Close Proximity

Title: Close Proximity

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Category: AU

Prompt: Silly

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None as it's AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature and is a future instalment in my 'Partners In Crime' series.

Summary: Whenever she was around him she felt like a silly little schoolgirl with a crush and not a 28-year-old police detective with Tree Hill PD...

Author's Notes: This has been written especially for oxoniensis's Porn Battle VII.

Whenever she was around him she felt like a silly little schoolgirl with a crush and not a 28-year-old police detective with Tree Hill PD. She was sure he was clueless to her newfound feelings for him… At least she hoped he was clueless but the way he looked at her sometimes… it was so intense and felt like he was reading her deepest, dirtiest thoughts and desires.

When Nathan Scott had first arrived in town and their Chief had decided to torture her and partner them up, it hadn’t been a problem. He’d been so cocky and full of himself that she’d pretty much disliked him on sight but the more time they’d spent together, cooped up in either of their cars while on stakeouts, the more she’d started to like him and his twisted sense of humour.

The dreams had started not long after and she felt like she was constantly blushing when he was in close proximity. When they were in the car, instead of concentrating on her job she’d be thinking about them fucking in the backseat; her skirt pushed up to her waist as she furiously rode him, his fingers digging into her flesh as he thrust his hips up into her. During interrogations, her mind would wander and she’d picture him pushing her up against the nearest wall and slamming his cock into her repeatedly; her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him as she met his frantic pace, their lips hungrily devouring each other.

“You want to open your window, James?” Nathan asked, glancing over at her as she fidgeted in the passenger seat of his car.


“You’re looking a little flushed.”

“Uh… no, I’m fine.”

“Okay, if you’re sure,” he replied, returning his gaze to the building that was currently under surveillance.

Picking up her bottle of water which was resting in the centre console, she uncapped it and took a long drink of the thankfully still cold liquid, savouring the feel of it sliding down her parched throat. Haley looked over at Nathan when he coughed a few minutes later.

“So, I was wondering…”

“Wondering what?” she prompted when he didn’t continue.

“If you were free tomorrow night?”

“Free for what?” She bit her lip as she waited for his reply, her heart racing wildly in her chest as she pondered whether he was actually about to ask her what she was hoping he would ask.

“Dinner... or a movie.”

“Uh… I don’t know, Nathan. I mean, the Chief probably wouldn’t like it.”

“Well, we just won’t invite him then,” he quipped. “C’mon, Haley, we’ve been partners for months now and even though I think we’re getting on better than when I first started here, I feel like we hardly know each other.”

“Oh,” she replied, her fingers playing with the label on her water bottle.

“So, what do you say? You feel up to spending your night off with me?”

Haley knew she was probably setting herself up for a fall but she still couldn’t stop herself from nodding her agreement. “Sure, why not.”

“Don’t sound too enthusiastic,” Nathan joked.

“Okay, I won’t,” she teased.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement from across the street and turning her full attention on their target, she raised her camera and snapped several photographs. “Let’s talk about it later though ‘cause the Chief won’t be too happy if tonight turns out to be a total waste of time.”

As they both focused on the job in hand, Haley couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Maybe her silly crush wasn’t going to turn out to be so silly after all.

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