you’re forgetting something,” she teased, eyeing his black boxers.

“Hmm, I could say the same,” he retorted, pinging the waistband of her underwear which made her laugh.

Twining her arms around his neck, Haley nuzzled her nose against his before capturing his lips and kissing him softly. She loved the moan he released into her mouth and her hands smoothed over the skin of his shoulders, savouring his warmth which was radiating off of him.

Tilting his head to the side, Nathan slanted his mouth over hers and deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her thoroughly, wanting to reacquaint himself with her taste, not that he could ever forget that. His hands splayed against her bare back, holding her tightly to him, their chests pressed flush against each other. The feel of her hard little nipples rubbing against him was driving him crazy and he knew he wasn’t going to last long this first time. Oh well, they had the rest of the weekend all to themselves and he’d definitely make up for it, he told himself with a smirk.

Latching onto her throat, he sucked hard, determined to leave a mark. His fingers idly traced over her lower back where he knew his jersey number was situated. He still got a thrill whenever he thought about it but you could multiply that feeling by a thousand when it came to actually seeing the dark inked digits on her lightly tanned skin. It was a particularly sensitive area of her body and, as his fingers continued stroking there, he wondered whether it had only become sensitive after she had permanently marked it. He had a feeling he knew the answer to that question.

Nathan groaned when he felt her small hand slip inside the front of his boxers and cup him and he sucked harder on her throat when she wrapped her fingers around his length and began stroking him up and down. The hand that had been caressing over her tattoo slipped beneath her panties and he grabbed what he could of her ass.

Everything was beginning to overwhelm him and so, taking a step back from her, he removed her hand from inside his boxers, quickly pulling them off before he aided her with the removal of her own underwear. Again closing the small gap between them, Nathan wrapped his arms around Haley’s waist and pulled her to the edge of the countertop. Their lips found each other as their hands wandered everywhere they could reach.

With her lips right by his ear, she said, “I love you, Nathan. These three months felt like forever with you not being here.”

His hand caressed her cheek and he looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes. “I love you, too, Hales. You don’t know how many times I came close to coming back home… I missed you more than I ever thought I would and that’s saying something since I already knew I’d miss you like crazy.”

Smiling against his lips, Haley nodded. “Me too. Lucky for us, we’ve got the rest of the weekend to start making up for it.”

“It just sucks that school starts back up next week to spoil our fun.”

Giggling, she kissed his pouting lips. “Aww, well at least it’s a three day weekend so we have that extra day which sort of makes up for it, I guess.”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, his lips landing upon hers once again. He heard her moan of disappointment when he pulled away but she was cooing happily when his lips began kissing a path along her collarbone, working his way south until he took a pert nipple into his mouth.

Leaning backwards slightly, Haley encouraged him to take more of her and he readily complied. The hot, wet sensation of him suckling her skin was making her heart race and her head spin. It felt so good and she almost felt like pinching herself to make sure this wasn’t another one of her dreams, the subject of which had been getting steamier and steamier the longer they were away from each other.

Reaching behind her, she gripped the edge of the counter as she rocked herself against him while her free hand gripped his shoulder. Their positioning wasn’t the most comfortable but she wasn’t complaining. Nope, no complaints from her at all.

“You feel so good…” he whispered breathlessly against her flushed skin.

“You do, too,” she told him, her fingers running through his hair.

Drawing back from her, Nathan stood up and pressed his lips to hers once more and bringing his arms around her waist, he gently eased her off the countertop.

“What are you…”

“It’s been a while, Hales, and I want us to be as comfortable as possible,” he told her, a big grin etched on his face. “Besides, we already christened the counter a long while ago so it’s not like we’re missing an opportunity or anything.”

“True,” she replied, blushing as the memory of what he was referring to ran through her mind. Holding onto him tightly, she hooked her legs around his waist and let him carry her towards their bedroom. She shrieked when he stumbled over one of his discarded shoes but thankfully he managed to recover without them falling over.

“Sorry.” He smirked.

Smacking him playfully on the arm, she bit her lip to stop from laughing. “C’mon, you’re wasting valuable time here. I mean, who’s to say when the others will decide to put in an appearance and see if you’re back yet.”

Nathan’s expression turned serious. “They’d better not. You did tell them not to come over today, right? Haley?”

She noisily kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry, they’ve been warned. Especially Tim. I told them they could come over tomorrow night and we’d order pizza or something.”

“Tomorrow night’s still too soon. You should’ve just told them we’d see them at school.”

