Made To Be Broken

Title: Made To Be Broken

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Category: AU

Prompt: Sex

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None as it’s AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Her fingers clung desperately to his bare shoulders as his lips worked their magic, sending her temperature soaring through the roof. How could something that felt this good be so wrong, she asked herself before all thought flew from her mind.

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for Dawnie. It’s been a little while since I’ve written some NH smut but I hope this is the sort of thing you were after and that you like it. *hugs*

“This is so wrong,” Haley James murmured breathlessly, her head falling to the side to give him greater access to her neck. Her fingers clung desperately to his bare shoulders as his lips worked their magic, sending her temperature soaring through the roof. How could something that felt this good be so wrong, she asked herself before all thought flew from her mind.

Nathan smiled against the base of her neck. “I know,” he whispered, grinding his hips against hers and letting her feel every single inch of him.

“Please… please…” she panted.

“Please what?”

She was just about to answer him when she felt his wickedly talented fingers trailing up the inside of her thighs before skimming across the damp crotch of her silk panties which caused her breath to hitch in her throat. “Fuck!”

“If you insist,” Nathan teased. Quickly unzipping his pants, he pushed them down his thighs along with his boxers while Haley hurriedly hiked up her skirt and tugged her panties down, leaving them dangling off of one ankle. He watched her with hungry eyes, feeling his cock throb and tingle with anticipation. God, she was so damn sexy! Her hair was all tousled from his hands mussing it up, her porcelain skin flushed while her lips were all pouty and kiss-swollen. Letting his gaze roam lower, he took in her glistening bare sex and unconsciously licked his lips.

Cupping the back of his neck, she drew him towards her, pushing herself onto her tiptoes to meet his kiss. She took control, slipping her tongue between his lips to tangle wetly with his, cataloguing the taste and feel of him as they practically devoured each other whole. Her hands wandered all over his chest, her nails scratching his puckered nipples which he seemed to enjoy if the deep moan that escaped from him was anything to go by. It was her turn to moan a second later when he picked her up and pressed her against the nearest wall, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist. His fingers squeezed and caressed her ass as he tilted her hips slightly and before she could utter a word, he thrust deep inside of her.

“You’re so fucking tight,” Nathan mumbled as he held still, wanting to savour the feel of her wet heat surrounding him.

“Nathan… please…”

It was on the tip of his tongue to tease her, to make her even more delirious with pleasure but he was already feeling close to the edge and the last thing he wanted was for this to be all over before it’d had a chance to really begin, not when he’d been waiting so long for this moment to arrive. He felt like pinching himself to make sure this was really happening and wasn’t another figment of his overactive imagination. An imagination that had been getting quite a thorough workout in recent months.

One of the first rules of business, as far as Nathan Scott was concerned at least, was to keep business and pleasure separate and, to date, that rule had served him well.

However, that rule had flown out of the window when he’d met Haley James.

The fact she was almost ten years younger than him and one of his employees should’ve been a deterrent but it wasn’t. Not at all. He’d felt attracted to her from the moment he’d interviewed her six months ago and while he probably shouldn’t have given her the job, the thought of never seeing her again had left an unfamiliar ache in his chest.

Their flirtatious banter had kicked up a notch this past couple of weeks and tonight was the culmination of it. There hadn’t really been a reason for either of them to work late this evening but she’d readily agreed to stay behind and—

“Fucking move, will you!”

Haley’s voice brought him out of his reverie and he smirked at her frustrated tone. Pressing his mouth against hers, he rocked his hips into hers, grinding the base of his cock against her clit which had her breaking the kiss so she could cry his name. Withdrawing almost all the way, he plunged back inside of her before repeating the action, fucking her slowly and deliberately.

“Yesss!” she hissed, her fingers tightening their hold on his biceps. “Do it again!”

Nathan did as requested, his lips sucking furiously on her neck while his free hand cupped and kneaded her breast in time with his movements.

“Harder!” Haley begged. She felt like she was burning from the inside out and she couldn’t get enough. Her thighs tightened around his hips when he hit a particularly sensitive spot deep inside and she felt a rush of moisture flood out of her. The delicious, aching pleasure swelled in the pit of her stomach and she knew it wasn’t going to take much more to throw her over the edge. When she felt her boss’ fingers frantically begin rubbing her clit, she captured his lips in a dirty, visceral kiss to try and muffle the sounds of their mutual passion. The last thing either of them needed was for the cleaning staff to hear them and subsequently send the gossip mill into overdrive.

Mere seconds later, she violently climaxed, her body shaking in his arms, her feminine muscles fluttering seductively around his shaft. A few more thrusts and he followed suit, his body seizing up before he filled her with his seed.

They stayed entangled in each other’s arms for several moments, their lips meeting over and over, both of them seemingly reluctant for this to be over just yet. The slamming of a door in the distance had them pausing mid-kiss and Haley couldn’t help giggling at the obscenities coming from Nathan. Reluctantly, he unwrapped her legs from around him and placed her back down on the ground and watched disappointedly as she began adjusting her clothing.

He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of his mouth. “Do you, uh, wanna come back to my place?”

Haley blushed and looked up at him from under her lashes. “What about your rule?”

Cursing himself for having once told her about his rule of not mixing business with pleasure, he shook his head as he flashed his baby blues at her and gave her another smirk, his fingers lacing through hers. “Didn’t you know, Hales? Rules were made to be broken.”


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