First Time, First Love - Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

After school saw Haley working a short shift at the café. Thankfully now school was coming to an end for her and her friends, most of their classes were spent getting their yearbooks signed, chatting with each other and playing games. Despite this, she was feeling particularly tired after having a sleepless night. Nathan’s words from the night before kept going round and round in her head and she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Each time the bell above the door rang, she would automatically look over to see if it was him entering the café.

A steady stream of customers were keeping her busy so when he and Lucas finally arrived, she didn’t notice it. It was only when Karen pointed them out to her that she realised and she had to bite her lip to stop the smile stretching across her face.

“Hey, guys, what can I get you?” she asked as casually as she could and made sure she kept her eyes trained on Lucas.

“Hi, Hales, I’ll have a piece of apple pie and a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream,” Lucas replied.

“And I thought you said you were cutting back on sweets,” Nathan chipped in with a smirk.

“We’re playing at the Rivercourt later so I’ll burn this off in no time. C’mon, I haven’t had any of Aunt Karen’s pie in months so I’m treating myself.”

“You’ve got a point there. Okay, I’ll have a piece of the chocolate fudge brownie cake, please?”

Haley busied herself by writing down their orders before asking him, “Do you want any ice cream or whipped cream with it?”

When their eyes met, it was like a shot of electricity passed straight through them and they both quickly looked away.

“Uh yeah, I’ll have some whipped cream, thanks.”

She added that to the order. “Anything to, er, drink?”

“I’ll have a coffee,” Lucas replied.

“Same here,” Nathan agreed.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

When she was out of earshot, Lucas looked at his brother sitting across from him and said, “Is it just me or is she acting weird?”


“Who do you think? Haley, of course. I don’t know, she just doesn’t seem to be herself and I thought there was something off with her last night at dinner.”

Nathan frowned. The last thing they needed was for Luke to get all concerned and start interfering. “I haven’t really noticed anything but, um, maybe it’s got something to do with school ending for her. I mean, she’s going to be saying goodbye to her best friends so maybe she’s just upset about that.”

Lucas nodded. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I think I should talk to her about what’s bothering her just in case it’s something else—”

“No!” he said a little too loudly, causing a few of the café’s other patrons to look over at them. Lowering his voice, he added, “I just think she’ll talk to you when she’s ready.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Nathan breathed a quiet sigh of relief but that turned into a groan when as soon as Haley returned with their desserts, Lucas asked her the very question he had just asked him.

She froze at the unexpected question. “I... er... what do you mean?”

“You just seem a bit... distracted, I guess. You can talk to me if anything’s wrong, you know that, right?”

“I know, Luke, and I appreciate you saying that but nothing’s wrong. I’m just a bit tired, I haven’t been sleeping all that well lately.”

“Must be all the excitement,” Lucas said with a wink.

Haley’s eyes darted to Nathan’s and he quickly shook his head and she felt herself relax slightly. “What do you mean?”

“Well you must be excited about graduation on Friday.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m really looking forward to it. Anyway, enjoy your fattening treats. I’ll see you both later.”

Both boys watched her walk away and when she was far enough away, Nathan kicked his brother under the table. “What did I say to you? You couldn’t leave it alone.”

“I had to know. She’s my best friend and I know her well enough to know when something’s not right.”

Nathan shook his head. “Well are you satisfied now you’ve asked her?”

“Yeah, but I still think there’s something bugging her.”

“It’s probably you,” he said before taking a bite of his chocolate concoction.

“Very funny.”

From her hiding place in the kitchen, Haley took a deep breath. For a second she thought that Nathan had revealed to Luke what they had been doing but she should have known better than that. He knew only too well what would happen if anyone found out what they had been up to these past few days.

When Nathan and Lucas had finished their food, they paid their bill and said their goodbyes to Haley and Karen. They were just getting into their car when the dark haired young man spoke up.

“Wait a second, Luke. I think I’ve left my phone in there. I’m just gonna run back and get it.”

“Sure, make it snappy,” he teased.

Re-entering the cafe, he saw her collecting the plates from where he and his brother had been sitting and he walked up behind her. “Hey,” he whispered against her hair.

“Hey back,” she said quietly. Turning her head to the side, she smiled at him. “What are you doing back so soon?”

“I told Luke I’d forgotten my phone.”

“And did you?” she asked as she turned around to face him.

“No. I wanted to come back and make sure you knew that I didn’t say anything to him or to anyone else. I know he surprised you when he asked you if anything was wrong.”

“Thanks, Nathan. I knew you wouldn’t have said anything to him but he just startled me for a minute, that’s all.”

“I’d better get back before he comes looking for me. We’re still on for tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, if you still want to,” she said shyly.

“I still want to, do you?”

