Hot Hot Heat

Title: Hot Hot Heat

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post-Season 4 so let’s just say everything up to and including it. This story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: There was something so...erotic about seeing him all hot and sweaty.

Author’s Note: I posted a fanfic meme, details below, on my personal journal and this has been written in response to the first of Berry’s suggestions. I hope you like it, hon! *hugs*

Make up a title for a story I didn't write, and I will respond with details of those non-written stories. You may, if you like, include details, such as pairings or fandom or whatnot.

Upon her return from Karen's where she had just dropped off her son for a play date with Lilly, Haley grabbed herself a bottle of water from the fridge before making her way towards their home gym. Just as she’d been leaving for Karen’s, Nathan had been about to start his daily workout and as she approached the room which was situated at the back of their house, she was hoping she’d be able to persuade him into participating in an altogether different kind of workout. There was something so...erotic about seeing him all hot and sweaty. Maybe because it reminded her of how he looked when they were having sex. A familiar tingle spread throughout her body at just the thought and she felt herself grow increasingly warm.

Her breath caught in her throat and she leaned against the doorframe for support as she watched him lying on the bench, his strong, muscular arms raising the heavy barbell up and down in a practiced rhythm. She felt light-headed, almost like all the air had been sucked out of the room as she kept her eyes focused on him. From where she was standing, she could easily see the sheen of sweat on his skin and she unconsciously licked her lips, almost tasting the saltiness of his skin on them.

The air around her felt so hot and humid and she rolled the ice cold water bottle over her neck and upper chest, the condensation from the bottle leaving wet marks on the lacy edge of her purple tank top.

When Nathan replaced the barbell a few moments later and sat up, stripping off his sweat soaked T-shirt and rubbing down his arms and chest with it, Haley couldn't hold back any longer and she released a deep moan, her eyes falling shut as her imagination ran away with her. If it wasn't for the doorframe holding her up, she was pretty sure her knees would've buckled and she'd be lying in a boneless heap on the floor. When she opened them again, she startled at how close he suddenly was and she watched with rapt attention as he took the bottle out of her hands, uncapped it and drank practically the whole thing in one go. The way his throat muscles were contracting as he was drinking... Another moan, this time slightly quieter, escaped her mouth and raising up onto her tiptoes and leaning into him, she trailed her tongue up his throat, feeling the muscle contractions for herself.

The next thing she knew, she was being pulled to the floor and onto one of the exercise mats; Nathan rolling them over so that she was sitting astride his thighs. Placing her hands either side of his shoulders, she leaned down so that their faces were millimetres apart and she kissed him, delving her tongue inside his mouth to tangle wetly with his own. Their hands and mouths moved all over each other's sweat-slick bodies, only the sounds of harsh, heavy breathing breaking the silence.

Without breaking off from kissing her, Nathan rolled them over again until he was on top and he smiled against her lips when she parted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, pressing her inner thighs into his hips. He groaned into her mouth as he ground his rock hard erection into her center and he felt her arms tighten their hold on his shoulders. Making fast work of unbuttoning and removing her khaki shorts and her pink cotton panties, he quickly pulled down his own shorts and he entered her in one hard thrust, loving the feel of her writhing beneath him.

Meeting him thrust for thrust, Haley released her hold on him and gripping the edge of her tank top, she pulled it up and over her head, exposing her bare breasts to his hungry gaze. She mewled happily when Nathan bent his head and suckled her right nipple into his mouth, laving it with his talented tongue before treating the other one with equal attention. Her fingernails raked through his thick, dark hair, gripping it hard when a slight shift of his hips caused his pubic bone to rub deliciously against her clit. In return, she squeezed her feminine muscles around his thick shaft which had him breaking off from suckling her breast to shout out an expletive which made her giggle. The giggle soon turned into another long drawn out moan when his hand, which he'd slipped between their bodies, spanned her lower stomach allowing him to strum her clit with his thumb.

"You like that, huh?"

Haley nodded frantically as she felt herself veer closer and closer to the edge. She was so turned on she couldn't speak. She could feel the knot in her belly getting tighter and tighter and a few seconds later, she came, Nathan's name dropping from her lips repeatedly. Knowing he was close as well, she turned her head towards him so that her mouth was right by her ear and she whispered a whole plethora of naughty things into it while, at the same time, squeezing her pelvic muscles around him on every upstroke, trying to keep him from withdrawing.

When Nathan climaxed a few moments later, he couldn't believe how strong it felt. His bones felt like jello as he collapsed on top of Haley and he had just enough energy to shift over to the side so that he wasn't crushing her. His breathing was ragged, as was hers, and it took several minutes for him to calm down. His whole body felt electrified and upon opening his eyes, he saw her chocolate coloured ones looking back at him. Inching closer to her, he covered her lips and kissed her long and slow, his hands stroking all over her lithe body.

"How long is Jamie's play date?" he asked breathlessly once the kiss had finally ended.

"Um... Until tomorrow," she replied, smiling against his lips.


"Yeah. Karen called this morning while you were still asleep. Apparently, Lilly begged her to let Jamie sleep over tonight and she just wanted to see if it was okay with us before..." She trailed off as she felt a blush creep onto her face.

"What's with the blush, Hales?"

"I was packing his little overnight bag before I'd even gotten off the phone," she confessed.

Nathan burst out laughing as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on top of him. "God, we're terrible, aren't we? Jumping at any opportunity to get rid of our boy."

Pecking him on the lips, she shook her head. "I know... We'll make it up to him tomorrow though. We can spend all day with him doing whatever he wants. What do you say?"

"Deal! Shall we seal it with a kiss, Mrs Scott?" he asked, running one of his hands through her short, sleek hair which was looking decidedly mussed thanks to their activities.

Giggling, she peppered butterfly kisses all over his face and neck. "Oh, I think we can do better than a kiss, don't you?"


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