I'll Bet

Title: I’ll Bet

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: AU, Bet

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None, as it’s AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Haley paused for a moment, her eyes meeting his and she could see how much he wanted her to say yes which was a good thing since it was exactly what she wanted to do.

Author’s Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme - stories mustn't be longer than the length of a LJ comment ie. 4,300 characters - on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Molly’s request. This is another one where I've well exceeded the character limit.

Haley bit her lip to keep from moaning as he pressed into her from behind. All she wanted to do was turn around and jump into his arms before throwing him to the ground and riding him into oblivion, leaning forward over him to pin his wrists either side of his head. Just thinking about it was getting her wet and she sunk her teeth even deeper into her tender flesh.

A shiver ran through her when she felt his warm breath by her ear and she rubbed her ass against his prominent erection.

“I’ll bet I can make you come at least twice before anyone comes looking for either of us,” Nathan whispered, his voice husky and filled with lust.

“W-We can’t do this here,” she mumbled, her fingers tightening their grip on the edge of the filing cabinet she was holding onto.

“Who says?”

Haley could feel him smirking and turning her head to the side, she saw she was right. “Nathan, we’re at work.”

“Yeah, and?”

“And you know the rules.”

“Rules are made to be broken,” he quipped, brushing his lips over hers as he slowly slid his hand up from her hip to cup her breast over her silk shirt.

Her head fell back, resting against his shoulder. “We can’t…”

“We can,” he countered. “C’mon, Hales, no one else is here yet and… I need you.” He paused to kiss her, enjoying the tiny moan of disappointment she made when he drew back instead of deepening the kiss. “I need to be inside you.”

She felt like she was on fire and spinning around to face him, Haley grabbed his face and pulled his head down to hers, their lips instantly melding together. Their tongues tangled wetly while their hands wandered everywhere they could reach. Her fingers began unbuttoning his shirt while he hiked her skirt up around her waist.

Taking a step back, he admired the sexy peach coloured panties she wore beneath her smart business attire. He fingered the lacy waistband before delving beneath the delicate fabric and caressing her moist flesh. “You’re so wet, baby…”

“You make me that way,” she stated, smiling up at him. Glancing at the clock on the wall behind him, she added, “We haven’t got much time.”

Nathan nodded. Picking her up, he carried her over to her impeccably tidy desk, setting her down upon it and keeping his gaze locked on hers, he pulled her panties aside and ran his slightly calloused fingers along her slit. “Looks like orgasm number one won’t take too long to achieve,” he teased when he felt her body quiver under his touch. “What do I get if I win the bet?” He circled her clit with his thumb and slipped two fingers inside of her as he waited for her to respond, feeling the tension within her mounting.

“Wha… what do you want?” Haley panted, her hips undulating against his hand.

“Everything,” he whispered, brushing away a lock of her chocolate brown hair as he leaned over her on the desk.

“What do you mean?” She couldn’t believe he was wanting to hold a conversation when her entire being was primed to explode.

“I want you to move in with me,” Nathan told her, sliding his fingers in and out of her wet warmth.

“We can’t… I mean, if our bosses find out… You know they don’t approve of personal relationships.”

“Well, seeing as I’m no longer going to be working here…”

Haley’s eyes widened at his words and her mouth fell open. “What? Since when?”

“Since today. I, uh, resigned four weeks ago and today’s my last day.”

“But… I don’t… you love working here, Nathan.”

“Yeah, but I… I love you more.”

She felt the prickle of tears behind her eyelids but she refused to let them fall. Cupping the back of his head, she drew his face towards her and kissed him hard. “I love you so much,” she told him breathlessly several minutes later.

“So, will you move in with me if I win our little bet?”

“Hmm, what if you don’t win?”

Nathan gave her a cocky smile as he crooked his digits forward and caressed her most sensitive spot which instantly had her writhing beneath him. A few thrusts more had her gasping his name as she climaxed for the first time. Slowly withdrawing from her tight clutch, he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked at the juices coating his fingers. “That’s one,” he said, grinning. “Let’s go for number two.”

Moving off of her, he unbuttoned her shirt, dropping a kiss on the curve of each breast before kissing his way down her baby soft skin until his face hovered above her sex. Licking along her slit, he savoured her familiar taste before rolling his tongue around her clit and slipping the tiny bud between his lips.

“Nathan!” Haley’s head fell back, her eyes fluttering closed while she covered her mouth with her hand in another attempt to muffle her cries of pleasure. When he grazed his teeth over her clit, she climaxed again; her body arching up off of her desk with the intensity of it. Feeling him move away from her, she opened her eyes and met his heated gaze, watching as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. His smirk stretched across his handsome face and she had a feeling she knew what he was going to say next.

“Wanna try for number three?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, nodding her head, desperate for the blissful sensations to continue and no longer caring about their venue. Reaching out, she grabbed one side of his open shirt and pulled him forward; her arms twining around his neck. She loved the feel of his firm, muscular body pressing against her. Slipping a hand between them, she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length and placed it at her entrance.

Nathan didn’t need further instruction and immediately plunged into her, holding still for a few seconds to enjoy the deliciousness of being so intimately joined. Their hips rocked together in a rhythm as old as time but when he sensed she was close to the edge, he slowed his movements.

“Nathan… please… faster!”

“Move in with me.”

Haley paused for a moment, her eyes meeting his and she could see how much he wanted her to say yes which was a good thing since it was exactly what she wanted to do. “Yes,” she whispered, her thumb tracing back and forth over his cheekbone. She squealed when he captured her lips and kissed her hard, his tongue curling around her own.

Picking up the pace, Nathan thrust in and out of her and his eyes almost rolled into the back of his head when her feminine muscles tightened around his shaft as she came for the third time. A few seconds later, he followed suit, filling her with his warm seed before collapsing on top of her.

Massaging the back of his neck, her ragged breathing slowly returned to normal. Smiling, she asked, “So, am I moving in with you to pay the rent now that you’re out of a job?”

Nathan pushed himself up onto his forearms and returned her smile. “Very funny.” Leaning down, he traced his tongue around her lips before slanting his mouth over hers and kissing her deeply. “I’ve already found another job and I start in a couple of weeks time. I thought we could use my time off to get your stuff moved into my place.”

Her smile deepened at hearing that and she nodded shyly. “Why didn’t you tell me about any of this though?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.”

She laughed. “Oh, it’s definitely that.” A tiny gasp escaped when she felt him harden inside of her and she started to heat up again. “Nathan…”

“Don’t worry, I locked your door,” he told her, rocking his hips. Smirking down at her, he added, “I bet I can make you come again.”

Threading her fingers through his hair, she smirked back as she brought his face towards hers. “You’re on.”


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