
Title: Memories

Author: Diane

Prompt: 020 - Love

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a follow on from episode 6.03 ‘Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.’ so you might not want to read this until you’ve watched it. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: She was still wearing the black dress she’d worn to the funeral and, as he stood there, he was suddenly reminded of a day several years ago when they’d been in pretty much the same position as they were now.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for Kristen as per her recent request. I hope this is along the lines of what you were hoping for and that you like it. :)

It’s also been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

* * *

Nathan sat on the edge of their bed watching as Haley removed her earrings and placed them back in her jewellery box on the dresser. She was still wearing the black dress she’d worn to the funeral and, as he stood there, he was suddenly reminded of a day several years ago when they’d been in pretty much the same position as they were now.

“Can you unzip me?”

Standing up, his eyes locked on hers in the mirror as he approached and stepped in close behind her. “Talk about déjà vu,” he said quietly.

Haley shivered as she realised what he was referring to and she nodded. “It feels just like yesterday,” she whispered.

Wrapping his arms around her, he watched their reflections for a long moment before he lowered his head and kissed her temple. “I love you so much, Haley… If I ever lost you…”

“You won’t,” she promised; her words almost identical to the day they were both remembering. “I… I keep thinking… what if it was you who stopped there that night instead of Quentin…” Her voice trailed off, not wanting to verbalize her thoughts any further.

Nathan’s hold on her tightened and he felt rather than saw her hands come up to cover his hands. “Shhh…”

Turning in his embrace, Haley cupped the back of his head and directed his face towards hers as she stood on her tiptoes to meet him halfway. Their lips fused together as their hands gripped each other tightly, holding on for dear life.

He’d already removed his tie and she made swift work of unbuttoning his shirt; pushing the garment down and off of his shoulders as soon as the last button had been undone. He aided her by sliding his arms out of the sleeves and before the shirt had even hit the floor her dress was already half unzipped.

“Where’s Jamie?” Haley asked in between kisses, trembling at her husband’s touch as he stripped her out of the remainder of her clothes. Her eyes glanced behind him and she was relieved to see the door was closed.

“Asleep,” he informed her, brushing his nose against hers and then seizing her lips again before continuing quietly, “Today’s taken a lot out of him… It’s taken a lot out of all of us.”

She gasped into his mouth when he suddenly picked her up and carried her over to their bed, laying her down in the centre of it. Her eyes roamed all over him as she watched him unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants; shucking them off along with his boxers and then his socks. Reaching out her arms, she wrapped them around him as his body covered hers completely… reassuring her that he was right there with her in that very moment and that they were both okay. God… she didn’t know what she would do if she ever lost him or Jamie.

Nathan felt the desperation in the way they were kissing and touching and he couldn’t seem to make himself slow down. His hands wandered everywhere they could reach… caressing the side of her face as his lips kissed a path down her throat and the slender column of her neck. Shifting slightly, he kissed the curve of her breast before sucking her nipple into his mouth and rolling his tongue around it.

Haley’s fingers speared through his hair, holding him steady as he worked his magic on her over-sensitized flesh. Wrapping her legs around him, she could feel his hard length pressing into her and she undulated her hips, needed the extra stimulation. She knew they most likely didn’t have a lot of time and that Jamie could wake up at any moment.

“Nathan…” she panted breathlessly as his mouth switched to her other breast and bestowed the same lavish attention upon it.

Kissing his way back up her body, he covered her mouth with his own and taking himself in hand, he placed himself at her entrance and thrust into her in one deep stroke; holding still for a long moment to savour the sensation of them being so intimately joined. He felt her moan vibrate through him and it made him smile against her lips.

Interlacing their fingers, Nathan pressed their joined hands against the pillow as he began sliding in and out of her. His eyes were focused intently on hers but they squeezed shut when she began rhythmically clenching and unclenching her feminine muscles around him, pushing him closer and closer towards the edge.

Haley’s head tipped back and pressed even deeper into her pillow as the sensations grew almost too strong to bear and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out when her climax suddenly hit.

His mouth was right by her ear and he whispered into it how much he loved and wanted her… how good she always made him feel.


Wanting him to feel as good as he made her feel, she repeatedly squeezed around him while her fingers kneaded and massaged the strong muscles of his back and shoulders. Turning her face to the side, she kissed him hotly, her tongue tracing around his lips before slipping inside his mouth to tangle with his own.

“I love you so much…” she said, her breathing heavy and ragged as she felt herself veering towards another orgasm as his movements picked up the pace.

Nathan felt that familiar tingle at the base of his spine and it took just a few more strokes before he exploded deep inside of her, his face pressed against her neck in an attempt to muffle his sounds. Sliding his hand between them, he gently rubbed her clit with his thumb and felt her body arch up against him as she came for a second time.

He kissed her cheek softly and when she turned her head, he smiled at her before kissing her lips. “I love you,” he said, idly stroking her tummy. The smile she rewarded him with made his entire body heat up and he couldn’t resist kissing her again as his hand moved up to palm her breast.

“I love you, too.” Kissing him one more time, she reluctantly drew back from him. “I hate to do this but we’d better get dressed. None of us have eaten yet and with Jamie not sleeping well at the moment, he’s bound to wake up any time now and—”

“Hey,” he interrupted, stopping her mid-ramble. Turning over onto his back, he pulled her in close so that she was pressed up against him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “We can just order take-out for dinner which I don’t think Jamie will be complaining about.”

Haley chuckled at that. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Popping another kiss onto his lips, he suggested, “Why don’t you go and take a shower and I’ll go and check on Jamie and see what he wants for dinner?”

“Sounds good,” she told him. Her eyes took in his naked form as got out of bed and she watched him pull on the boxers he’d previously tossed onto the floor.

“Here you go,” Nathan said, holding out her grey robe and he smirked at the rosy blush that tinted her skin as she got out of bed and slipped it on.


“Nothing,” he said, his smirk deepening. The fact she still blushed as furiously as when they’d first got together was one of the many things he loved her about her. Closing the gap between them, he banded his arms around her and ducking his head, he kissed her again and then again after that.

“Nathan…” She laughed. “We need to get moving.”

“I know, I know.” As he looked at her, the smile on his face slowly faded as his hold on her tightened, remembering again that fateful day at school and those memories were now mixed in what had happened to Quentin just a few short days ago.

“I-It’s okay,” she told him. Her hands stroked up and down his back while her ear was pressed against his bare chest listening to the steady beating of his heart.

They stood there in comfortable silence for a few more moments before they drew back from one another, both of them knowing it would be a long while before things were really okay for the residents of Tree Hill following the aftermath of yet another tragedy.


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