Haley nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“Okay then. Give me a call tomorrow and I’ll come and pick you up.”

“I will.” They stared at each other for a moment before he finally walked away and left the cafe.

She watched him through the windows until he was out of sight and giving herself a mental shake, she continued with collecting the plates from the table. As she did so, she didn’t notice Karen’s eyes looking at her curiously.

* * * * *

“Hey, you two. Come on in,” Peyton said as she answered the door to her two best friends.

The two girls greeted her with smiles as they both entered the house and made their way to the living room.

“Does anyone want anything to eat or drink before we get started?”

“No, I’m fine.” Haley replied. “I grabbed something before I left the cafe.”

“I’m fine for now, too.” Brooke said making herself comfortable on the couch. “So, what ideas do either of you have for our big night out?”

For the next couple of hours the three of them tossed ideas and suggestions around before finally agreeing on something. They decided to hold their last hurrah on the Friday before they left for college. They were all leaving on the Sunday at different times so this meant that they had all day Saturday to recover and rest for the journeys they each had to make.

Haley sipped on the mug of tea Peyton handed to her as she read over the notes she had made. “Okay, so on the Friday afternoon we’re meeting here to all get ready and then we’ll get a cab to Outrageous.”

“I can’t wait,” Brooke said. “It feels like forever since we really cut loose.”

“Yeah, it does.” Peyton agreed. “Hey, instead of getting a cab there, why don’t we ask Luke or Nathan if they’ll give us a ride there. It’ll save us some cash plus if they hang out with us, it’ll help stop any unwanted attention.”

“Hey, who says the attention will be unwanted?”

The girls laughed before Haley said, “There’ll be plenty of time for that at college.”

“True,” Brooke agreed. “Plus this night should be about us girls having fun together before we have to say goodbye. Okay, let’s ask the boys if they want to come too.”

The auburn haired young woman cringed internally. Great, how was she supposed to hang out with Nathan with the others around? she asked herself. Every time she saw him she wanted to kiss the hell out of him and she was sure she was going to somehow end up letting the cat out of the bag if she wasn’t careful.

“Haley? Are you okay?” Peyton asked as she looked at her friend.

“Uh? Oh yeah, I’m fine. I’ll ask the guys when I next see them.”

“You’re okay about us inviting them, right?”

“Sure. It’s always nice hanging out with them. So, we’re all done planning?”

Brooke nodded. “Yep, I’d say so. All we have to do now is go shopping for the clothes we’re going to be wearing. How about we all go to the mall this Saturday?”

“You really want to do that, Davis?” Peyton teased. “I mean, Friday’s graduation and there’s bound to be a party somewhere. Are you going to be awake at all on Saturday?”

Haley couldn’t help laughing and Peyton joined in with her while Brooke pouted.

“Real funny. Yes I’ll be awake but it might be an idea if we go out later. We can always grab some lunch together first and then hit the stores.”

“I can drive if you two want. I’m not planning on drinking so...”

“Aww, c’mon, Hales. We have to mark the occasion.”

“She’s right,” Peyton agreed.

“Okay, okay. I’ll have one drink.”


Haley couldn’t help yawning and she could feel her eyes starting to close. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I think I’m going to get going and try and get an early night.”

“Sure. Do you want me to give you a ride home?” Brooke asked.

“No, that’s okay. I think the walk might help to be honest. I’ll see you both at school tomorrow,” she said getting up from her seat.

The other two girls got up and walked her to the door, exchanging hugs and goodbyes.

As Haley walked home, her mind was filled with images of a nice warm bath and a cup of hot chocolate. Out of the corner of her eye she suddenly saw a car pull up beside her and instinctively she quickened her pace, but when she heard a familiar voice call out her name she relaxed completely.

“Nathan? What are you doing out here?” she asked leaning into the open passenger window.

“I was just passing by and saw you walking and so I thought I’d offer you a ride home.”

She smiled at him. “My feet say thank you,” she joked. “Brooke offered to drive me home but I just wanted some time alone.”

“Oh,” he said confused. He wasn’t sure if she wanted a lift home now or not. His confusion was dismissed when she opened the door and got in beside him. He was just about to release the handbrake when he paused. “Am I, uh, taking you straight home?”

Haley could feel herself blushing and while she knew she should tell him yes, she couldn’t. “Not if you don’t want to,” she finally said leaving the decision up to him.

Instead of answering her, he gave her an intense look before releasing the handbrake and then safely turning the car around so he was driving in the opposite direction, away from her house.

Looking out of her window, she couldn’t stop herself from grinning and her heart skipped a beat as she wondered where he was taking her. It looked like her wish for Tuesday to arrive sooner had just been granted.

Chapter Ten

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