Squeezing her thighs around him, she moved a hand from where it was holding on to his shoulder and caressed his cheek. “We’ve got plenty of time, honey, and anyway, when they come over it’ll only be for a few hours. Once they’ve gone, we can pick up where we left off and then we’ve still got all of Monday to be together.”

“I know, you’re right.”

Kissing his lips briefly, she pulled back and winked at him. “Well duh.” She yelped when he slapped her ass in response. “Hey!”

As soon as he’d entered their bedroom, Nathan laid her down onto their bed and crawled on top of her, immediately slanting his head and sealing his mouth over hers. The kiss ignited the sparks that had been crackling between them since he’d first arrived back home and turned them into a scorching hot inferno. Hands wandered everywhere, touching and stroking every available inch of skin that was within easy reach while their legs tangled together.

Slipping a hand between their sweat-slicked bodies, Haley grasped his erection and pumped it slowly, gathering the moisture that had collected at the head and spreading it over the length of him. His lips parted as he moaned her name over and over and she slipped her tongue inside his mouth to tangle with his. Curling her tongue, she let the tip of it tickle the roof of his mouth.

For his part, Nathan shifted slightly, his hand slowly wandering south along the front of her body until he was cupping her wet heat. Sliding one long finger up and down the seam of her lower lips, he watched as her mouth dropped open with what he could only class as pure, unadulterated pleasure.

Without a word passing between them, their mouths came together once more and, if possible, their kisses were getting even hotter. The air surrounding them positively crackled with the electricity passing between them.

When Nathan made to start moving down her body, his destination apparent to her, Haley quickly shook her head.

“What is it?” he queried.

“I… I want to feel you inside… I can’t wait,” she told him, her skin flushing a deeper shade of pink.

Giving her the smile he always reserved just for her, he nodded slowly. “Okay.”

Running his hands up and down her legs and thighs, he silently directed her to wrap them around his waist which she did and before he had a chance to do it himself, she again took a gentle hold of his erection but this time she stroked it back and forth along her pussy, her head pushing deeper into the pillows at the sensations coursing through her body as a result. God, it had been so long since she’d last felt this.

“I’m already so close,” she confessed to him in a quiet voice and he smiled against her lips.

“Me too, baby.”

Covering her mouth with his, he placed himself at her entrance and seeing her looking back at him, he pushed inside with one firm thrust, eliciting a loud gasp from her. He braced his weight on his forearms, which were either side of her head, as he rocked in and out of her, her thighs squeezing his hips so tightly that he knew she’d more than likely have a few telltale bruises there tomorrow.

“Does that feel good?” he panted against her lips before licking a path around them. When she pushed herself up in order to try and kiss him, he teased her by raising himself slightly higher so he was just out of her reach and he laughed at her resultant pout. She got her own back though a second later when she clenched her feminine muscles around him.


The laughter died on her lips as Nathan began pounding into her even harder and she met him thrust for thrust. She gripped his biceps tightly, her fingernails digging into him, leaving crescent moons on his skin. Her orgasm was so close and moving her hips a tiny bit, she managed to get him to bump her clit on every down-stroke which had her practically sobbing with the intense pleasure she was experiencing.

“Ohhhh… faster… go faster…” she chanted and just a few thrusts later she was careening over the edge as her climax hit her full force. His name fell from her lips repeatedly as she stroked her fingers over his back and shoulders.

With her lips just by his ear, Haley whispered how much she’d missed him, how much she loved him and how happy she was to have him back with her where he belonged. A split-second later he came hard with her name falling from his lips in a mantra.

His arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her, his body completely boneless with satisfaction. “Am I crushing you?”

“No. I like you covering me like this,” she told him honestly, her fingers idly playing with the hair at his nape.

“I should move,” he mumbled against her neck a few minutes later but he made no movement. He was so comfortable and he loved the feel of her delicate hands touching him.

“Not yet.” Her toes slid up and down his calf muscle as she spoke.

“Okay, but if I get too heavy just give me a shove.”

Haley giggled. “I will. How about we take a nap and we can have something to eat when we wake up?”

“Mmm, sounds good.” Moving over slightly, he made sure he wasn’t squashing her but was still partly covering her the way she, and he, liked.

Nathan listened to her breathing slowly even out and knew she had drifted off to sleep. Carefully raising himself up so as not to wake her, he watched the peaceful expression on her face and smiled. Dropping a soft kiss onto her cheek, he whispered into her ear, “It’s good to be home.”


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