
Title: Infatuation

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set very early in Season 1 before Nathan and Haley starting dating.

Summary: Practically every night since they had started their tutoring sessions she’d dreamt of him.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for Hana in response to a title she suggested as part of a fanfic meme I recently posted on my personal journal, the details of which are below. Thanks for the suggestion and I really hope you like it! *hugs* Sorry it's so short though. ;)

Make up a title for a story I didn't write, and I will respond with details of those non-written stories. You may, if you like, include details, such as pairings or fandom or whatnot.


That's all it was and all it could be. Plain and simple.

Yeah, right! Just keep on telling yourself that, Haley thought to herself as, for what felt like the thousandth time that night, she turned over in bed.

Practically every night since they had started their tutoring sessions she’d dreamt of him. As soon as her eyes closed, there he was. Baby blue eyes watching her intently, that know-it-all smirk gracing his lips. Lips that she'd started focusing on whenever he was talking; her skin growing hot when his tongue would snake out and moisten them, the sunlight making them glisten which only served to draw her attention to them even more.


Lately, their banter had taken on a flirtatious tone and she was enjoying it. The thought of Nathan Scott ever being interested in plain ol' Haley James was pretty damn laughable if you asked her but she couldn't help liking the way he seemed to be opening up with her more and more, telling her things she was pretty sure he hadn't told anyone else. A niggling thought in the back of her mind reminded her that this could all be a game, part of something he and his friends had cooked up to get at Lucas but she desperately wanted to think otherwise and believe that he wasn’t as bad a guy as she had initially thought. That maybe, just maybe, he was starting to see her as more than just his tutor.


No, no, no!

She needed to stop thinking like that. It was one thing for Luke to accept she was tutoring Nathan but anything else... It was out of the question.

Anyway, as if Nathan would ever be interested in someone like her. She'd heard all the rumours about him and what he got up to at those parties he threw at his parents' beach house most weekends. She wasn't one of those girls and, more importantly, she didn't want to be. Who wanted to be another notch on his bedpost?

Not her, that's for sure.


No! She wasn't even going to go there.

Sitting up in bed, she fluffed her pillows yet again before settling down onto her side and closing her eyes. As per usual, there was Nathan, giving her that sexy smile of his whilst wearing nothing but his Ravens basketball shorts.

Keeping her eyes closed, Haley rolled onto her back, a smile firmly in place as she watched the dream version of him run from one end of the basketball court to the other, dribbling the ball as he went, the fine sheen of sweat on his skin making him look as if he was glowing. She bit her lip when he jumped up and slammed the ball through the hoop, her eyes intently focused on how the muscles in his arms flexed as he hung from the basket for a few seconds before dropping back to the floor.

God, what was wrong with her?

She released a deep sigh before turning over onto her side and punching her pillow to try and make herself more comfortable. Maybe some hot chocolate would help settle her, she thought before instantly dismissing the idea. No amount of hot chocolate was going to stop her dreaming of Nathan Scott.

A part of her couldn’t help feeling glad. As much as she complained to herself about the dreams, she liked them and actually looked forward to them each night. She was more forward with her flirty comebacks and it felt nice not to be constantly blushing at his more risqué comments whereas, in reality, she’d be as red as a tomato.

Attending the basketball games to support Luke gave her dreams even more fuel as she couldn’t help but notice Nathan and how amazing he was on the court. She might not know anything about the game, but she could easily see how talented he was. With that came pressure though and he was starting to open up with her about just how bad things were with his dad. She wished there was something she could do to help him, to try and make things easier on him.

She didn’t want to think of the darker, more depressing stuff now though… No. Conjuring up an image of him in her mind, one where his crystalline blue eyes were twinkling with mischief while he gave her that sexy smirk of his, Haley snuggled into her pillow and with her thoughts consumed by Nathan, her eyes slowly became heavy and fluttered shut as a soft smile curved her lips upwards.

If only she knew that across town Nathan’s thoughts and dreams were consumed by her.

If it was a simple infatuation, then it was one that was definitely being reciprocated.


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