A Brand New Start

Title: A Brand New Start

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during this season’s upcoming finale so if you’re up-to-date with what’s been happening already this season, you’re good. Oh, I’m using the name that’s been revealed as the name they actually choose for their son (if spoilers are to be believed) so if you don’t want to know, I suggest not reading this.

Summary: The two men stand in silence for a moment, their eyes once again looking at the latest newest member of the Scott family.

Author’s Note: I was asked to write something Nathan-centric by my good friend Sally for the James/Nathan 500th thread over on the OTH FanForum board and this is what I’ve come up with. I’ve never really written Dan before and hopefully he doesn’t come over as being too out of character. A big thank you goes to Berry for all of her helpful comments and for beta-ing this for me. *hugs*

The tears in his eyes blurred his vision and he blinked them away so he could see clearly again. His lips curved up into a smile as he continued to look through the glass window of the hospital’s nursery, his gaze locked on his newborn son.

They had a son.

He already knew they were going to have a little boy…they’d known for several months but actually seeing him being born...holding Haley’s hand, letting her squeeze his fingers tightly as she gave birth to him... There weren’t enough words to describe how amazing it all was.

The love he already felt for him was so overwhelming and, as he stood there continuing to watch over him, he silently promised to always be there for him, to love him unconditionally and let him do whatever he wanted to do, to not push him into doing anything the way his own father had done with him. He just wanted him to be happy and to feel loved.

Mixed in with the love he already felt was fear but he knew with Haley standing beside him, supporting and guiding him, he’d be okay. More than okay. She meant the world to him and now with this new little person’s arrival… They both meant the world to him and he would do everything in his power to protect them and keep them both safe.

God, to think how close he’d come to losing them both…


Being pulled out of his thoughts, Nathan turned his head and looked at his father, giving him a nod. “Dad. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see Karen,” Dan informed him. “Luke told me Haley went into labour at graduation. How is she?”

“She’s fine. She’s asleep right now so I thought I’d come down here and...”

“See your son?”

Nathan’s lips curve up into a small smile. “Yeah.”

“Which one is he?”

Reaching out his hand, he points to the bassinet his son is occupying and replies, “That’s him there.”

Dan looks to where his son is pointing and takes in the tiny baby covered in a light blue blanket and he can’t help being surprised at how much he resembles Nathan when he was that small. “He looks just like you,” he says in a quiet voice.

Nathan shrugs his shoulders. “Yeah? I think he looks more like Haley.”

“You can see both of you in him,” Dan amends.

“So, uh, how’s Karen doing?”

“I haven’t heard anything yet. Hopefully there’ll be some news soon.”

The two men stand in silence for a moment, their eyes once again looking at the newest member of the Scott family.

“Have you decided on a name for him yet?”

Nodding his head, Nathan replies, “Uh yeah, we’ve named him James Lucas.” Looking at his father, he sees the sudden flash of disappointment there before it just as quickly vanishes. “You weren’t expecting us to name him after you, were you?”

“No, I can’t say I was but hearing that you’ve named him after his other grandfather, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t sting a bit.”

Nathan laughs although it lacks any humour. “You tried to split us up, Dad. On more than one occasion so your name didn’t exactly top our list of choices.” His voice softens slightly as he continues. “I know you were there for me after all that stuff with Daunte and I’m grateful but—”

“But one good turn doesn’t make up for everything else I’ve done? I know, Nathan. I know that more than anybody… God knows I’ve made mistakes, but I am trying to change.”

“I know.”

“Do you?” Dan asks, turning his head and looking at his son’s face which is still focused on the glass in front of them.

Nathan’s eyes meet his father’s and he gives a slow nod of his head. “Yeah, I do. You seem…different but a part of me can’t help thinking it’s another one of your games. I want to be wrong, Dad, and I hope I am but I’ve seen what you’re capable of firsthand.”

As he listens to his son, Dan realises how much Nathan’s grown up over the past year or so and he also realises just how much he’s missed out on and it saddens him. “Are you going to let me be a part of your son’s life?” he can’t help asking several long moments later and, although he’d never admit it, a part of him is scared to hear the answer.

“That depends,” Nathan replies.

“On what?”

“On you. I need to see that you’ve really changed…that you’re not going to try controlling him the way you did with me.”

“I just wanted you to be the best,” Dan counters.

“I know but at what cost? Look what happened to us…” His voice trails off before he reveals one of his biggest concerns. “I don’t want James to ever feel the way I did with you and Mom and have him want to divorce himself from me and Haley. When she first told me she was pregnant, I was an ass to her and you didn’t exactly help with your little piece of advice. You want to know my biggest fear about being a dad? That I’d be just like you and that scared me more than anything.”

“I-I’m sor—”

“Prove it, then,” Nathan interrupts. “Don’t just say the words; actually show me that you’re sorry by changing and being the dad I always wanted. I want James to know his grandfather but not if you’re just going to be the same with him as you were with me.”

Dan can feel the sting of tears prickling behind his eyelids and he turns his head further to the side to hide them as he blinks them away. When he’s composed himself, he turns back to his son who is watching him and he gives him a somewhat shaky smile. “I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I’m asking for.”

“I, uh, I’d better go and see if there’s any news on Karen. Give Haley my best when she wakes up.”

“I will. If you want, you could stop by and see us later…get a closer look at your grandson.”

“I’d like that, thank you.” Placing his hand on Nathan’s shoulder, he gives it a squeeze. “Congratulations, Nathan.”

The smile he gives his father is a genuine one as he replies, “Thanks, Dad.”

They look at each other for a few seconds more before Dan turns and leaves and once he’s out of sight, Nathan turns back to look at his son and releases a deep breath. He can’t believe the conversation that’s just taken place; he’s never really spoken to his father like that before, or at least he can’t remember ever having done it. It felt good to finally say the words and he meant it, too. He doesn’t want him in James’ life if he’s just going to dish out more of the same and while he knows it’s just the beginning of a long road ahead, at least it’s a start.


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