Every Time We Touch

Title: Every Time We Touch

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: S1 Tattoo

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set towards the end of Season 1 after NH have exchanged those three little words. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Tossing her hair over one shoulder, Haley looked back at Nathan and she felt a shiver run through her at seeing his familiar smirk and those gorgeous baby blue eyes of his twinkling with amusement.

Author’s Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Kristen's request. I hope you like it, hon! :)

“Will you cut that out!?”

Nathan smirked at his girlfriend’s words and paused in his ministrations. “What?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me. You know what you’re doing.”

“Do I?”

Tossing her hair over one shoulder, Haley looked back at Nathan and she felt a shiver run through her at seeing his familiar smirk and those gorgeous baby blue eyes of his twinkling with amusement. Her tongue snaked out to lick at her suddenly too dry lips and she couldn’t help smiling when his gaze suddenly lowered to her mouth.

When she didn’t answer him, he asked, “Just what am I doing that’s so distracting, Hales?” As he spoke, he did the very thing she was berating him for. His fingertip trailed over and around the ‘23’ she’d had indelibly marked onto her lower back. He remembered feeling so shocked when he’d first seen it but when he’d gotten over his surprise, he’d found it incredibly arousing. There was something so damn sexy about seeing his jersey number permanently etched onto her perfect skin.


Her voice was nothing more than a whisper but it was his undoing and before she could say another word, he’d flipped her over onto her back and covered her body with his own, seizing her lips in a hot, hungry kiss.

Haley gasped as she felt every inch of him pressing her down into the firm mattress of his bed. All thoughts of studying flew out of the window as she wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders and pulled him down further, her jean-clad legs parting and hooking around his waist. Her fingers threaded through his thick hair while her other hand was splayed in the middle of his back, holding him close as his wickedly talented mouth worked its magic on her. She moaned when he rocked his hips into her, causing a certain part of his anatomy to rub deliciously against her centre.

While they hadn’t crossed the line and had sex yet, she knew it was going to happen soon. She could just sense it and while she was scared and more than a little nervous, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wanted him to be her first.

“Hales... God, you feel so good, baby…” Nathan panted, his breath hot and moist against her neck as he felt himself spiral out of control.

“Please…” she pleaded, needing something more. Her hands pressed on his hips just as she raised hers up off the bed, bringing their lower bodies into closer contact.

Pushing himself up slightly, Nathan braced his weight on his forearms and looked down at his girlfriend’s pretty face. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were already kiss-swollen. “What do you need, baby? Tell me,” he coaxed, lowering his head and nuzzling his nose against hers before shifting over onto his side, fingering the hem of her T-shirt as he waited for her to respond.

Haley could feel her face heating up even further as she took his hand and brought it to the button of her jeans. This wasn’t something new for them but she knew he was still mindful of not pushing things too far and too fast whenever their make-out sessions got too heavy and out of control.

It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her if she was sure but he didn’t vocalise the words this time and, instead, simply popped the button on her jeans before slowly slipping his hand inside.

“Yesss,” she hissed when he began caressing her through her thin cotton panties. The heat of his skin was almost scorching and she moaned loudly when he pulled the damp fabric aside and touched her bare flesh. Her fingers curled around his neck as she brought his face towards hers and as soon as he was close enough, she captured his lips and kissed him hard, her tongue instantly seeking access which he was only too happy to grant.

Nathan could sense she was close and he released a low growl when as soon as he’d slid a finger inside of her, she automatically clenched her internal muscles around it.

“Nathan… please…” Haley’s body felt primed for an explosion and when he swiped his slightly calloused thumb over her clit, that was the last straw and she cried out his name as she suddenly came; her fingers gripping the fabric of his T-shirt.

As she slowly came down from her high, Nathan dropped butterfly kisses all over her face and neck, smirking against her skin as he did so.

“What are you smirking for?” she asked a moment later once she’d managed to regain some use of her faculties after the blissful pleasure he’d just bestowed upon her.

“Just thinking,” he replied.

“Thinking what?”

“That’s one way to get out of studying.”

Haley’s mouth dropped open in shock before she burst out laughing. Oh, he was so going to get it now!


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