
Title: Feel

Author: Diane

Prompt: 093 - Shiver

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a future fic set post Season 5 so everything up to and including what we’ve seen so far. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Haley shivered at the feel of his warm, moist breath puffing against her skin as well as the huskiness of his tone.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for The Echo Chorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

“You’re not fooling me… I know you’re awake.”

Haley’s lips curved upwards though she kept her eyes closed as she continued to feign sleep.

“Now I really know you’re awake,” he whispered against her lips before he covered them with his own and shifted his position so he was lying on top of her.

She moaned into his mouth when he deepened the kiss; all she could taste, smell and feel was him and it made her feel even hotter than she was already. He was still semi-hard from before and as the kiss became even more intense… more visceral, she felt him thicken and grow even harder which sent her temperature soaring through the roof.

“N-Nathan… please,” she begged, although she wasn’t quite sure just what she was begging for.

Nathan peppered kisses along her cheek and reaching her ear, he whispered into it, “Please what?”

Haley shivered at the feel of his warm, moist breath puffing against her skin as well as the huskiness of his tone. God, just hearing his voice could have her wet in seconds. Threading one of her hands through his thick dark hair, she directed his mouth back to hers and catching his tongue between her teeth, she slowly sucked it into her mouth, opening her eyes to catch the heated look he was giving her.

“I love it when you do that,” he told her when he drew back a few moments later, his voice low and gravelly as he looked down at her; her skin was flushed pink and her lips were kiss swollen. Damn, she looked sexy as hell!

“What about when I do this?” she teased, slipping a hand between them to wrap around his hardened length.

“Uh huh… I love that, too,” he managed to choke out, his eyes automatically closing at the sensation of what her talented fingers were doing to him. When it became too much and he could feel himself getting closer to the edge, he covered her hand with his and stilled her movements.

The low moans Nathan was making were sending delicious shivers up and down Haley’s spine and she rubbed herself against him, loving the feel of his hard, perfectly sculpted body pressing into her. Even after all these years together he still had that effect on her and she knew he always would.

It was her turn to gasp and moan when his kisses moved lower and he lavished his attention on her breasts, his teeth grazing each of her nipples in turn as his cock slid along her wet heat. Wrapping her legs around his hips and tilting her pelvis back, she told him without words what she wanted and by the time he thrust inside, she was panting with a mixture of anticipation and excitement.

Their bodies moved frantically together; her fingers dug into the rounded tops of his shoulders while his gripped her hips tightly. The kisses they shared were hot and hungry, tongues tangling and teeth clacking.

“I love you… I love you… I love you…” Haley chanted as her body arched and she suddenly climaxed. Her hips continued rocking against Nathan’s as he picked up the pace and began pounding into her. She clenched her internal muscles around him and tipped over the edge again mere moments later when she felt him explode within her.

“I love you, too,” he whispered into her hair as his arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her.

Hearing those words from him had her shivering all over again.


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