The Three Of Us

Title: The Three Of Us

Author: Diane

Pairing: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU

Prompt: Family

Rating: Teen Rated

Spoilers/Warnings: Everything post BtVS Season 7 and AtS Season 5 to be on the safe side.

Summary: His gaze was intently focused on the precious bundle and when he looked up at her a moment later, she saw tears glistening in his own eyes and she swallowed past the lump which had formed in her throat.

Author's Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme – stories mustn’t be longer than the length of a LJ comment, ie. 4,300 characters – on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Kayla’s request.

Even though her lips were curved upwards into a smile, Buffy couldn’t contain her tears as she watched the scene in front of her. Her husband... God, she couldn’t believe he was finally her husband... was sitting beside her on her hospital bed with their daughter cradled in his strong arms. His gaze was intently focused on the precious bundle and when he looked up at her a moment later, she saw tears glistening in his own eyes and she swallowed past the lump which had formed in her throat.

“I never thought this day would come,” Angel said quietly so as not to wake up the newborn. “I feel like I’m still dreaming.”

“It’s real,” she told him, reaching out and gently squeezing his forearm to back up her statement. His skin was warm, something she was still getting used to. Buffy had kept the faith that his Shanshu would one day happen but Angel had tried not to get his hopes up. He continued to do good, protecting the helpless but the more time that passed, the more he was convinced it wasn’t going to happen and definitely not in Buffy’s lifetime.

Ironically, it happened on Buffy’s thirtieth birthday and within three months they were married. She’d wanted to get married immediately but Angel had suggested waiting while they got used to everything. He hadn’t wanted to rush into something she might end up regretting – as if she ever would – but in the end she’d gotten her own way and they had a small wedding with their family and closest friends in attendance.

Leaning forward, he kissed her softly, suckling on her bottom lip before retreating. “You’ve always been my family, Buffy,” he said. “Getting married just made it official but now…”

“Now?” she prompted, her fingers running back and forth over his hand as her eyes glanced between him and their baby girl who already looked so much like her daddy.

“Now it feels complete.”

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, it does.”

Making sure his daughter was secure in his embrace, Angel cradled his wife’s cheek in his palm, wiping away a fresh tear with the pad of his thumb. “I love you, Buffy... so much.”

“I love you, too.”

Laying back against the pillows, Buffy’s eyes grew heavy and it wasn’t long before she’d fallen asleep, her body exhausted from having given birth just a few hours ago.

Angel watched her, saying a quiet thank you to whoever was listening for giving him Buffy and their daughter... for giving him his family.


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